ITT we discuss the political implications of aliens...

ITT we discuss the political implications of aliens, and how their various potential positions and motives influence our world and the political climate.

If incidents like persist, will the policing of the sky become stricter? Any anons with more info on this particular incident?

How would disclosure of our governments information regarding aliens effect our relationships with other countries? What positions would be held by which parties?

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They are already here and they made agreements with all major governments. Spoilers they are not aliens, their demons and the major governments know work with them anyway because of the cool tech they get.

Thanks user. What’s your take on all of this?

>they’re demons
That’s where you lose me. All the other stuff you said sounds reasonable, especially our governments using aliens for tech advancement. But calling them “demons” seems like such a primitive interpretation. And don’t get me wrong, I believe in demons, but that seems like a different topic entirely.

I mean aliens as I have heard of (greys, reptoids, etc.) and demons and pretty much in the same category in terms of possible existence. I mean from where I'm standing if I saw in the flesh either answer would be correct to me.

some of it seems pretty real, pic related

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Take this retard stuff to /x/

same creature

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Aliens are getting brought up more and more on pol so we might as well have a containment thread. X is too quiet and has too many schizos to keep things feeling somewhat grounded.

What’s the story behind this pic? Anyone recognize the patch?

>X is too quiet and has too many schizos
Are you implying X has more schizos than Jow Forums? LMAO

Again, take this retard stuff to /x/

Our governments are too incompetent to keep this shit quiet. If there were aliens we all would know pretty quickly. With our luck the aliens will land in the hood and get robbed, raped and spacejacked by a mob of nigs. Hopefully the aliens will recognize they aren't human.

don't know but this one goes with it

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OP is both based and correct.

Here is the real redpill. They aren’t aliens. They are living secretly in the Ocean and are simply an ancient super-advanced terrestial power. We pissed them off by testing nukes, but they aren’t violent or hostile. They largely just want us to stop chimping out at each other, and to also leave them the fuck alone.

Don’t ask how I know this.

>calling them "demons" seems like such a primitive interpretation

Aliens, demons, archons, djinn, whatever. It's all the same fucking thing by different names. Don't get caught up in semantics. Granted, I don't think all ayys are evil. I imagine the positive ones are probably what were seen as angels at some point. That being said, the greys and reptilians appear to be hostile to us.

What really bothers me is that it's enough for just one of the millions of encounters and observations to be true to prove it and yet all governments stopped investigating the phenomena and everyone acts like nothing ever happened.

Aliens don't exist dude.

Human Origins: The Elohim
The oldest remaining beings in our universe originated about halfway out from the center of our universe, also known as the Great Central Sun. This are is where most of the life is.

The name given to these non-Earth humans by the ancient Hebrews is the name Elohim, which means "those who came from the sky."

This group of human beings is one of the most advanced group of beings in the universe. They are responsible for the generation of not only life on this planet, but of human beings on this planet. They have been involved ever since the first human was here, in a kind of genetic manipulation, so that the human beings here could result in the capacity of human beings to survive better in the physical universe.

This group of human beings is very advanced, and they have advanced to a point where they believe they have proven that there is no spiritual directive as we know it, with a conscious God. They believe that they are the result of wiser beings who have created them, just as they have created others. They feel this way because life is eternal, and has always existed. However, the concept of infinity and no beginning is difficult for earth humans to understand.

At a certain point the Earth humans created a kind of evolution which was spurned by this group. By the way, they have started life here on Earth several times before, and all the previous attempts have failed.

Throughout history, the Elohim have come to Earth. They came to Earth at different times, to different cultures, and they heavily influenced these cultures throughout history. They were thought to be the Gods and spirits and so forth of the many existing religions which exist today. The Elohim heavily influenced these religions along a moral structure to help the people of this Earth survive successfully and viably. Therefore, when this didn't work, it became political influence to help establish order. Still, to this day, the Elohim are involved in Earthly matters.

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They are interdimensional, vibrate in a completely different level. Their basic vibe is unnatural and bad

Ofcourse there are good guys also

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THIS. Although I think that perhaps they can change their vibrations enough to appear physically sometimes. I'm not 100% sure about that but I highly suspect it. They're definitely able to do some fuckery to you if you astral project though.

