South Africa- /SA/ General

>here we go again, boys

If the black South Africans try to start a civil war, theyll be sorry. The whites are mostly armed, as they risk being attacked by Black South Africans daily. This is especially true for Boer farmers, who live further from cities, therefore farther from law enforcement. These are Politically and racially motivated attacks. Whites in south africa hold up the economy, but blacks hold the government. Only 8% of South Africas population is white.
If whites end up winning a possible civil war, either apartheid will return and create a based white country in africa, or the blacks will just be killed and cause the creation of a based white country in africa. Worst case scenario Countries like the USA and entities like Europe and The United Nations will sanction and deny recognition as a sovereign nation to this hypothetical country, Like the former Rhodesia.

>ITT: the future of South africa.

Hard times create strong men.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Should South Africas old Flag be Banned?
Rhodesians Never Die
Die Stem Van Suid Afrika

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didn't you just create this thread with a different OP?

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Does Gaddafi fit into the category of "African master race"?

You refused to show your flag in the last thread and then made a new one. Fuck off.

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>More Videos
Rhodesians Never Die
Die Stem van Suid Afrika

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duplicate thread

bump but never use a memeflag mate, easy way for people to write off the entire thread as a shitpost

Siener van Rensburg was right. Prepare for war and repent. God be with you.

I see this thread every day and have the same reply every time:

If you're rooted in Africa and have any kind of marketable skill or run your own business, ther are other african countries that NEED you to operate there.

I grew up on a commerical farm in Zambia after my parents' land was expropriated by the Zimbabwean government in 2002, and the Zambian government gave us ridiculously cheap land right across the border for us to set up on, and we've entirely propped up the local economy. Nations like Zambia, Nigeria, Malawi, and Kenya are very seriously considering this and they need people for logistics, shipping, and business administration all over the continent.

Regardless, Every white north of the Limpopo is praying for you lads, stay safe!

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Reminder the war is coming soon.

No larp, every day the talks get more and more heated, my uncle says it feels like the late 80s for him again in terms of tensions. People are going to start arming as us ever stubborn whites refuse to give up land. I know many Afrikaners who have been holding in a hate boner for 25 years waiting for the blacks to flip the table and show their true colours.

Time to watch the fireworks. I'm young, fit and ready to defend my property.

>99% of questions answered here

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Since the nigs in SA are going to seize all property, leading to the SA economy tanking and turn Southern Africa into Mad Max not long after, I’ve been planning on going out in the open with my buds to help our Volk in any way we can. We reckon most of the killings will be Rwanda style with machetes and ak welding gangs and marauders. Most middle aged white men are gun owning veterans of the border war and the SA military will collapse as it won’t be able to maintain stability. White staff will leave their posts. There’s also been talk of random white militias storming bases to grab all the guns and vehicles when shtf.

You have seen the escalating situation in South Africa and feel the call to help. You have military training, or maybe you don't. Though regardless you may want to go. All the measures you plan should be above board; legal and can be declared openly. There is nothing to hide in feeling motivated to protect civilians from being killed and tortured as a humanitarian. You need stamina, conviction, armament and a ticket, you need to know up-to-date military tactics.

We have a few months to prepare still. The UN will not step in same as it in did in Rwanda. Only reason there are still Tutsis in Rwanda is because a Tutsi army from Uganda ended the genocide. What people in SA need is humanitarian protection.

Stressing to all anons here this might very well be the great redpilling we were waiting for. The sides are clear, should whites be left slaughtered or should they be saved? This will be a hot topic in the coming years, but we need to make sure to spread footage and stories of what will happen on the ground.Get some likeminded buds together (foreign contacts are too risky), start to slowly ease them into the idea of helping white saffers.

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How is it possible that some random dutch cartoon gave me a reason to live?

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So what do you guys think of foreign volunteers when shtf?

Wouldn't be the first time

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What's it like living around all those niggers?

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Bring Hitler with Hans. I want to meet him

Pretty much like how it is to live in one of your more diverse cities, or Mississippi.

