They look so miserable these days. Like this one.
What happened to white women?
Other urls found in this thread:
Poor parenting brought about a poorer quality of living
Faking depression and attentions whores.
happens when you let pop culture and jews on the television do your parenting
You know in dark souls when you lose your humanity?
That's what happened, they became hollow, eaten up by consumerism and the need to one up each other from the inside out.
Do you know many women that strive for something higher than some office job that earns them eniugh to live while they are some man's accessiory?
I blame it on the same thing that makes Jow Forums users so miserable, the lack of a higher goal, caused by hedonistic short term pleasure.
Speaking of which .....
Man I would really love to crawl in her asshole and live there
>complexion, brown eyes, dark hair
I think you had the wrong image. That's not white.
t. 56% field expert
Knock yourself out. She was a camwhore for 2 years.
>What happened to white women