Why do you hate an innocent child?

This is the future. If you don't like, you can fuck off.


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it's a fucking faggot. kys leaf

Nah we've had fags all throughout history we've just been getting lazy at mass murdering them.

Child abuse isn't something to celebrate.

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>If you don't like, you can fuck

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honestly, i feel it's nothing but jealousy. doubt any of you could pull off these moves.


I hate his parents

The kid is just a reflection of thier degeracy

Also kill yourself


I pity this child, it is mentally ill and everybody supports illness

Help me remember a movie. At the start they're captured by nazis, then they escape and later on find a British guy.

your tears aren't enough to change the future. too bad for you.

I hate how he has been abused, not him.

That kid looks like he’s being slipped something regularly
I hope him and his parents die in mugging gone wrong ;)


For faggots to be the future, they’d have to breed.

They don't even hide it anymore.

Fucking cancer. The left is cancer. Purge it before it kills us.

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>gender fluid deviant

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you mean you dont want to save him?

leaf why must you poke the Jow Forums

Okay I'll fuck off.

Where to though? Is there a country specifically for people that haven't lost track of all reason and sanity? Sign me the fuck up.

He probably hasn't been that in a long while.

People who hate others for what they do when it has nothing to do with them should fucking be shot.
So should ass hats who tell people what the future is.

Man, Belgium can be so fucking funny sometimes. I love it.


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Help me remember this fucking movie please.

A group of guys escape nazis and find a British guy later on. 1 guy hasn't slept at all and never misses a shot, he missed a shot and it turns out the guy is an old friend.

What a sickly-looking, ugly kid.

Daily reminder anyone calling them "jokes" are the same people who claim illegals are "undocumented"
The pedophile was not a comedian. Those were not jokes.

i hate being a leaf

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We don't hate the child, we hate what was done to the child. You'll have to excuse us for being of the radical opinion that children shouldn't be sexualized in any shape or form. And don't tell me it should be the child's choice, they only know what they have been taught. If they've been taught to suck their father's dick on a daily basis they'll see nothing wrong with that.

Fuck off to where? Where can I go that this sick shit won't follow?

This boy is mentally retarded isn't he?

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be true to yourself
dont rub your elf
and you wont end up
like the leaf
raked himself


Looks like a jewspawn.

He already looks pozzed.

It's the future, if the future has AIDS

These people are removing themselves from the gene pool.

God rot them.

hes ugly as fuck thats for sure

I enjoy the video from its live stream where he's reading troll comments ("Hitler did nothing wrong") and its caretaker (another it) mentions ketamine. The kid sniffs fake K off its arm.

I don't hate the child. It's not his fault he was raised by /d/. I hate /d/

This kid is going to murder his parents or revolt in a way that would cause his parents to commit self kill.


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Take your vaccines and die.

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No, he just got brainwashed as a kid. Just like you and me.

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I hate child abuse

that little faggot will have had more cocks than Stormy Daniels already

he outed himself as gay if I recall it right

I don't.
I pity him.
His parents have clearly sexually abused him and are promoting the sexualization of their child to normalize what they have done.
I'd hope that removing this child from the situation would help him, but I fear the damage is already done and is irreversible.
It's fucking sad and infuriating but I harbor no ill will towards a brainwashed and abused child.
His parents should be strung up from a lampost by their guts.

So trendy, so hip, so modern. Why aren't you embracing progressivism anons? it's... beautiful.


Checked for essential information.

It's just sad

no longer innocent once it has contracted cultural marxism

It's aweful... these people need Jesus.

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Oh boy, when I see stuff like this I actually feel better that I live in this (somehow) backward country.

A corrupted being, a shell of a child, filled with concepts created and bred into him by deranged adults.
Culling it is not an act of hate, but of mercy.

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desu I don't understand why people here are so afraid of normalization of pedos and think it will be the end of the west. I would say tranny kids are leagues worse than pedos but it's already totally okay and if you think otherwise you are a bigot. At least kids who were pedo'd have a chance of recovering, trannies kids don't since they are already irreversible fucked by hormones and shit

It THIS is the future, then i'm glad i got terminal cancer.

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Pedo is allowing the gay to spread. They're like vampires, they infect the next generation which in turn infects the next generation. Kids getting pedo'd turns them gay.

straya delivers

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Do you remember anything else about the movie? Rough idea of when it came out?

If a kid can consent to this, what's the rationale they use that a kid can't consent to having sex with an adult?

This just paves the way for pedophilia.

AIDS and Xanax.

Why would parents actively set out to create a fruitcake kid?

Can't wait to read this little faggot's bio in 40yrs when he talks about all the abuse he endured.

that little fag isn't going to make to be 15

Reminder that the particular tranny in question was a convicted accessory to a brutal drug related murder.

I don't hate the child. I hate the degenerates that did this to him

Every week it seems some story about children being sold for sex to get drug money comes out. Can't help but think this kids parents figured out the best way to hide it is in plain sight

I dont hate him, I pity him for having such shitty parents

Parents of that child should be shot, so should every single enabler of this degeneracy.

>children are innocent
Jewish meme.

this future cannot reproduce

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Can't tell who are the worst shitposters here, Leafs or Aussies?

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>puffy jew lips
>that permanent sort of rictus of disgust that all Jews have
>the lower eyelid squinting that all Jews do
Okay, this is Jewish

then i guess i'll fuck off, kek

Anyone who've known gays knows how that boy will end up.

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australia saves the day!

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This is your future goyim, accept it, embrace it, love it.

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Reptilian-looking little fucker, whatever it is.

looks like it got its face stung by a swarm of bees