Looks like one of those Appollo patches

you can fuck off instead

>governments stopped investigating
We don’t really know that though. The Pentagon was monitoring and researching UFOs as recently as six years ago, and that’s just what they’re willing to tell us

But we DO know, user. It’s become obvious to most that there’s something going on, and that the feds know more than the rest of us.

This is a more reasonable take on the aliens/demons thing. But why do you think the greys are hostile?

They have extraordinary abilities.

Teleportation, near perfect invisibility, outstanding vision, as well as unlimited energy/ purely nocturnal/ do not require sleep.

That said humans can have these abilities too, but our general evolution is stunted, mainly through microwave irradiation and mass poisoning.

They are no more demonic than we are with our horrific factory farms, simple as that, earth is a farm.. simple as that.

So they're Atlantians?

Idk about demons but it's clear whatever our old stories tried to warn us about are here again.

they're here, they have been here for quite a while, the powers that be are just as clueless and powerless against them as the average Joe, this is why they don't talk about it


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Throughout history many cultures, and many peoples, have correctly identified their nature and given them many names. Atlantis is just the most popular.

Also, re-read many old ship tales. They are describing these beings, but just not using the right words.

>they're demons
This is where you just look like a fag.

there has been no contact they are only watching

UFOs as in unidentified russian drones/jets n stuff. What is your attack surface? If you're in the pentagon you have to plan for absolutely everything so there might be some response plans for ET, Silver surfer or whatever.

The whole ufo phenomenon is likely a misinformation campaign conducted by intelligence services to cloak weapons development by defense contractors and military. Better to think flying saucers than stealth bomber.

Face looks shopped.
Alien looks shopped.

Yup, this is going into my /x/ fails to convince me compilation.

It's just quite simple - they've been ruling the show down here for a long time now. We'd be charting space already (well officially, we are privately through black budget)
Once humans wake up - they lose. They lose their food source, their energy source, their control, and their way of being. They are limited to their 3rd density bodies so they are trying to keep us from ascending. If we reach 4th density they are finished. WAKE UP

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>they’re drones
I’d entertain this notion if experts weren’t unanimously referring to the maneuvers performed by the “tic tac” as impossible with modern aircraft technology. If countries are really developing aircrafts like these, how long until they go public. They’ll have to eventually.

They are not demons. They are interdimensional beings (that's the only reasonable way to achieve FTL travel). Some are malevolent, some are benign.

*sips tea*
>is op, dare I say it, our guy?
>look at this outrageous tweet guys
>what do you think of Rogue One? Redpilled?
>look at this reddit post guys
>It doesn't wo-
>furries are cool
>thinks his guns will protect him from drone strikes
>not all niggers
>look at this crazy tweet guys
>How can Jow Forums even compete?
>You mad white boy?
*sips tea*
>take this jewish DNA test goys
>Jow Forums BTFO
>not all jews
>gays are people
>defend this poor shitskin
>Can I get a quick rundown guys?
>random nigger porn
>what did he mean by this


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Amazing how a post can be calling out shills but also read exactly like a shill post.


>our governments
are controlled by satanic elite
are satan and his fallen angels

when rev12 happens, they will come to earth and bring nwo

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>aliens are the devil
>digits matter
user I know this thread is pushing the envelope for not being on x but come on

his name is skinny bob

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aliens and jews must go.

Jews are reptilians and we are living in the movie “They Live.” It’s fuckin’ obvious.
More to the point, we live on a prison planet and we’re stuck here with all these other races. We can either live peacefully apart, OR, we will have to destroy them all if we must live close to each other. We don’t really have a third choice. Destroying the reptilian Jews should be top priority.

Aliens don't exist. There is no space.

This. Some are even benevolent

There's a world of difference between "the pedozionists are false-flagging BBC" schizos and "how can I summon a succubus to jerk my imaginary trap gf off" schizos.

How do you know this faggot?

is that Dan burisch or whatever his name is ? the guy who told us about jrod?

