The white genocide agenda isn't re-

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the fire rises

Yet if this shit-skin shot up a mall or something else then he'd be white by the media's definition.

He should apply for a job at CNN. They seem to share the same worldview.

Inb4 "saying a race shouldn't breed isn't genocide"


Absolutely nothing is going to happen to him

why are muslim incels so violent?

factually correct


Not in the UK. They just wouldn't mention the skin colour. They only do if it was an evil whitey.

>Abdulla, who has two previous convictions for race-hate attacks on white females, was later tracked down through CCTV.

>He was given eight months suspended for 18 months, with rehabilitation and mental health treatment requirements.

So barely a punishment for his third time doing this shit.

Just your overactive imaginations you Jow Forums bigots.

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To be fair, his experience with white people is limited to the British, perhaps British lower class. I can see why he'd feel that way.

The fact that no one smacked this guys head into pavement says it all
Attacking a baby

Me too but if he feels that way he should be able to fuck right back off to his own country.

The vast majority of humans shouldn't breed.
Only the best genes should be passed on.
Sperm donation Eugenics should be commonplace.

No one was around, he does it when a white woman is alone.

I think Labour will make him their Director for Policing and Equalities.

Watch the BBC hire him

Nice of the media to post his face then isnt it ;^)

where are all the inflated libshit "-isms" and "-ists" in the title?

Hang him

>‘I am not racist at all but I honestly think if it was the other way round and I had been abusive towards him, then I would have been treated differently.

white people so weak they want to make it clear THEY arent racist even right after being attacking in a racist hatecrime

Is he on a wheelchair or just a tiny manlet?

UK is sooooo fucked

Spics over Muslims any day thank GOD for the travel ban

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Theyre just going to give him a car with a nice, big backseat. He'll have little British boys lining up to suck him off.

Based sandnigger

Based Proxyfag

But.. but.. muh diversity?!

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they're not incels lol didnt you know muslims have every right to rape women and children in the UK and the cops and the government must turn a blind eye or else they will be considered a RACIST

Its from feb 2017. Bongs are still cucked.

>b-but muh based Islam!!!!
This enrages and confuses the Jow Forumsedditor

Only red haired people should breed. Common hair whites are allowed only if the sperm used is from a red hair

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Has this guy looked in a mirror recently?