Why do you care about pedos?

Why do you care about pedos?
Why do you care about other people's children, why does it matter if a different family chose to eat their child, or sell it into slavery?

What makes you right and others wrong?

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most homoes have been molested more pedos equals more homos

800,000 child kidnapping in US alone per year. Yeah, it's not a problem. Those pedos aren't hurting anyone else right?

You're a kike. Saged and reported.

It's clear that these parents are totally unfit if their children are disappearing.

because we're a nation of laws & rights
children have rights
pedos get the rope

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>800,000 child kidnapping in US alone per year
Seriously that many?

if children had rights your crazy nation wouldn't be yanking them out of their mothers and selling them to vampires


It's sick right

Good question. When I see how everything develops into a degenerated global commie utopia, anarchy doesnt sound that bad anymore. Atleast we would be able to create a proper government and exclude this scum

it's 'cuz euroshit is trying to prop up it's aging population, they need superior genes in their pool before they all turn into mutt puppets

Why do you care about murders?
Why do you care about other people's children, why does it matter if a different family chose to kill their family, or sell them to a serial killer?

What makes you right and others wrong?

The protection of the innocent among us is a basic human trait and a necessity for society to exist

Why do police care about criminals? Why do hawks care about their prey?

We're coming for you.

If youre not being paid to shill, (youre not, no1 pays for such sub-par work) why waste your time? Especially if youre gonna contradict yourself every other post. Go seek proper training rookie.

You're absolutely correct user. That's why I own a firearm.

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>800,000 child kidnapping in US alone per year.
Bullshit Stats Incorporated thanks you for your purchase.


People aren't lying when they say the 80s/90s were better.

You use to be able to walk into stores and leave doors unlocked. Just let your kid sit there and no one did anything.
I mean cases happened, but they were relatively rare compared to now.

Now you have people openly grooming your children in public, trying to see how "innocent" or naive they are. Trying to see if you follow schedules and daily routes.
Even going to school is not safe anymore.

You never leave you child alone until a very set age.
It's like a chain of custody, when you drop your child off at school you watch them enter the school. You take note of what teachers see them and say hi to them. Some parents walk up and say hi to the teacher. It makes a connection in the teacher's mind that they have seen said child.
You never let your child out of your sight anymore.

They are watching dude, odds are you were watched once also, but at the time such things drew too much attention.

You never let your child play outside alone.

Personally I walk with my daughter (walking our dogs) and sometimes she rides her bike ahead of me.
I've never once left her somewhere.
It's terrifying.

Because your cult is the cause of all the catastrophes the world has ever known.

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Perhaps because civilizations very basic principle is the protection of its people and others being a danger to our families is the greatest threat?

Ironically the weakest ones always call for anarchy and the laziest ones for stalinism. It is like you subhumans are secretly wishing for right deathsquads

You keep saying "other people's children" until it gets to yours, whats your next line?

800k people are reported missing a year.
50k are under 18
100 of those are done by strangers.

>Why do you care about pedos?
we should kill them all
>Why do you care about other people's children, why does it matter if a different family chose to eat their child, or sell it into slavery?
what will you say if something like this will happen to your children.
>What makes you right and others wrong?
what make you think that we not right

Because I want other people to care if something happens to my kid, and help me if they get abducted or a pedo tries to do shit to them. If I were raped by an adult as a kid, and there wasn't a system to have tried to prevent that, I would fucking well have wanted one.

I don't want suffering to happen in general, and pedo tends to do just that. Victims of pedos are also more likely to grow up fucked up in some way, causing an abusive cycle. Stopping criminal actions towards children stops that cycle.

People in a functioning society look out for each other, simple as.

Reality Inc thanks your for frogging up the place

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The real reason is simple: everything is decided during childhood. Jow Forumstards like to think everything is genetical but actually, parenting is by far the most important factor in building someone. Niggers aren't born niggers, they just reproduce the shitting parenting they got and submit to the role society gives them. Of course it's not 100% because too many factors are in play (and maybe genetics too).

Now what do we see when looking at children having early sexual relations or plain sexual abuse from adults ? They're all fucked up. Look at Hollywood child stars like Miley Cyrus and such. Look at the few pedo pornstars from the dark web that came out when their abusers got busted: they're all crazy.

You don't want pedophiles to be free to act because they destroy society.


My conscious

im white thats what makes me right

ITT: Oy vey stop interfering with our child sex cult, I need that blood to stay young.

