Another anti-white article

The most interesting bits:

>This was a gentle test of an unnerving theory: that the barest exposure to the concept that whites were losing their numerical majority in America would not just make whites feel afraid but sharply change their political behavior. The theory proved correct. Among participants who lived in the western United States, the group that read that whites had ceded majority status were 11 points likelier to subsequently say they favored the Republican Party.

>In a follow-up study, Craig and Richeson handed some white subjects a press release about geographic mobility, while others read one explaining that “racial minorities will constitute a majority of the U.S. populace by 2042.” The group that read the racially tinged release “produced more conservative views not only on plausibly relevant issues like immigration and affirmative action, but also on seemingly unrelated issues like defense spending and health care reform.”

>I sent Spanish speakers to randomly selected train stations in towns around Boston to simply catch the train and ride like any other passenger. I focused on stations in white suburbs. The intent was to create the impression, by subtle manipulation, that the Latino population in these segregated towns was increasing.

>Before and after sending these Spanish speakers to the train platforms, I surveyed passengers on the platforms about their attitudes about immigration. After being exposed to the Spanish speakers on their metro lines for just three days, attitudes on these questions moved sharply rightward: The mostly liberal Democratic passengers had come to endorse immigration policies — including deportation of children of undocumented immigrants — similar to those endorsed by Trump in his campaign.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>“My lab is an old engineering building and there’s exactly one women’s bathroom,” she says with a laugh. “No one noticed that, or at least no faculty members did.” And then, slowly, Yale began adding women to the department, and they noticed it. They complained. “When new people show up, they notice new things and start asking questions and begin making demands,” she says.

>“In the post-civil rights era, Democrats needed to maintain their nonwhite base without alienating white voters,” he said. “So their incentive was silence. And Republicans needed to win over white voters without appearing racist. So their incentive was to speak about race in code. The shifts now have made it so Democrats’ incentive is to make explicitly pro-racial equality appeals and Republicans now have an incentive to make more explicit anti-minority appeals.”

>Take that idea and extend it out into the coming decades of American politics. The Democratic Party will not be able to win elections without an excited, diverse coalition. The Republican Party will not be able to win elections without an enthused white base. Democrats will need to build a platform that’s even more explicit in its pursuit of racial and gender equality, while Republicans will need to design a politics even more responsive to a coalition that feels itself losing power.

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>The experience of losing status — and being told that loss of status is part of society’s march to justice — is itself radicalizing. In 2006, Nyla Branscombe, Michael Schmitt, and Kristin Schiffhauer published a fascinating paper called “Racial attitudes in response to thoughts of White privilege.” They found that priming white college students to think about the concept of white privilege led them to express more racial resentment in subsequent surveys. The simplest way to activate someone’s identity is to threaten it, to tell them they don’t truly deserve what they have, to make them consider that it might be taken away.

>To say American politics is in for turbulence is not to say we are in for dissolution. A majority of Americans — though not of Republicans — believe the browning of America a good thing for the country. And we have watched states like California and Texas transition into majority-minority status without falling to pieces. Politicians able to articulate a vision of this future that is inclusive, inspiring, and nonthreatening — the mixture Obama sought in 2008 — will reap massive rewards.

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>not archiving it
Thank you for proving how retarded poland is once again

You're welcome

I can't take this shit anymore.

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Couldn't they fucking bother changing their names these fucking parasites

You cant just be the first post yourself
You're removing the possibility for a FPBP on your thread.
You're doing it wrong pleb

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There is no white working class really
NC, SC, FL, NV, CA, AZ, and TN don’t have more births then deaths and in NJ it’s Jews

>mfw going to be a minority in my own state

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Oh shit it worked

>(((Ezra Klein)))
I knew from the headline before enlarging.

Only shills slide this thread, this is big news

Lmao Ashkenazi Jews die like 9 times for each Birth too. Literally taking a cinder block to his glass home

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>using California and Texas as examples of success
Successful for who? California is a failed state and Texas is well on its way to becoming Cali 2.0. Houston is already swarming with bums and feces. Liberalism and the diversity cult truely is a mental disorder. What a joke.

American whites pay taxes to keep the blacks alive and breeding.

