The virgin babyboomer

>the virgin babyboomer
Cashier: "That'll be 19.45$"
Babyboomer: *rumages through disgusting pockets to find a 20$, an outdated type of currency*
"Here ya go!... Oh wait up, did you say .45¢? I think I have it!"
*Rumages through nasty pockets that you can hear jiggling with unsanitary change, stopping the line behind him for 2 minutes as he counts said change*
Cashier: *hands back the round dollar*
Babyboomer: *takes the receipt and shoves it in his bottomless pockets even though he doesn't need that receipt at all*

>The Chad Millenial
Cashier: "That'll be 19.45$"
Millenial: *uses paypass*
"You can throw away the receipt thanks, have a nice day"

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Other urls found in this thread:

Did something happen at work today buddy?

No, I just stood in line for like 15 minutes to get a bottle of vodka and felt like coming here

But you can't trace cash, stop promoting jewry of big data and purchases they can track

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Who gives a fuck

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>work all day
>money sent directly to jews
>never get to see or touch it
>they let you have a bottle of booze to keep you from thinking about it

No, not really...

We are now at the point were faggots using banker tools to perform their transaction take longer than just using cash.

It pisses me the fuck off.

We have banker BS involved in all of our transactions for no fucking reason at all.

>entire thread filled with leafs
>the memeflag is probably a leaf too

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Obviously most people who care about liberty and freedom you fucking kike

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why are you shitting up the board with this garbage.

sage and reported.

>21 year old boomer
>use cash so the gubmint and Jews can't see EVERYTHING I buy and do

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Literally irrelevant for nearly all legitimate store transactions besides gun sales.

>using Jewish credit traps to pay for things
>literally wanting the government to know everything you do with your money
Lol, what a fag you are.

Cash is unironically the only way to spend money freely, at least until things like Monero truly become ubiquitous.

Had this happen at DD a few weeks ago. Must have been some sort of early bird social security special.

Lines of boomers people paying with linty nickels and shit.

yea no one cares about you day to day shopping. that's crazy talk.

>born in '70
>not technically a boomer but close enough compared to the rest of you fruits
>used credit cards in the 80's the way people use bank cards now
>never paid 1 cent in fees because I never ever missed a payment
>now debit cards do the same thing
>except you have to pay for using them

Nothing about millenials is ever chadlike

When I use cash anywhere I have the relieve at least the electronic jew isn't tracking me, get woke on the Jewry of big data bro

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One of the very few good things about germany is that those pathetic fucks who use a plastic card instead of cold hard cash are treated with utter disdain.

I work retail and it's AIDs. I hate people who pay with cards. 90% of the time they stand there looking around with their hands in their pockets instead of entering their pin number. It takes so much longer than paying with cash. But then again I hate cash because no one seems to carry anything under a $20 bill anymore

That 55 cent is the result of 9/11

Germans have it right then.

People have been brainwashed into giving bank fucks a cut of our transactions.

>being this assblasted over hard currency.
you proabaly think no one can spy on you either.

>viral marketing

fuck off

Which would probably matter if you weren't being literally being videotaped in the store.

>Sorry, we don't accept currency here
Whine to your boss, faggot, let's see if he's on board with your genius business proposal.

Gen-Xer: paw my sky rocket for a wedge, detach from the stack a crispy series F and hand to cashier.
Cashier: stares at it, briefly daydreams that Boulton and Watt are about to tag-team her. Looks at me, doesn't waste her time asking if I have anything smaller.
Change given. Have a nice day said by both parties.


Kills the thread

Where do you think you are? Everyone here blames their friendless miserable lives on .002% of the world population


So, the Patriots are fucking you in your sweet tight ass right now and you do them the favour of spreading the cheeks for em

got it

>browsing not only Jow Forums but Jow Forums of all places when you're almost 50
God damn i hope i dont end up like you

Only when its justified specifically and with proof

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What is the cut off age kid?

>friendless miserable lives

Nice projection.