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Fuck off nonce.

It's fun how when you call bullshit on a stat, the numbers magically change. Now it's 50k ?

Also it's reported missing, probably a lot of it are super anxious parents calling the cops because their child stayed a bit late to school or at a friend house.

I care about my people.

Mexicans happened we lost a homogeneous population with shared values. who is this brown qt would impregnate

People care about pedos because most fetishes enhance the orgasm (or is fueled by it). Especially when you don't have a girlfriend to put your dick into, the only thing left is up to your imagination. The most universal and illegal fetish that satisfies that is child porn. Just like you don't want to see people get rich by doing jack shit, the same way you don't want to be masturbating to some casual milf porn.

>why does it matter if a different family chose to eat their child, or sell it into slavery?
>pic related

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in the 80's and 90's? Are you kidding? Maybe MAYBE in the 50's but in the 80's and 90's?

You'd have to be an idiot to do any of that shit by then.

The real evil came with the drug culture in the last half of the 60's.

>People aren't lying when they say the 80s/90s were better.
>You use to be able to walk into stores and leave doors unlocked.
You do realise I can find the exact same quote in a 80s/90s movie telling the same thing about the 50s/60s ?

If you study societal history a bit, you'll realise EVERY generation says the same, even when the previous generation was plagued by wars or diseases. There's never a time without a majority of Cato.

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Wrong. Genetics determinate your maximum potential, your environment how far you get to it, but I suppose cognitive dissonance eases the suffering when you are living in an algerian shithole your grandparents fought for

People hate pedos because most people are parent's, grandparents, relatives of children. Children are to be protected at all costs. Even going to jail for killing a nonce.

Check IDs you frog.

If my child were the victim of one of these disgusting demon pedos I would want to murder them in ways that would make even the most hardcore gore fan sleepless for months, I would want my entire community to support this reaction to the most unholy of crimes against the most defenseless, and thus I make sure to support all who go out of their way to make sure every deviant is tortured to death for even thinking about it. :)

Sure adolf. Go zeig heil elsewhere, grown ups are talking.

Let's see what the devil had to say today

He’s right you know parents with IQ of 80 don’t have kids with 140IQ

We must protect life. Mutual ethical collectivism and ethical individualism is something required for advancing civilization.

Besides, we must be empathetic and be in any other's shoes. Do you wish to be enslaved, held against your will for the majority of your life? Do you desire an awful fate?

if god wanted little girls to be safe from male sexuality he wouldn’t have made them so goddamn unbelievably sexy

I don't want to live amongst people who condone such things, they're savages. I don't want to live amongst murderers and thieves either. Are these things really not obvious?

Fuck off pedo read text on pic carefully
>you’re not as anonymous as you think you are

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wew so many moron OPs lately.

Put the faggots back together..

i stand with trump on this. gas yourself.

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Fun fact:child flesh contains 100% if all required nutrients and energy a human needs. It's really the perfect food.

Yes. Because I don't see how 80 IQ parents would be able to raise correctly a child.

Also IQ is mostly bullshit and only measure your ability to pass IQ tests but that's another debate.

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Which cult? There's a lot of them, and they've all ruined everything. Even your precious Christianity.

>Genetics determinate your maximum potential, your environment how far you get to it
This is what user wrote you called him basically a Nazi

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This cult and all the feeder groups and blackmail mechanism
>pic related

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Cause I like society
Society can't work if everyone fucks over everyone else with no consequences

Absolutely nothing. However, we pay to subsidize the degenerate lives of "authorities" that swear there's such a thing as the "rule of law" other than divine judgment at the end of existence. If they want to live in this society but they won't be accountable to the laws of this society, why should any of us?

Pedophilia/human trafficking is used as a cult initiation for a reason...it's morally repugnant to God-fearing commoners and no one wants to hide out in Antarctica fearing endless waves of lynch mobs that are fed up with their bullshit.

>unbelievably sexy
They are objectively not sexy. Why ? Because if you want a logical definition of sexy, that would be having developped sexual and reproductive features: large hips, big breasts, etc...

That's the opposite of a young girl.

So why do YOU find it sexy anyway ? It's about power. You associate kids features to being helpless while you are intimidate by adulthood and sexuality (that's why you don't find grown up women that much attractive).

It's actually a bigger trend in our society, we're not looking for women anymore, we're looking for defenseless creatures and that's why all our topmodels are now fragile anorexics mimicking little girls. Why ? Because we're increasingly beta males, castrated by society and too anxious to confront real women.

