Pol what do in this situation

quite a conundrum

Attached: what do.png (1079x497, 44K)

Oh Jesus, this is quite the predicament

I'd rather not pick a side and let them go at each other

Can I arrest them both? The tranny for wasting security resources and the Muslim for working without a visa?

Sit back, laugh and let the left eat itself is what you do

Crash a plane into a building and invade iran.

Something like this will start WW3

I'm going with the muslim winning, I doubt the tranny has any immunity to improvised devices of peace

this is what dueling was invented for, bring it back

Attached: 30dac9bd88b9af99-531x400.jpg (531x400, 32K)

nothing,dont interrupt your enemies when they make mistakes.

Don't joke about that

Got a link you fagatron 5000?

>Jow Forums: have a giggle
>lefty: ???
I'm actually not sure where Muslim vs tranny is on the Oppression Chart for Leftists. If I had to guess, I'd say they side with Muslim against a white tranny, or they'd side with a colored tranny.

Diversity is so beautiful, just think, this uniquely wonderful situation could be coming to a location near you very soon!

nah bitch what you gonna do about it?

Islam supersedes everything else. Tranny sued a Muslim masseuse for not wanting to touch them and the tranny got BTFO IIRC

Play some video games

Support both.
Fight the jew by being the jew

Film it with my phone while yelling WORLDSTAR

I hope every eye in the world sees this, that no matter what, you cannot remove people's self-centered hatred of others. There will never be multiculturalism where the soil is always rotten.