Smoke weed

>smoke weed
>capitalist brainwashing fades
>realize socialism can actually work and is superior for the average person
Anyone else experience this? Maybe this is why (((they))) won't legalize it

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Dude weed lmao we need more refugees

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Conservatives and libertarians believe that socialism won't work, because it does not adequately deal with the potential of "free riders". They are more sensitive to violations of the fairness/cheating moral foundation in a particular way. The parameter they are more inclined towards is that of proportionality. Socialism violates this by giving more to some people that do not deserve it, or will abuse it: freeloaders get more than their fair portion.

If you think that socialism is just "superior for the average person" then you have as much political theory and economic analysis into your definition of socialism as any of these faggot DemSocs like Ocasio-Cortez.

Go read some fucking Marx

>Communism is for us not a state of affairs which is to be established, an ideal to which reality [will] have to adjust itself. We call communism the real movement which abolishes the present state of things.

German Ideology ---> Critique of the Gotha Programme ---> Capital in that order

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If smoking weed could bluepill me in would do it. I want off this ride.

>Smoke weed
>Still want a living space and for my people to thrive
Your move, shitbags. Imagine thinking weed prevents you from wantng to put your enmies six feet?

>smoke weed
>realize the goverment lies about weed, wonder what else they lie about
>they lie about almost everything
socialism doesn't work, yes it's superior for average person (like you) beause average person is fucking retard who need to be watched over by nanny state, fuck off you brainlet nigger and show flag so we can laugh at your irrelevancy

>Smoke weed
>Still want a living space and for my people to thrive
Your move, shitbags. Imagine thinking weed prevents you from wanting to put your enemies six feet?

>screencapping your own posts

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>smoke weed
>impair your thinking capabilities
>think socialism is the solution to everything
yeah that sounds about right

>you think socialism is not a death cult
>misinterpreted 4/20, Hitler's birthday
see kids, don't smoke weed it fucks your brain

So you can only understand socialism if youre high... hmmmmmmm

Damn right you mongoloid, I capped it so I don't have to go around explaining shit a zillion times to manchildren.

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Marxist socialism is a big leap to Volikish socialism. But hey, who cares this thead is dead in a few more posts.

Complete opposite for me.

>defending leftie politics on Jow Forums
>screencaps own posts
Please leave.

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I guess this is your brain on weed

>posts anime
>is frog
>posts anime
>is frog

I'm not defending shit you mong, I'm explaining concepts that are important for people to understand

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If the world was white and maybe asian only, it might work. niggers and jews make it impossible for sure.


>reddit spacing
>only posts pepes because that's the only meme he learned to use on Jow Forums
>memeflag yet tries to diss other people's flags
S-sir really, you're making everyone very uncomfortable, please leave.

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>National and racial chauvinism is a vestige of the misanthropic customs characteristic of the period of cannibalism. Anti-semitism, as an extreme form of racial chauvinism, is the most dangerous vestige of cannibalism.

>Anti-semitism is of advantage to the exploiters as a lightning conductor that deflects the blows aimed by the working people at capitalism. Anti-semitism is dangerous for the working people as being a false path that leads them off the right road and lands them in the jungle. Hence Communists, as consistent internationalists, cannot but be irreconcilable, sworn enemies of anti-semitism.

>In the U.S.S.R. anti-semitism is punishable with the utmost severity of the law as a phenomenon deeply hostile to the Soviet system. Under U.S.S.R. law active anti-semites are liable to the death penalty.

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>What is anarcho-capitalism
Funny they never come out and say as much though.

leave it to an actual mongoloid to disincentivize explanatory posting

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>fuck up your brain
>suddenly bad ideas seem good

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Lmao i didn't post that pic

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>switched off pepes
Self explanatory. Also
>muh enlightened posting on a syberian basket weaving board


more reasons to ban it

>only when im drugged I can see how socialism works.
checks out pretty well.


got your back.
Capped your post for you since you arent a faggot like this communist.

real man just have a text file so they dont look like faggots if they repost their own stupid opinions. Only if your opinion is good someone will create a cap. Please throw yourself out of a helicopter.

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>the average person
In my state (commiefornia) that would be a a couple of Squatamalens cranking out short fat babies faster than a fucking Gatling gun, if I had the job I have now and retain the middle - upper middle class lifestyle and lived in an area full of poor whites and saw poor, hungry white kids then I’d be okay with sacrificing a little bit of my income to help them, but when they’re little shark eyed, 5’1 235lb beaners who hardly speak English lining the road calling me white boy and gringo, I don’t want a single fucking penny going to them

weed is degenerate.
communists aren't human so law isn't applicable.
Shoot commies on sight.