No I called him a nazi because he's german

>no consequences
For every kid abused there going to be a pissed off dad
The body of a pedophile priest, who was forgiven by the Catholic Church after he admitted to raping 26 children, was found in his Massachusetts home after being stabbed to death.
His body was found bound and gagged by his brother after he missed a scheduled Mass at a church, according to police records.Police believe he had been tortured before he died by “more than one assailant”, who had stabbed him several times in the chest and also “removed” his genitals.He is believed to have died of his injuries after a “very large blade” – most likely a machete – was inserted into his rectum in its entirety, fatally damaging several of his internal organs.

I'm sorry your areas were shit holes.
My local town in the late 80s/early 90s was the kind of place people left doors unlocked.
I stayed by myself while my parents were at work.
I never once had a single person even attempt to break into my house the first fifteen years of my life.
By that point we moved.
Some places are just not as bad as others.

I wouldn't trust that area now, but back at the time it was that peaceful.
Almost 99% white.

So yeah, maybe France hasn't been a great place since the 60s where you don't trust each other.
U.S.A. was this way only a few years ago.
There are still places like this in The U.S.A.
If you really want to protect white culture and life. You'll drop your shitty countries and come protect the ones that matter.
You won't though, because you're all talk.

this is accurate.

Not all Germans are in National Socialist Workers Union

If children had rights you wouldn't be allowed to abort them

Nostalgy glasses.

It's such an heavy historical trend, I can't take your personnal experience in account.

Undermining the genetical argument

Foetuses aren't babies
Babies aren't children
Children aren't adults

Why is it so hard to understand ?

Bro who cares if your kid got raped? Mine hasn't yet.

And still: He supported the campaign of Roy Moore.

You're right, children are the property of their fathers

You do realize crime statistics existed in the 90s right?
There is no nostalgia glasses. I can cite sources.
I can compare my city which was as I said 99% white in 1992 to a city like say Nashville TN/Memphis TN which have overwhelming black populations at the same time frame.

It was objectively better.
It was factually better.
Small town, low crime, mostly white, and not once did anyone on my street ever have a house broken into for fifteen years.
Fifteen fucking years.

Wowan wants a protector. Not going to have kids in the first place with his attitude like that.

All human. Do humans have rights?

Meh. You stop carring after the first time. Might as well do it too, you can't repair broken glass.

What does political party have anything to do with genetics?

quality post because we are the SJWs best believe the real kind tho so send that fear into the minds of all child rapers. Your time is niegh just some psyops

>You do realize crime statistics existed in the 90s right?
Yes. They were higher. And less reported.

Yes inalienable rights given to us by our creator

Yes. But the same ones according to their age.

Not that all pedos don't deserve the rope, but this is like the abortion thing for me. It's mostly a brown kid problem and I just can't be bothered enough to sperg out about it.

If behavior is genetical, then a group sharing the same genetic should have the same behavior, including politics.

Because i am a child of someone and it would have sucked major ass if my parents sold me into slavery.

Care about pedos because it gives me something evil and physical to rage against. Just like russell crowe found out when tugger got cancer. Hes cant brawl with cancer, but he can with a buncha pueeerrto ricanss.

Right, right, nobody really cares about the pedos until your six year old daughter, the gemstone that lights up your life, goes missing and the cops come to show you a dark web video of her screaming her lungs out as she gets brutalized.

Care to explain why its a double homicide if you kill a pregnant women yet abortion isn't murder?

Objectively speaking, little girls aren't sexy to the normal human mind. They are simply not developed for the necessities of a mother yet.

Because law isn't an hard science ?

We live in a society where everybody agrees with a basic fundamental level of cohesivness and agreement to follow societal norms and laws that we all agree upon.

If you don't agree to play by this societies rules, then go find a society that you like where you can eat babies and fuck children all day. Might want to look at Borneo for that one.


God counts on us to protect the young and old, the innocent and helpless,

This includes all types of Gods creations.
If you touch or harm just one, including demented sick launguage and intensions posting on line, there will be repercussions! Talking about nambla or pedo anything has No grey area in Any situation or environment.

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Do you have actual values or do you just choose what is most convenient at the time? Human rights depends on age? You don't consider the murder of a pregnant woman the loss of two lives?

>what is most convenient at the time?
Isn't what law is all about ?

Considering many laws are inconvenient, no.

inconvenient for you. Law isn't made for you.