A better question would be me asking how does it feel to live in countries where you can actually walk around and only see white people at times.

Send gas

How does it feel to live in a country where you don't have to be on high alert all the time.*

It's really nice. I spent almost 3 years in Bend Oregon and it was all nice white families enjoying community events In the parks and on the river. Almost brings a tear to your eye knowing that these things still exist in some places. It shows you what is worth fighting for.

wasnt the Boer war instigated by the ~~anglos~~ Jews who wanted your gold and diamonds?

oh, nice, markdown doesn't work on Jow Forums

Ja, though I don't hold anything personally against Anglos like an 80 year old fart since they're like 1/3 of whites here, doesn't mean I can't forever hate their government and it's Jewish handlers.

Since you have the Portuguese flag why didn't you add a spanish flag

are you retarded?
also, show flag

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Nobody has liked our government since WW1. They've all been complete tools.


I guess that's why Enoch Powell couldn't become prime minister.

>Germans Korps and Polish volunteers
>tfw we can only fight side by side when fighting the eternal anglo

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Is there any conflict between Boer and Anglo currently? I've heard some Boer down accept the label Afrikaner because it was made to include Anglos in the Cape and Boers in their republics. I can imagine that its a bit like the Yankee-Dixie attitudes down here. You can share a country and even some blood but the actions of the past are not soon forgotten.

mymy best girl

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The vilification of Enoch Powell is frankly one of the most disgusting things to happen in British politics. The man was the youngest professor ever in the Commonwealth, a war veteran, and he put his neck out for what he believed in, risking his chance to become Prime Minister.

he was also the youngest Brigadier by the end of the war

I listend to his speech recently and honestly you can present this to anyone but the most cucked leftist and they'd be hard-pressed to condemn it as evil or racist. It was literally him saying mass immigration is unwise. Yet I and many others grew up thinking he said something along the lines of wanting non-whites dragged from their homes and butchered in the streets. That's what happens when you call it the "Rivers of Blood" speech and don't fucking ever elaborate on what he said.

that's one of the most retarded misnomers ever

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Lou Theroux in South Africa in 2000.

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I expect it was called as such purely as propaganda, to scare people away from listening to it. He says "rivers of blood" in the speech because it's a quote from a piece of classical literature and as a professor of Latin of course he would do this. But you say the title to a kid and they think he *wants* rivers of blood.

He told Eugene Terre'blanche about how "exciting" the new SA is. What do you think he had to say when Terre'Blanche was murdered.

Is that Rene lol

Had family in South Africa, had. The Blacks are Bantu invaders and have no right to boss the native Coloureds and White Farmers around

It's pretty great, but there's a lot of nogs where I live, probably about 30% of the population.

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More of a Maymay guy myself.

I think lou was back then a very naive film maker.
Wonder if he still is.
Btw what happened to that other guy? That farmer with the good looking daughter


Yea that's him eddy. Did he stay in SA or leave.
He sounded like a real great character

Think he still farms somewhere close to the Botswana border. Should be old now

He seemed very articulate and well read.

It's to late, anons. Give Africa to the niggers... Dutch and Anglos aren't even worth saving. They started this mess. let them suffer the ultimate consequences

Why don't you shut the fuck up?

Why don't you accept the truth?
Why wouldn't I wish for you "white folk" get brutally murdered and then use the gore pics for propaganda? You Death would be way more profitable for us, than saving your african "country". Give me a reason to care about you...

Why does Portugal, who allied with South Africa in your own colonial wars, now want to genocide them?

If it wasn't an issue then why is it an issue now?

If white genocide in South Africa wasn't an issue?

white genocide in Africa is nothing new

But it is a problem just as it was back then. Why abandon them to rape and murder?

Siener said things will start when the ice starts melting... There is snow around the mountain in the western cape. Winter is almost over... It's almost august.. Fuck boys

They chose this

they didn't choose this
they fought against it
and if it weren't for the sanctions they would have been able to deal with it

Descendants of settlers with their land chose what? Does someone living in Amadora chose to live with Kangz?

when did they "fought for it"? What are they doing in Africa?

