2016 Election

Did Russia have any influence over the 2016 election? I've been watching a (((special report))) on CNN about it and basically the only hard claim they can make is that someone leaked out the DNC's emails.

Is that the extent of it? Is that what they mean when they say Russia "hacked the election"?

Also, feel free to post salt and liberal tears from that night in this thread, I will never get tired of it. Pic related are some Clinton supporters on that glorious night.

Attached: SALT.png (1101x620, 1.43M)

Other urls found in this thread:


yes, the hacked emails that no one can even name anything from anymore and internet trolls made hillary clinton not campaign in the areas that made trump win

Yes even US President Vladimir Putin admitted it.

Attached: putin admits.png (853x445, 444K)

The polling was correct, she was supposed to win, but they didn’t poll the Russians.

(pic related) sums it up.

Attached: 1530304156158.jpg (720x527, 83K)


about as much influence as a bunch of other countries publicly endorsing one candidate over another.

kek, that turbocucks face in the top left

Attached: 1532824431636.png (418x308, 180K)

Excellent graphic. If I had a Facecuck I would post that cartoon on there.

>I did

That's wrong transcript.

Putin said: Yes, I wanted. Yes, I wanted.

fuck off russia why do u hate america so much

Attached: russia dumping us.jpg (900x506, 43K)

Who cares? This dead horse has been beaten so much it's now individual atoms.

Attached: 5zse5w4k05d11.jpg (502x500, 60K)

So what if Russia was shilling for trump, 80% of the mass media was shilling for Hillary and telling us Trump was unelectable. Anybody else remember the Time "meltdown" and "total meltdown" covers? So much for objective reporting.

The entire Russia hacked the election narrative was spawned from the following Rachel Maddow segment:


>Social Engineering is a form of hacking
>Russian kids using bots a 5 year old could download are trolling twitter
>these Russian trolls "socially engineered" the American voter
>therefore, Russia hacked the election

Attached: rachel-maddow.jpg (750x563, 46K)

What an absolutely insufferable twat. Why are liberals so unbearable? What is it about them?

>they can make is that someone leaked out the DNC's emails.
> someone

if we only knew, eh?

Attached: evidence-seth-rich-leaked-DNC-wikileaks-678x381.jpg (650x365, 33K)

> DNC sabotaged Bernie in early spring '16
> DNC Staffer SETH RICH leaked Outlook Exchange HD of DNC emails to wikileaks
> the HD became available on a Belarus server
> HRC incites war rhetoric with Russia over no-fly sanction proposal in Syria. This move was to stop Russia from access to a petrol pipeline through northern Syria
> SETH RICH conveniently "burglarlized"
> summer 16 - FBI declares HRC will not be prosecuted despite overwhelming evidence of treason
> HRC becomes DNC endorsed nominee
> DWS forced to resign from DNC
> contents of emails showed Podesta's email accounts and his password
> mid-summer 16 Podesta's account / emails get 'hacked' because DNC are incompetent
> October surprise - shamed FBI has to re-review their colluded findings of HRC's treason

so, clearly RUSSIA had everything to do with the election results

>tfw you realize russians are immigrants too

Attached: soyyyy.jpg (459x471, 107K)

no of course not, and if they had what difference, at this point, would it make?

Only the truly n00b think the russkies are more able to exploit our retarded election system than our domestic experts in the GOP and Dem party.

fake news

Salty dems still not over the 2016 election.

it really is fucking pathetic

The DNC is a clean and ethical organization and no leaks would be able to hurt them, thats why Cernovich focused on Hillarys health.

Wouldn't the bigger challenge be to prove that voters were influenced away? I mean, a Bernie Sanders coloring book could totally sway votes!

I mean, what drives a person to not campaign for a whole month?

Attached: hillary's campaign.png (640x341, 49K)

As far as actual contributions and NGOs, Israel, Ukraine, China and numerous other countries had way more influence on that election than the Ruskies.

Its just an excuse for Hillary and a talking point for the dems.

My mistake. I meant this one.

Attached: chasing hillary.jpg (1258x745, 136K)

>that someone leaked out the DNC's emails.
Had nothing to do with the Russians, too bad we have to take Crowdstrike's word for it now because the server went missing
Not fishy at all amirite

Online influence had very little impact, said a Stanford study.

Seth Rich was the "russian hacker". Hillary and her special interests wanted to use Russia as their scapegoat because Russia backed Syria and Israel wants Syria because whoever controls Syria controls all the oil pipelines from the middle East to the main oil port. That is why when Trump announced US troops would be coming back home from all middle eastern countries, Israel false flagged Syria 3 times. twice with accusations of gas attacks on its citizens and once when they were shooting their missiles at Syria over Israel from the sea and claiming it was Syria shooting missiles at Israel. Remember during the election Hillary claimed we here on Jow Forums were Russians using memes of pee pee and poo poo to subvert voters from voting Hilldawg? She paid millions for Correct the Record to try and combat our memes all during the election. The only time Russia had any dealing with our election was when Hillary's special interest group from Russia gave her millions to run her campaign.


Never announce a sage, faggot. You get a 3 day ban for it.

I was our guys in Velez and we are getting ready for November 2018. Let the fun continue.

I've hated the Clintons for twenty years it has nothing to do with Russia.

>I watched something about leftists making more baseless claims, hoping it’ll be true if they say it enough
>Kang Nigger was (((scandal free)))
Until there’s actual, tangible fucking evidence, it’s been nothing more than a 2 year smear-campaign. Media got their nuts kicked up to their gut with the recent election, so they’re trying to save face

too bad they had to get rid of Seth Rich


Remember many other nation’s endorsements for Hillary for that matter? Certainly they wouldn’t have interfered if she won

what originally made the jews hated?

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