That makes them the bad guys, because they are the financiers of the Jew and the nigger.

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>written by a jew
>white people are a threat
>the solutions to whites is for them to not exist anywhere

this shit is bullocks lads - blatant propaganda. how the fuck are people not rioting in the streets over this shit? fucking hell.

US gets .1% less black nationally every 2 years

Is that all your pussy ass can do? Cry out is self pity like an effeminate coward?

Learn to hate.

Liberals still eat it up.

But your nigger culture spreads all over the world.

It is like metastasis.

It must be cut off at the source.

The settlers of your West killed the buffalo to defeat the Indians.

Now the white tax payers must fall to defeat the Jew.

They are the cash cow of the Jew and the nigger.

It never ends

>caring about some shitty board culture meme more than havin the relevant info up front
shiggy dig diggery doo

>we have watched states like California and Texas transition into majority-minority status without falling to pieces
haha good joke, California is a shithole

>post-civil rights era


This is actually good to know, whites will go right the more brown shit gets. let's just hope enough go right to reverse shit before 2042.

>A majority of Americans — though not of Republicans — believe the browning of America a good thing for the country. And we have watched states like California and Texas transition into majority-minority status without falling to pieces. Politicians able to articulate a vision of this future that is inclusive, inspiring, and nonthreatening — the mixture Obama sought in 2008 — will reap massive rewards.

This is how they will do it. Pay close attention. They fucked up and tried to pull the "kill whitey" card too early and got a massive white lash that caused them to force Trump into office to make stupid whites feel less threatened and serve as a pressure release valve. Meanwhile youtube and m,any other platforms are going into overdrive mode to push censorship of all potential avenues of waking whites up.

They will kill us with kindness and by playing into our apathy/selfishness/empathy so that none of the dumb plebs will fight back until it is too late.

Keep in mind though, that their end goal is still a hostile extermination of white people, and when they reach a point where they think they will get away with it, they will move the brown hordes to exterminate us.

Never stop hating, and NEVER stop trying to convince the masses of the Jewish threat.

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But whites have done nothing, and continue to do nothing to stop it from becoming a shit hole.

The jew WANTED to make it a shithole too you dumb faggot.

>(((Ezra Klein)))


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We need to organize a campaign against vox. Go after their advertisers.

>muh guns
>muh guns
>becomes minority anyway

Texas was 35% non white to start with and White people and Mexicans alone make up most of the state. Also white people in Texas never stopped having kids, 2.1 outside of Travis county, or stopped moving there. The decline of California from 90% White, 84% & 6% Chicano, in July 1945 to 37.2% White today

The right vs left paradigm is a farse. Both sides are controlled by the jew. Republicans of the future will be fake white nationalists appealing to stupid lazy whites with minor concessions while the broader patterns will still be that of white genocide and ethnic displacement.

First name too. (((Ezra)))

I'm telling you man. I used to not believe it. I thought all you fags were crazy. But it really is the Jews.

>browning America

Attached: Brazil - the future of America.jpg (800x600, 95K)

Niggers have been loyal Democrats since the Civil Rights Act

Attached: niggers civil rights.png (803x615, 201K)

>A majority of Americans — though not of Republicans — believe the browning of America a good thing for the country

What exactly is good about it? Even if you're taking desperate pains not to express racism or even have racist thoughts, what exactly is objectively better about a

It’s just election season. Push polls put out nowhere near any election. They talk about demographic decline but they are disingenuous. It affects white democrats way more.

>"hey wait a minute, Indonesia is going to still be Indonesian but Japan will be less Japanese, what's particularly good about that?"
this question is considered racist
they cannot and will not explain why, but you are a racist for thinking it
they have destroyed context

Republicans are still too cucked on race. Gotta wake more of them up

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the browning of america? i don't understand these jews. it's just so weird, why does he have to sew dischord and pain? why does he have to spread hatred and lies?

what's wrong wit hthe person who wrote this? do they have a psychic malady? are they human?

>(((((((((((((((Ezra Klein)))))))))))))))))))

Whites are taught from an early age that they are evil, and to be ashamed of their heritage and history, that they are/were dumb smelly brutes and that they should feel terrible for oppressing the brown noble savages.

