And then declare permanent neutrality like Switzerland has. Rename the Bundeswehr to Grenzwehr (border defense) and deploy them around Germany. Renegotiate Schengen so that we can defend every meter of our borders against illegals and use technology to check every car and truck and train for them... and checkpoints for suspicious activities.
What good are foreign deployments in foreign countries anyway? I say, we stop all these foreign deployments and concentrate on Germany only and on the deportation of all foreigners in Germany who do not work.
we are in nato and eu and do this anyway get cucked german fags
Cooper Watson
This, but in america.
Kevin Perez
you are done Kraut, demographically whatever you do you are done
You even don't have your fucking roads anymore, just drove all the way through your shithole and you still have the same fucking construction works you had 6months ago
Ayden Nguyen
btw in Venice yesterday I saw 2 german women with niggers on holidays, getting dry humped by them and happy as a helga can be
you cucks can't even satisfy your women
Thomas Cooper
Goddamn those caps make me feel like purging some bolsheviks
Angel Wilson
Yes, please Germany leave NATO.
i really want the UK and USA to bomb the living shit out of you again and thats not possible when youre in the same alliance
seriously, Fuck germany, Fuck the germans. thank God your being replaced b y muslims as we speak
Tyler Anderson