No, but someone living in Africa chose to live with niggers


So, if the war comes, will you be able to win a civil war and get the help of the west? How can 4.5 million people defeat 50 million? I know that nogs are bad fighters but that's 1 to 10 advantage the blacks have

that's almost enough niggers to make it a fair fight

This is how.

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they were in south africa before most of the niggers
the niggers that were there before then now number in the thousands
nigs are BAD fighters, it will work out

Dutch arrived at the cape and there was no one there, it was only up north where they started finding Xhoisan tribes, and then we traded land for food, horses, guns, ammunition etc. So it's more that the blacks chose to live with the whites and not the other way around.

Every single one of those guys killed more than 100 niggers. That's such a ridiculous kill count

>were in SA before the niggers

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Good user, how can you stand the smell?

Anyone want some portuguese colonial war funk?

Portuguese arrived to the Cape before the Dutch.
Still Africa

I don't get it. Niggers hate white pipo AND apartheid. Yet they want to live amongst whitey. It's almost as if these people are incapable of surviving on their own. god i fucking hate this world

troll confirmed

>If whites end up winning a possible civil war, either apartheid will return and create a based white country in africa, or the blacks will just be killed and cause the creation of a based white country in africa
Wouldn't be allowed. The western media would paint it as genocide and the public would actually support military intervention for the first time in decades.

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Africa is the Land of the Niggers, friend. How can you say those things even if it seems plausibely true, even tho, a kid with 3 years could know that Afica is for the Niggers?

I can't remember the name of that operation, but essentially:

>Rhodies capture a ZANLA technical, paint themselves black, and drive into the centre of a ZANLA training facility
>blow an airhorn or some shit which was the signal for everyone to head out into the yard and stand at attention
>open fire on the literal thousands of blacks standing 10 deep in a crowd

Yet there was no one there when they arrived, hmm.. how peculiar. But my argument still stands, blacks chose to live with whites.

and america is the land of the indians and asia minor is greek?
i just read the wiki article about it yesterday

>threads worshipping rhodesia all from countries that fucked over and caused the destruction of it

get the fuck out cucks. You're the reason the world is shit. Just commit suicide

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colonialism apologists get the rope

i've seen this. if blacks are so strong, how come they aren't that good at fighting with guns and swords? even the arabs btfo'd them.

Sure, but Rhodesia was also outnumbered and they lost in the end. What percentage are whites in Africa? 7%?

It makes me a little less concerned about when SHTF here in the US. As long as we have our guns, we should be ok.

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Lmao but if a white controls it that land would be a world superpower.

they would at worst have to hold out a few years until RaHoWa comes to Europe
why dont you show me your flag, kike?
you also have liberals and spics

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show me your nose kike

Blacks are more aggressive but don't have the smarts to win a real battle.

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Yes the entire nation of South Africa is going to fight "The white man". Very logical, especially when a large percentage of the nation is starving and unemployed.

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America is a land of niggers now.
whites controled that land until not so long ago

also daily reminder that Rhodesia was anti-fascist and Ian Smith called Mugabe a fascist, I have nothing but joy about the fact that Rhodesia is gone.

also Cecil Rhodes was a New World Order maniac. He laid the ground works for many secret societies today and commited genocides against South Africans like the boers who weren't anglo-saxon.

We do, but spics don't have any sort of successful military history, and liberals literally don't believe in gun ownership.

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they are better than negros and can manage to use actual tactics and strategies

If they ever posed an actual military threat to whites they would've tried something a long time ago.

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I guess you're talking about South Rhodesia, yeah, they are old school conservatives. But the AWB where and always will be retarded. African Fascism is retarded. But we don't even care for Rhodesia anyways, I mean who the fuck where they? They don't have the Rand mines or a glorious flat mountain. Fucking Plebs.

I know, but the blacks have a younger population and more potential soldiers, I never claimed everyone is going to fight the white man, but I'm assuming all the white men of fighting age will fight though? Also, could a white person sacrifice themselves and assassinate that nigger leader of yours? The one that said he can't make any promises not taking your land?

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