>creatures the evolved on another planet evolved 2 arms and legs, eyes, and mouth just like earthlings
[retarded feelsguy meme]

Just like humanity

>Aliens don't exist
>There is no space.
Provide evidence.

Political implications are that benevolent ET's want us to be National Socialists, and the modern jewwed system is likely in cahoots with degenerate ETs who hate the Aryan dna.

I suspect, and this might be nonsense, that Trump is working with the benevolent ET's. However it is also possible that the whole ET thing is a spook invented to try to push globalism under a new ideology.

Provide evidence of space first. No cartoons.

I think that some are demons and/or demonic. I saw a video a while ago where researchers found that abduction experiences could be stopped part-way through by invoking the name of Jesus Christ. When asked why he didn't want to share this information in his studies the researcher said he "didn't want to go there."

>Ils habitents dans l'océan
>ne me demadez pas comment je le sais

Ok, leaf. Ámusing post but not very high above typical leaf-posts in terms of quality.

phil schnieder look him up, he died for what he knew

You started. You provide it first.

I too enjoy the works of Assains Creed

Aliens are either:
a.Not here, or passed us by uncaring about our being
b.Laughing hysterically at us for believing in particles, "wave particle duality" and our further insistence on complicating the dielectric field.

What is the "dielectric field" one might ask? Why it's what controls the magnetic field of course, James Clerk Maxwell said so himself.

First of all it has no properties. Second, there's this stuff called "EM" in space which makes the "Space" "full" doesn't it?
Space is not a thing
Time is not a thing
"spacetime" is a hilarious conglomeration of both these meaningless terms so that the discovery channel has more talking points.

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This isn't from Assassins creed unless they copied this. Remember the jews love to hide the truth in their mass media.

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People keep saying I look Jewish. I must have alien dna then..lmafo

no unknown flag to get all the (you)s? come on

The "Jow Forums down" LIVE STREAM EVENT!!!
>happened this morning
Good theories and bants!! Great chat !!

Check it out.............

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Did some research...good lord. And it lines up with that some of the anons have said about there being good and bad ETs

>I'll bite
I don't think you know what proof is. If you can't show me that it is there, then there is no proof of the proported idea that it exists. We are all told that space exists, gravity, aliens, globe earth, the holocaust, 9/11 so all believe it. I can't prove something doesn't exist, if it doesn't exist, or didn't happen.
However, I can show you the lies that would of course, debunk your supposed proof that it does/did. If you cannot prove it exists, then how am I supposed to believe it exists? Cause you say so? Cause there's a bunch of photoshopped pictures? Cause some kike scientist or government agency says so?

>>But calling them “demons” seems like such a primitive interpretation

TFW You can push the pits are niggers of dogs meme all day but LORRRRRRDDD FORBID you point out that aliens are fucking Demons.

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If demon is a word you are uncomfortable with then they are hostile interdenominational being of great intelligence. They are giving us tech inorder to manipulate our world leaders or even send us down a technological path that will ultimately retard our development.

Always struck me as odd homo sapiens would have an entire planet to itself.


>"spacetime" is a hilarious conglomeration
Being abstract doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
The fact you know, use and even mock those terms prove their existence.

>However, I can show you the lies that would of course, debunk your supposed proof that it does/did.
Post them

Take me to your leader

Because there are people who genuinely believe extra terrestrials are just a front for demons from hell, which is absurd in my opinion.

>ETs want us to be Natsoc
You’d think they’d be smarter than that. They may be able to make that system work, but humans can’t. Greed taints every human system.

The usual response to this is that “Earthling” life is not native to Earth

Re-read that. You gotta post evidence first for me to debunk it. Dildo.

The nation that gets hold of a real alien and manages to communicate with it will basically become a fucking superpower in a year.

If you can speak to a being that has a ship capable of travelling light years and across the galaxy then you will have access to it’s vastly superior technology. Whatever it uses to power it’s ship will be used to power something on earth.

Area 51 is not that hard to work at if you want to get a job as an average Joe. It's getting the clearance to deep freeze and tech room that's hard. Most people working in Dream Land think it's just a test bed for advanced aircraft. Trust me it's much much more.