This manifests in many effeminate whites as a form of deep self-hatred and need for atonement.

It should also be noted that snow-niggers (nords/anglos/and some germanics) seem, to have extremely dysfunctional survival instincts on a genetic level and extreme submission responses to any kind of power that they perceive as being greater than themselves. Nords really are a race of slaves and drooling fools.

Jesus Christ, they're not even hiding it. They want to replace us, destroy our history, and eventually pretend we never existed. Jews need to be turned to soap again.

>the browning of America is a "good thing"
again, this is genocide. this is a violent, coordinated form of demographic replacement.

you simply would never say "the whitening of Africa is a good thing" or "the whitening of Asia is a good thing"

i don't hate Jews, there are good ones, but the person who wrote this is a kike.

Arabs and North Africans are considered whites in the US so the number might be much lower

>the browning of America a good thing for the country
Yet if you say the whitening of South Africa was a good thing for the country you get called racist

Notice he said that California and Texas weren't "falling to pieces".

Not dissolving into chaos is an accomplishment in the leftist mind.


It's a tough pill to swallow, but it must be swallowed no matter how bad it tastes.

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He’s Jewish. Take it from someone who has a Jewish grandfather, they absolutely despise gentiles, especially white gentiles. It’s their number one goal to destroy the white race in any means.

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You learn. You can sniff it out, 95% of this kind of garbage is pushed by Jews. Not Asians, not blacks. It's Jews who push this exact line of thinking, absolute fact of reality. That's where it is coming from.

>browning america
Literally why would you call it that? Sounds like it's filling with shit.

The kikes want to convince everyone that white genocide is about "tolerance"

It's a brilliant form of manipulation

>there are good ones
What like 1% of their total population? The vast majority are nation destroying fucks, and are quick to ruin any Jew who isn't playing by the same rules

This is what always doomed the Jews - their hubris. Their will to shape society which makes them strongly exposed. And what was tragic for Jews - they usually support Leftists because of their hostility to majority heritage and this makes Whites even more furious

White is beautiful, brown is ugly. Us Asians have accepted it, why can't (((America))) accept it?

So the story goes

We exposed White liberals in White Suburbs to non Whites and they quickly got Red pilled

Maybe should explore more of them, its always the Liberals who never meet non Whites who love to go on about Refugees and Black lives matter

Nature > ideology. The only way to enforce a maladaptive, suicidal ideology is with a police state and thought control

>it's just so weird, why does he have to sew discord and pain? why does he have to spread hatred and lies?

Two reasons:

They have a grudge against whites and want to kill us off as revenge and to stroke their egos about being superior to us.

It's for pure power. The world is survival of the fittest, the strong and smart rule over the weak and stupid.

And by browning America ( and thus considerably lowering it's IQ) they will have a dumb, uncreative, unambitious, docile, and domesticated slave cast that they can rule over forever without any opposition.

I'd hit it.

>we have watched states like California and Texas transition into majority-minority status without falling to pieces.
it's this kind of lie that will come back to haunt them the most

Niggers aren't a growing population thanks to based abortion, to hell with all Christcucks against it. Beaners are the real problem.

Also drugging the society and using mass propaganda tools, aesthetics basically

>(((communist))) flag
>wants to have sex with animals

Checks out.

>By (((Ezra Klein)))
>Editor-at-Large, Co-Founder


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I consider myself a pretty good person. I'm generally forgiving, generally decent toward people.

When I read this kind of thing, I cannot help but feel a burning rage and hatred. It wells up inside of my chest, in my gut.

People like Ezra should be treated like demonic golems. That is, they should not be treated with anger or hate. They should be treated like pitiful spiritually deprived rodents scampering on the ground. Throw them a bit of cheese, take pity on their disgusting state of existence. Do not hate them, but feel sorry for them for what they are.

No wonder your race is dying out low test limp dick.

This is good. Every time when of these kike media outlets makes another blatantly anti-white article, another one of us is born.

No niggers have been loyal since new deal, they started voting for gibs before civil rights

>And we have watched states like California and Texas transition into majority-minority status without falling to pieces.

