Why is California so FUCKIN RETARDED?

The real American Education System fail.

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It's run by boomers with underdeveloped brains aka liberal democrats and kikes

For reasons

Attached: fusa.png (1108x379, 286K)

Attached: brain damage makes you liberal.png (500x593, 123K)

>massive heat-waves everywhere

To be fair we are quite dumb here. 1/10 people in the state are here illegally. I work with a bunch of beaners. Literally the only white person here right now.

sure, most people are stupid
but we have global heat-waves and forest fires all over

It’s intentional! Big fires=Other States Sending Aid. Democrats keep the aid and OH MUH GAWD CLIMATE CHANGE REAL MUST INCREASE TAX

We also bought hundreds of thousands of eucalyptus trees from the ausies. Back in the late 80's and early 90's and planted a shit ton of them. Turns out they are a huge fire risk and they have been causing a majority of the fires. So yes. The fires are because we are dumb.

What is this representative of?