You might once it's too late.

I don't know, I'd say a perfect age is 25-35. Anything past that is a bit pathetic. Sorry man, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings

>Anything past that is a bit pathetic.

It is actually not pathetic, you are just making that up for some reason.

Today I went to the bread store. I made sure to have quarters in one pocket, pennies in another, and large bills in my wallet. The total came to $9.55. I whipped out a $20, grabbed 3 quarters by feel in one pocket, and luckilly didn't need the pennies. The cashier promptly handed me my change. There was minimal wait. If you plan on paying with cash and change, don't be an asshole and mine for the shit at the counter.

I found this place AFTER my youth where I did decades of cool shit.
Not instead of a youth full of decades of doing cool shit.

Dear god your threads suck

you know who makes 3.5% on every cashless transaction? the kikes.

t. memeflag kike

my dad would ALWAYS use exact change, it was so annoying lol

I always ask for the receipt just to make the cashier work more

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Or food sales, which they pass on the info to the national healthcare system, which then increases your healthcare charges because you purchased fast food more than 3 times in the last month. Did you buy a book questioning the official JFK shooting narrative, and you have young children in the home? CPS will have to make a house call, because you must be a racist conspiracy theorist child abuser.


oh wow I love paypass now!


at least he's not spending ten minutes in writing a check like the old americans

there is still the same difference between credit and debit cards, what are you on about old man?

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>Babyboomer: *takes the receipt and shoves it in his bottomless pockets even though he doesn't need that receipt at all*
but those tax deductions

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if your gonna shill a product at least try to be funny

you're not allowed to say that here

Cash users are scumbags who value their time at $0. Why would you carry cash when it just increases the amount of time per transaction? You're wasting everyone else's time.

>But you can't trace cash
Conscience can trace cash.

Normally I'm waiting for every retard to use their card like its the first fucking time. I almost always pay cash and am noticeably quicker.

One day we will be old and Gen Z will complain about us.

>not keeping your receipts for tax purposes
>letting the IRS jew you out of money so the government can spend it on niggers and illegals

I notice niggers are 900% more likely to use cash (especially coins)

jesus christ i can't believe how incredibly dumb you shits can get

>posts a tweet disparaging the Presidents 6th term
>wonders why his RFID chip doesn't work the next day
>starves to death 2 weeks later under a bridge.

wtf are banker tools?

You canucklehead

does it hurt being this stupid or are you too stupid to feel it?

What's wrong with Baby Boomers? they fought for us in Vietnam, and they also voted for great presidents like Ronald Reagan. They're the most conservative generation too

>Cashier: "That'll be 19.45$"
>Millenial: *uses paypass*
>*paypass doesn't work*
>Cashier: "Ooh, sorry, says here you're a Neo-nazi. Your paypass privilege has been revoked. Time to starve, bigot"
>Millenial: "C-can any boomers here lend me fifty bucks".

>work all day for a jew
>jews take whatever cut they wish
>money sent directly to other jews
>money is then used by jews to jew people
>jews pay you nothing for this use
>jew never lets you see or touch it
>jew lets you, if above a jew mandated age, to trade some money on a bottle of booze to keep you from thinking about it
>store owned by jews
>gov't jew charges 15% tax on the vodka for the privilege of buying it
>drink yourself to death
>jews come and take 50% of your stuff for dieing
>jew charges for your body to go back into the ground
fixed it for you

>spending the prime time of your life on some vietnamese knitting forum
Whats wrong with you

I use cash as much as humanly possible to avoid jewry.

>Buy herpes medicine
>Buy inflatable butt plug
>Mom finds out and kills herself in the next data breach

Good work Chad!

This. If I want to get coffee I have to stand behind some asshole paying exact change.
We need a final solution for the cash paying losers out there.

they let america become the hellhole it is today and did nothing about the jews ruining everything. they let mass immigration happen, and let the immigration acts happen. sad!

Boomers still write fucking checks.

