Germany needs to get out of NATO as soon as possible

And then declare permanent neutrality like Switzerland has. Rename the Bundeswehr to Grenzwehr (border defense) and deploy them around Germany. Renegotiate Schengen so that we can defend every meter of our borders against illegals and use technology to check every car and truck and train for them... and checkpoints for suspicious activities.

What good are foreign deployments in foreign countries anyway? I say, we stop all these foreign deployments and concentrate on Germany only and on the deportation of all foreigners in Germany who do not work.

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Fuck germany faggot

good idea

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we are in nato and eu and do this anyway get cucked german fags

This, but in america.

you are done Kraut, demographically whatever you do you are done

You even don't have your fucking roads anymore, just drove all the way through your shithole and you still have the same fucking construction works you had 6months ago

btw in Venice yesterday I saw 2 german women with niggers on holidays, getting dry humped by them and happy as a helga can be

you cucks can't even satisfy your women

Goddamn those caps make me feel like purging some bolsheviks

Yes, please Germany leave NATO.

i really want the UK and USA to bomb the living shit out of you again and thats not possible when youre in the same alliance

seriously, Fuck germany, Fuck the germans.
thank God your being replaced b y muslims as we speak


German aesthetics always get me HGNNNNGGG

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germany is broken and has been from the moment the US stopped showering them with cold war money

You forget to ask your daddy. US occupied you and wont let you go.

If you want be neutral, you should also get out of EU. In reality you can't get out of NATO. You are US colony.

Besides border defense is something you can't afford as you will need internal defense in future due to all the shitskins in Germany.

Don't forget we have to leave the EU and the Euro too.
Revival of the DM will give us a huge economic boost, then we can build up our army further and wait for the poles to attack again. Then we will finaly wipe them from the map and take our lost countrys back.

we should be neutral and just ally with people we already been allied to.

like you funland, you are trustworthy ally

>Reminder, we'll help Polebros unlike Brits to achieve this.

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>What good are foreign deployments in foreign countries anyway?
To defend ones own interests.

Germany cannot be Switzerland because Germany is too large to be Switzerland. The only reason why Switzerland can be Switzerland is because it is surrounded by larger countries that aren't Switzerland and provide a sphere of stability and prosperity. It's nice being a small, neutral country when you're protected by benevolent larger powers that pacify your vicinity, it's not so nice when you're a Switzerland called Tibet that is located next to China.

It's way too late, Horst.

This time we'll side with russia, lets see what happens then.

Running away after ruining Europa. Based krauts

It’s too late piefke
You had the chance to make a difference but your boomers are too retarded

world domination but you fucked it up

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More like germany need to seize europe, use rapefugees as cannonfodder, rename bundeswehr to Wehrmacht and do a proper third reich this time

Russia is our Bros buddy.

>Reminder that Russians hate Germans.
>Russian children are raised about the horrors Germany did to them
>Everyday at school, Russian children are reminded about what Germans did to them
>Every year Russia does a victory day parade to remind Russians how vile Germans are
>Germans think Russians are their buddies and friends
>Thinks we won't protect Poland, even if our relations are sour

State of German mentality.

>Am Russian diaspora

Unfortunately, Germany will never return to its former glory, even if it wanted to become "Neutral". Russia is too suspicious of Germany and will nuke them if things go out of play.

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Good deal of actual legitimate refugees (a minority) among rapefugees are deserters from Iraqi, Syrian and Afghan armies.

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Just leave them to us and you make sure nobody interfere
Poland would anhilate this german cucks atm

Yes, and its your fault:

Because you are (((their))) slaves and you know it.

But we can wait until the US is down on the ground because of the fucked up economy.

First make Merkel and the other traitors in your parliament public lamp post ornaments, then begin clean up

Yeah, we know all this. But your country is so wracked with guilty and lead by a woman hell bent on destroying everything that is German that it'll never happen. Not before it's too late anyways

>Kills millions of Russians
>Declares them subhuman
>Gets ROFLstomped

It's the US fault Russia doesn't like us!!!!

Observe the Kraut mentality.

Many butthurt poleniggers here i see

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OP, you've just demonstrated why you are a shitposter on the chong instead of someone actually responsible for policy making decisions slash decisions which have an impact on literally anyone other than yourself.

NATO is to keep America in, Germany down, and Russia out. Lest we forget the 3 wars your retarded country has provoked since coming into existence 150 years ago.


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Nationalism is the enemy. Globalism is the supposed cure for the Jude. It's a tribal thing:
>remove Whites
>Jews rule over the darks instead

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>Leaving NATO
Only if you're going to replace it with a politician-free trilateral defense agreement with the US and France. We're the only relevant NATO states, anyway.

>An actual member of NATO

t. Amerilard who realizes that you staying alive and friendly means we never have to worry about invasion

As if g*rmans would have a chance lmao

1000x this.

You don't need magazines for broomsticks, buddy.

> it will work this time

do it germany, fucking save yourselves.

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You have NATO and the EU mixed up. NATO has nothing to do with immigration.
Also the mass invasion of Europe woukd stop of Germany stopped financing it.

>Rename the Bundeswehr to Grenzwehr (border defense) and deploy them around Germany

Just don't forget to give them poor kids some mags. I know G36 tends to melt when fired, issuing no ammo to your troops is not the way to fix that problem.

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>And then declare permanent neutrality like Switzerland has. Rename the Bundeswehr to Grenzwehr (border defense) and deploy them around Germany. Renegotiate Schengen so that we can defend every meter of our borders against illegals and use technology to check every car and truck and train for them... and checkpoints for suspicious activities.
Did you read the 2+4 Agrement? obviously not.

We will get nuked to glass if we don't play along.

>NATO is to keep America in, Germany down, and Russia out. Lest we forget the 3 wars your retarded country has provoked
You're such a good goy, Ivan.

>Germany cannot be Switzerland because Germany is too large to be Switzerland.
That's more or less right.
If China wants a trade deal with Europe, who are they going to ask? When Mercosur wants to trade with Europe, who are they going to call? What about India, the US?
With Germany being in the crosshairs of so many big players it is not possible to conduct a foreign policy that can be called neutral. Our actions will always be weighed on how we behave in other fields of diplomacy and business.

>It's nice being a small, neutral country when you're protected by benevolent larger powers that pacify your vicinity
Historically, there weren't any benevolent larger powers but Switzerland is easily defended due to geography so you can hope that other big countries get the attention first and leave you alone.
And it worked reasonably well throughout six centuries.

Yes you should do that
But you wont tho