I hope ET's never let their women try black cock since it conquers entire races

Look up Valiant Thor

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>Re-read that. You gotta post evidence first for me to debunk it. Dildo.
Not really, your attempts to turn this on your favor are trash. You know you can't prove anything so you rely on assuming the defensive stance, otherwise your snake oil won't sell.

>Being abstract doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
>describing an abstraction somehow makes it exist though

>The fact you know, use and even mock those terms prove their existence.
>as concepts

First of all let me clear some confusion. This is not flat-earth tardation. Yes there is this "black sky" around our spherical planet that people call "space". Unfortunately, this description is not reifiable, meaning that "space" is not a real or concrete thing".

One reification people use is that it is a "vacuum" or completely devoid of things. This does not make it "real" this makes it DEVOID OF THINGS. It is nothing other than a pressure mediation of EM and the dielectric, just like the sun and the earth. "Compress" and "tangle" this em with enough coherency and you get matter or "pressurized space" so to speak.
It is not "space" it is a goddamn pressure mediation of EM. How do you go about explaining that "an absence is real"? No it's a fucking ABSENCE of what is real!
So no there is no "space" in terms of "curved space" or any GR or QM gobblety gook. They are descriptors, but cannot explain what is actually happening since their meaning because their denotation is incorrect. There is not "space", it is "filled space".

We could move onto "time" if you like, but I'm sure you can see where this is going. (hint: time is a recording, or frequency of something. Not an actual modality or "driver" of any phenomena.)

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superpower by 2020

>They are descriptors, but cannot explain what is actually happening since their meaning because their denotation is incorrect
*Space and time are descriptors whose denotation does not and cannot explain what is happening.

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You know these planets in the universe, if you can't describe them Hell'ish to say the least?
Look I understand where you are coming from but would calling that: If it came from a fire'y hell like planet, had technology so advanced that looked like mystical powers to us. was bent on our destruction, to feed off our misery, and enslave us. Would calling that a demon really be missing the mark that much? You have to admit, It gets to the point. where, what's the difference? ...

Believe in these (((aliens))) goy, maybe one day they will save you.
Believe in these (((religious texts))) goy, maybe one day they will free you.
Believe in your TV (((programming))) goy, maybe one day it will enlighten you.
Whatever you do, do not believe in yourself or nobody will save (((us))).

>as concepts
>They are descriptors, but cannot explain what is actually happening since their meaning because their denotation is incorrect.
>Denotation is incorrect
And will continue to be incorrect, but language is just a funny process, not really a science.
The lack of this knowledge produced such misconception and people embraced it. The same people could change it to something more appropriate, but they won't in our lifetime.

We all know Africans are ancient aliens who invented everything.
wh*tes are just demons left over from we got here

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Now explain to me why they wouldn't

“Why can’t I hold all these aliums?!”

i like the watcher tales.

In the end they’re still aliens. Demons and aliens are two different things from two different departments of our culture (science and religion, respectively). Most of the time, when someone says aliens are demons, they’re literally convinced that aliens are just Judeo-Christian demons in disguise, which as I said earlier, is absurd.

>And will continue to be incorrect, but language is just a funny process, not really a science.
I agree and one of these languages happens to be math. The universe doesn't run on a calculator.

>The lack of this knowledge produced such misconception and people embraced it. The same people could change it to something more appropriate, but they won't in our lifetime.

I disagree, once people understand the incommensurable nature of the universe we'll do away with this nonsense. Antigravity, Wireless high power transmission (already proven) and all that will be a thing soon enough and once the freedom of this technology is embraced then we will truly have the capacity to understand what it means to be an "alien".

>I disagree
That's valid.
>once people understand the incommensurable nature of the universe
I don't think that'll happen soon but I respect your point of view.

Space exists!
>no evidence
Thus nothing to debunk, and I am correct.
>still doesn't get it
What do I have to prove again?

>Space doesn't exist!
>>no evidence
>Thus nothing to debunk, and I am correct.
>>still doesn't get it
>What do I have to prove again?

>There is no space.

You replied to my post with an equivalent claim. You simply believe the lie. I stated that I cannot prove that nothingness exists because, by definition, nothing does not exist. If you want to argue, provide evidence to counter it or don't reply.