>millenial cuck tries using Apple Pay
>"Sorry, sir, our machine is down"
>chad boomer cuts in front of him and pays with cash

G.I. generation
>stands there looking confused as if they were in a grocery store for the first time in their life
>forgets to pay
>gets angry when the cashier reminds them of it
>they start counting pennies from their little purse wallet
>"Sir, this currency has been outdated for 17 years. We only accept euros and cents now."
>asks to use the bathroom

G.I.? That what you call boomers over there?

This never happens. When is the last time a store had an outage and couldn't do a cashless transaction, the 80s?

The worst is when a baby boomer expects you to count the change and they're too old and stupid to know what they're handing you. I told one to get the fuck out of the store the other day when some old fuck gave me a handful of change (nickles and dimes) equalling around 20 dollars. And that geezer expected me to count it for him. Fuck boomers.

Sometimes this would happen to me when delivering pizza. I would count it as slow as possible on top of their rapidly cooling pizza box in the could outside.

Wasn’t even mad, letting them eat lukewarm pizza was punishment enough.

Checked. Woke crestboy is correct. Mass awakening confirmed, I’ll see you soon in the light of the lord as we celebrate knowing true purity of soul again. *dabs on old order’s grave*

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You're on the list pal, there's a rake with your name on it

I actually see this quite regularly. Maybe once a month I will see a register down with a sign saying "cash only". Usually they will have another register that is working though. No, I don't live in niggerville either.

I had to pay cash like 3 months ago because they did patience on the credit card servers while i was shopping. It happens maybe once a year. I carry $40 and no more.
Cash transactions are for losers who ignore the fact that these 10 seconds of time saving here and there add up. They add up fast when you're in a line and 6 boomers pay cash/check in front of me.

Said the faggot who now questions why he gets mail all the time advertising "snug fit" condoms and penis enhancers because his purchases of extra small condoms with "extra lube for more anal pleasure" have been tracked and the data sold to everyone with a penny.

reminder that electronic money is jewish trickery

you and everyone as weak as you sucks

>Keep zero track of their finances
>Wonder why they're perpetually broke

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>I don't realize how fragile our society actually is and that shit like this is actually quite common because everything isn't as great as it's been makde out to be

Why do u retarded leafs put the $ after the amount? Its $14.88 not 14.88$ get it right.
I'm so over Canada. WAR WITH CANADA DOG FUKRS!

>Cashier: "That'll be 19.45$"
>Millenial: *uses paypass*
>"You can throw away the receipt thanks, have a nice day"
Exactly, this is why I fucking hate you fuckers. You surrendered everybody's fucking privacy for your own convenience and sloth. All they had to do to get you dipshits to give up 2,000 years of progress from state tyranny, was give you battery operated toys with flashing lights and beeping sounds.
Fucking tools.

>schlomo at the bank knows what you buy, where and when because he sees your transaction
>can only guess what i do with my money as i always withrdraw
Stupid leaf, go on, use your virtual goypoints to buy some liquid jew in a bottle while also paying for your plastic card with a magnetic strip.
Cash is so much faster, you always get dumb zoomers sticking their cards in the reader multiple times and it refuses to read it, a lot end up paying cash anyways, especially in bars.

Why are you picking a fight with the only other country to use retarded imperial measurements over something so small?

And it's 19 dollars not Dollars 19

Was always like that until paypass.

This bothers me too. If you don't know how to use a credit card then off to the gas chambers with you.

>cash is so much faster
Now come on, man, I agree with you but that just ain't true at all

Fair, but there's been plenty of research done to show that people value actual cash a lot more than they do the same number of dollars in an account. You're much, much more likely to "impulse buy" a 20 dollar thing on a charge card or other form of electronic payment than you are to actually hand over a physical 20 dollar bill for it.

No shit. You have people who are barely able to count change working tills across the globe. Some of the faster card readers work in under a second.

You know who pays the cost of those transaction fees, cash users. At least with credit I make it back.