Another cock carousel justification

Tradcucks and roasties sure are trying hard lately to sell used up pussies to men now that their looks start to fade.

Attached: 1508491528199.jpg (720x900, 308K)

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I'd like to get married, but not to some women who's slept around a whole lot. This may result in my having to marry a woman younger than me, but so be it.

If you fucked around women, then get a woman that did the same as you , don't waste others .

I'm marrying a Scottish QT next August

She has an IQ of 146.
She's an heiress to some substantial property holdings in the Highlands.
She likes rough sex.
She wants to be a home maker.

Its so incredible being in love.

If it sounds too good to be true: it is.

That's not how you use a colon, user

Is she a moose?

>I'd like to get married, but not to some women who's slept around a whole lot.

>If you fucked around women, then get a woman that did the same as you , don't waste others

Not how it works. Our species is sexually dimorphic.

If by “redpilled” they mean raising Jamal’s son while he bangs your girlfriend. That’s some straight up shilling from liberal cancer