ALERT: Canadian federal agents trying to honeypot leaf anons

Just a warning to any leaf anons: Federal agents have been trying to lure anons into Mr. Big honeypot stings on Jow Forums. Don't fall for it.

Pic related is a CSIS/RCMP nigger trying to get anons to phone him and meet up to "do vandalism and violence". Don't be retarded and fall for this shit. The rest of his posts were about "how lonely being redpilled is" in an attempt to lure anons into a friendship.

This is a known federal agent entrapment scheme called "Mr. Big", see picture for details.

Attached: 8374df9680dc7dc5ddc0fef110377546a0b44fce887606d0e22f4b09df08293f.jpg (1684x2190, 795K)

Other urls found in this thread:

These fags should be investigating the ISIS agents the government is shipping over, not the people who want to live peaceful lives.

It also turns out that Justin Trudeau just gave $23 million to fund a federal government body to promote "anti-racism" education and fight "systemic" racism and "religious discrimination":

This honeypot sting attempt could very well be part of a new operation that's receiving funding from this new government initiative.

pssst hey.

wanna do a crim?

CISIS niggers blow in the dark

This is why Jow Forums never meets up outside of Jow Forums. There is a reason why we stay totally decentralized.

Wtf I love niggers now

>I also want them to be into survivalism, prepping or homesteading.
>I want them to be white.

the price of steak in canada is a crime

A multitude of reasons really.