
Hamburg law offices applied for a men quote. Since 70% of all prosecutors are woman the offices thought it would be fair to demand a men quote. Here is the fun part. Now femi shitlibtard organisations call this unconstitutional because apparently only femquotes are legit. Pol help me blow this out of proportions we can make this a big thing.

Revving this one up again, not that I really care for the quote, the shills can take it down for if I am concerned, though it would be nice to see you lads spread this a little, the dissonance that this can uncover is great.

That aside, have a chuckle, don't be a cuckle!

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As long as Merkle is in power, I hope all of your krauts just keep on suffering.

...You didn't even read what I had to spread/say.


That sould have, or could have been:
instead of the lame old
Have a hearty chuckle!

Do you mean quota?

You're a moron if you thought feminism was anything but a "FUCK ALL MEN" movement.

The word you are looking for is "quota", and this will never be blown out of proportion because mainstream corporate news won't touch this.

Attached: 1529453686406.png (1200x1188, 1.87M)

Women get to choose whether or not their child lives or dies, the man has no reproductive rights.
"Believe women" when they cry rape when a guy doesn't want to commit
>Fuck gender roles
Unless women benefit from them.
>Social services
Women get the majority of government services while paying less in taxes than men.

The fucked up thing is you still can't criticize women. Men are worse at everything and things that men appear to be better than women are simply the result of sexism.