
Bannon wants to turn the Alt-Right into economic nationalism. Is that a good thing?
Every time we speak it's the globalist party that is fighting us. Once you destroy the globalists, science will dictate our national debate on race and immigration.

Talking about blacks and Muslims is stupid because they are the mercenaries of the Globalist elites. We gotta attack the Globalists first before we do anything else.
Bannon is ahead of us big time!


Prove me wrong. Pro tip: you can't!

Attached: ban.jpg (700x394, 30K)

walk before you run, he's pragmatic

> Bannon wants to turn the Alt-Right into economic nationalism. Is that a good thing?
Alt-right is just an umbrella term for a bunch of speakers, YouTubers and twitter accounts, what do you even mean here.

Advocates for race realism. Which would be a different message from economic nationalism. Something the mainstream could get behind.

> . Which would be a different message from economic nationalism.
Well, it is so different that I cannot get behind economic nationalism if it is not explicitly pro-white.
For example what's the point of brexit? Brownies are staying staying anyway and economy goes down.
What is his motivation for economic nationalism?

They can't turn Bannon loose soon enough

Globo homo is desperate to co-opt nationalism threatening them with some cucked internationalist muh moneyz jew ideology. Make no mistake the fact bannon is prominent is proof they are starting to panic.

Because the international organizations. UN and European Union etc. determine your immigration laws. If the EU decides to give Turkey membership that means that all Turks are free to move throughout all of Europe.

If you as a nation state do not want this, well you're out of luck because you don't make the rules over your own country.. the unellected European officials make these laws.

It's important that every nation gets their own soverignty back and makes their own laws. It's the European Union pushing "migrants" to Poland etc.

You destroy these Globalist and they have no power over you anymore.

This guy has no idea what he is doing. I don't think he understands how Europe works at all.
And the last thing we need right now is his kosher nationalism. We have to stay on course before we end up like America.
I don't know what Bannon deep down believes, maybe he has arranged himself with the mongrelization of the US, maybe he always has been a jewish dicksucker, I don't care really.

>Talking about blacks and Muslims is stupid
No, it isn't Achmed. People hate these subhumans and therefore we will campaign on that.

True but American Jews with all their arrogance are mixing with the native population and so their children get human DNA inside them and become more normal.

In Israel you have a left leaning culture with a right wing government. The moment you remove Netanyahu from office and get a centrists that will allow the browns to live with the Jews. The Jew will no longer exist in 3 generations.

All their power and their racial future is very unstable and easily moved.

You're such a fucking kike.
Globalism is a symptom, not the cause.

I feel your pain Hans, but the Muslims are 85 iq. They have no power, they are pawns in a game. You strike the hand, not the pawn.

Cut off the hand and those 85 IQ people will become your pawns.

> . UN and European Union etc. determine your immigration laws
Yes, tho it is done through so called human rights courts and refugee agreements. That would be a good pro-white reason to leave the eu, but I haven't heart it from anyone, brexiters only talk about money.

What I expect to happen is that fugees will continue to arrive as the system which they abuse wont be fixed. We probably won't even get rid of European Human Rights court, and even if we do, there are plenty of our own UK (((judges))) to rule that you cannot just deport brownies.

> Cut off the hand and those 85 IQ people will become your pawns.
This is an interesting idea. Make brown people slaves to white elites. But I do t see how economic nationalism archives it, these must be more steps in this plan.

It's about saving as many of our people as possible. The boomer grew up with sexual liberation and weed. Our children and us grow up watching Alt-Right YouTube videos and having Trump as leader.

The Jews got fat and lazy, so did the Muslim that got everything for free. The next few decades belong to the white man.

I have faith.

Does anyone know how I can contact Bannon? I have some ideas.

>Cut off the hand and those 85 IQ people will become your pawns.
I don't want them to be pawns, I want them to be dead.

Economic nationalism is the exact opposite from globalism and a New World Order.

Economic nationalism is the harmless looking Trojan horse. It's only a non-racial and non-sensitive way to get people to vote for your party and shift all power away from the internationalists.

Nationalist nations will then control their own laws by "true democracy". Globalists need to lose their power and organizations before we can implement our will.

Does this make sense. It's just a vehicle to destroy the opposition.

It's probably easier if you go through Trump. They have each others number.

Watch Godfather 3.
Never let your enemy know what you think. And never get angry, it clouds your judgement!

> It's only a non-racial and non-sensitive way to get people to vote for your party
Will it work better that just being explicit? Trump was almost explicit.

>Talking about blacks and Muslims is stupid
>checks flag
fuck off you clog wearing shill.

I keep saying that, but the (((Nazi))) LARPers on here keep insisting it's niggers not jews that are the problem. Wonder who could be behind those posts?

He was America first FOR ALL AMERICANS!
And now he controls the borders. Building a big fat wall. He is essentially doing everything a nazi want and he does it under the banner of America first.

Trump was not explicit, it's just our wish and portrayal of the media. He never said white people or black people or race. Only America first for ALL AMERICANS. We still get what we want.

Fuck niggers and Muslims, now who will vote for me? Trump is building a wall. What do we got?

It's the Jews. The same way the west and Alexander the great with all their blind arrogance wanted to destroy the old societies to build their "superior" society. Jews are the blind conquerors right now. For a few generations they had their build-up, now it's in decline and they know it.