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>be normie liberal
>hate the right and import more 3rd worlders
>become a minority
>wtf how could this happen, heil hitler

When are people going to stop this?
Specially Americans, you have guns and anti-materiel rifles. The only thing needed is to build tension until the racial civil war happens.

>(((communist))) flag
>weak, low energy comeback
>still wants to have sex with animals

Checks out.

White middle class Americans have been targeted by NGOs and sold out decades ago. There are lobbyists working in DC that give money to politicians to make sure you don’t breed and it’s been happening for a long time. Corporations were glad to take all of those tax breaks for their h1b imports over the years. You were sold out and now everyone wants to finish picking your pockets. White Americans have been stuck between a party that wants to kill them and a party that wants to exploit the shit out of them while they go down. Just one example:

>The group, shortly after being founded in 1968, released a brochure advocating abortion to stabilize population growth and claimed that “no responsible family should have more than two children.” To deal with larger families, it also called for families to be “taxed to the hilt” for “irresponsible breeding.”

>It also blamed the overpopulation on the “white middle-class” that “use up more than their share of resources and do more than their share of polluting” and urged them to “voluntarily limit their families to two children.”

>Paul Ehrlich, who co-founded the ZPG, once called abortion “a highly effective weapon in the armory of population control.” The goal of the organization, which changed its name to Population Connection in 2002, has remained the same since its inception, arguing that the world needs to contain population growth with particular emphasis on American families.

You men people don't like being invaded?

What a fucking surprise!

>Browning america
Day of the broken farm equipment when?

how do we New Hampshirites stop the kikes from shitting up our great state?

Attached: theyre-trying-to-shit-up-nh.jpg (2032x1302, 382K)

>This is actually good to know, whites will go right the more brown shit gets. let's just hope enough go right to reverse shit before 2042.

By pure coincidence I read some pissed article in the Atlantic last night, about some bugpeople that had created an algorithm to predict religious behavior. One thing I took away from the article that is probably relevant here is that there models predict that religious violence is most likely to begin occuring when the population splits 70% visible religious majority 30% visible religious minority.

I see no reason why that shouldn't apply to racial and ethnic tensions as well.

Man jew really hate you people

My friends on normiebook aren't really liking this idea, as they know that "diversity" will bring section 8 housing and spanish speakers and literally create ghettos out of nice places.

Attached: lets-inject-some-diversity-into-nh.png (1024x1024, 307K)


It would be more shocking if they published an article that wasn't openly calling for white genocide

except that's a picture of brazil, retard

Race war. Killing the kikes is literally the only way to take back your country and save your race. But first you must awaken your fellow white man.

However if your country men are primarily blue-eyed blond nords you have no chance because nords are genetically predisposed towards being degenerate, selfish, short-sighted prideful retards with defective survival instincts.

true. Youtube loves to push their videos and articles onto the masses though, that's the worst thing about all this.

You can laugh off shit like Vox but this is literally the opinion of Google and the MSM, and they all work together to push this. It's not just one Jew at some "looney" website.

It's the entire Jewish system from Google, to MSM, to Vox working to push this shit as hard as they can using every single tool at their disposal.

It's their system as a whole, not just one Jew.

Can you not read? It says, "Brazil, the future of America"

Of course if you actually lived outside a white gated community you would know that is the present state of America, at least in major cities.

Attached: inequality-brazil-oxfam_1220x763.jpg (1220x763, 918K)

When I read things like this, I feel a sort of mournful resignation that this will all end in blood and fire

Soon brother.

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Of course

white liberals agree with it. they need to die and for their own benefit too since being white is apparently such a painful thing for them.

I wonder what a study about blacks reaction to gentrification would indicate.

We control your media,banks,entertainment industry...
Google - jews
Youtube - jews
Facebook - jews

We own your fucking country by the balls, bitch.

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White liberals don't want to be "hateful" and are so cucked that they can't do anything to stand up for what they really feel because it would be "racist" or "anti-semitic"

They're really utterly fucking pathetic.

I noticed that too, the author couldn't think of any improvement. Libs always show their subtle form of racism by treating minorities like profound retarded children that need to be pitied.

faggot confirmed.

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A shame you're getting infected by poz as well
Look no further than Tel Aviv

Only we decide what will be the fate of USA.

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