Lets get a nazi / racists hate thread going. Holocaust deniers amuse me

Lets get a nazi / racists hate thread going. Holocaust deniers amuse me.

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Its hard to gas people with diesel axhaus. Even harder if you use a russian tank engine which you dont have any spare parts for.
But thats how the oh so smart germans commited a 1/3 of the holocaust

Your right, they used crushed up Zyklon b they poured down vents.


Yeah the carbon monoxide content of diesel emissions is way lower than normal gas, and there is an easy to make stove solution that effectively makes way more carbon monoxide than any engine could. The Nazis didn't use it despite stoves being common and easy to make at the time.

>Holocaust deniers amuse me.
How about you show us proof of Hitler's IKEA with 100% Jewish products first.

perfect post

I think more soviet pows died in german death camps than there were kikes to gas in europe.

bump, based OP

woah... He's so cool calm and collect... I now believe in the Holocaust again!!!

prime example of the left not being able to meme, kys


Yeah actually 27 million!

Welcome to (politically incorrect) and your free you.

overall*** not in the camps

is that a straw-stormfaggot? looks like that to me.

>some leftist had to add twelve panels to this template to make the "joke" work

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Anyone watch Patrick Little streams?

It's kind of impressive how lately he's able to run into a salty Jew or two every place he goes despite them only being 1.7% of the population.

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This is now a holohoax thread
Fire up the holocosters bois

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Skin all Jew and israeli larval stages


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Get the fuck out of my country, you antisemetic cunt.

Never forget the list


Lol die

>When your worldview is questioned so you start to shill infograph propaganda.

No better than the jew

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genocide so efficient that they didnt even need paperwork. we can trust the soviets on this, right?

Kill all Jewish and israeli children

I bet they even think they're convincing; just like your grandma when she'd forward you chain letters.

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It did happen, the germans just didn’t do a good enough job.

>t future of Jew kids

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>RE:RE:RE:FW:RE:FW:RE:RE:FW 10 infographics that you wouldn't BELIEVE are true!!!