How do you feel about it honestly?
Be honest Jow Forums, does the anti-white male stuff ever get to you?
Nope. Just reminds me of how awesome it is being white.
>wypipo be evil and dumb lmao
>vtw they still have access to my beef courtians
she low key admits she doesnt know about history
It's funny because white men have created everything that she owns except her predisposition to chimp out.
This. If everyone hates you, you must be doing something right.
No, the opinions of sub humans are meaningless.
Does it ever get to me? I've heard it since I was old enough to speak. Which is why I'm a racist now. Thanks Liberals!
It just reminds me that SJW non-White women are usually massive consumers of White cock. Legit.
People talk shit about what they are jealous of.
Blacks have a lot to be jealous of whites for.
We are better lovers, more fertile, richer, better looking.
Mexicans are just a little jealous.
The subconsciously know that our historical ancestors have been viscious colonizers therefore we can fuck them over if we're pushed to our limits.
Yes, and I will get my revenge in this lifetime or the next
Does it materialize in much besides crazed feminist memes, I’ve never encountered it in the wild and I do go out.
no because its pure ignorance on the basis that we are not those people......
But you’re Belgian user
There is no wrong way to be born.
this, it's the curiosity like the urge to tap a sleeping bear or throw a rock at a bull.
I wonder if her (((history))) degree went over the black slavers selling slaves to Europeans.
I've never noticed it either. Then again women are passive aggressive. They probably just go home and vent online if they encounter a white male they don't like.
It makes me feel good that people hate me and think I'm superior because of the color of my skin. I just wish they'd fuck off with their inferiority complexes because it's dragging my nation down.
This. Their hate only makes my dick harder. It feels good knowing that you are on top.
Second top.
no. it makes me feel stronger.
Literally a non-country and a non-people.
She brags about both dating white guys and being a history major, while also claiming her virtue-signaling points by insinuating that history shows white people as the villains. She is too stupid too see what a hypocrite she is, dating the race that she is trying to incriminate.
Below Finns
what the fuck? someone explain
I live in CA. The brown people who say this are very insecure people and have no idea how retarded it sounds.
I'm a pretty good looking guy and one of the better looking girls in my social group has a crush on me and flirts with me. She posts anti-white stuff on facebook. I'm sorry, but she doesnt stand a fucking chance because of that.
I always just deny these girls, and they know Im on the right. Let them figure it out.
How is this even anti white male? She admits she can't resist the power and domination of the BWC despite it going against everything she believes.
Gallia Belgica
Aren't white males the biggest student demographic in history lessons? Is she saying whitie should be ashamed of their history or something?
Except black
>does the anti-white male stuff ever get to you?
I just remember this . . .
Leftists tend to hate anything that has an image of being strong, good and successful. They hate America, they hate Western civilization, they hate white males, they hate rationality. The reasons that leftists give for hating the West, etc. clearly do not correspond with their real motives. They SAY they hate the West because it is warlike, imperialistic, sexist, ethnocentric and so forth, but where these same faults appear in socialist countries or in primitive cultures, the leftist finds excuses for them, or at best he GRUDGINGLY admits that they exist; whereas he ENTHUSIASTICALLY points out (and often greatly exaggerates) these faults where they appear in Western civilization. Thus it is clear that these faults are not the leftist’s real motive for hating America and the West. He hates America and the West because they are strong and successful.
I’m genuinely interested. Any stories anyone wants to share?
I thought about it once...then I considered what my alternatives were. That’s all it takes.
Statistically speaking: The first thing white people do when they get shit on is become more racist, the second thing they do is become more jingoistic, and the third thing they do is feel relief/happiness they're white.
We are the jews of the colored people
Preaching to the choir fren.
"Pretty a much a non-country!"
>>one of the better looking girls
Is she non white? I’m sorry you didn’t mention it.
>the ancestors of people from low IQ populations aren't in the history books doing bad things XD
That's because they didn't do anything of note. Whites are seen a history's villian as they've been overwhelmingly more power than non whites since the early modern Era.
>There is no wrong way to be born.
Breech birth can be pretty dangerous.
And birth with the cord around the neck.
fpbp. This because they want to be white.
Never in my life have I encountered overt anti-white rhetoric out in the open, and I've been around. The real world is much more sane than the niggers on twitter will lead you to believe.
>be history major
>think wipipo are the worst
Did she flunk out or something
it's true. :/
>SJW complain about white males being high status assholes
>Backfires because women like high status assholes
a california history degree is a fucking joke. my girlfriend had to take some online classes offered by some cali university and the shit they had her reading/watching was a fucking joke
Everytime I look at a nonwhite I feel this immense pride. Pride of who I am, who my ancestors were, the countless stories of my culture and how beautiful and unique the european spirit is. I feel disgust when I see a nigger. They really just are not human.
Does it get to me?
Only when they can't wrap their heads around the fact that they're being racist to white people, and sexist to men.
That's when I call them a FUCKING STUPID nigger and walk away
JBW theory proven once again
And yeah, the epigenetic response of this whole shitshow is really bringing out the colonizer genes...
Theory from incel^
This. They think about us all day everyday, they are utterly obsessed with Europeans. I don’t think about nonwhites unless I am making fun of them or pointing out shit their pitiful existence is.
no, not at all. i stopped caring about sticks and stones after middle school. only children (and niggers) would get so upset over words and name calling
Sorry you have to live there often
It is surprising, since non-STEM majors are nothing but leftist indoctrination centers. Good for her for not falling for the propaganda.
She probably just doesn't like getting her face beaten in by her boyfriend.
What about my major, applied economics
I wasn't a Nazi until 2016 when the left when off the rails and literally anything not them was deemed a Nazi. Now I'm waiting for my uniform and ready to report to man the ovens at the first sign from God Emperor Trump. Non-ironically.
Lol no, I’m white. Haters are going to hate, i believe is what the negroes say
Well it's made me racist against non-whites.
But it's pushed me to the point that I notice other whites just go along with this too.
I use to be one of them...Now I'm an accelerationist.
“I used to be a sheep but then I became an even dumber sheep and I want to starve as the russians slaughter us again”
Pic related
I picked up a leftist girl at a bar one night and went back to her place. During the post coital chat she asked me if I was racist. I looked her in the eyes and said yes. She literally started crying lol.
Yes, constantly, its a reminder that these people would destroy civilization just because they're not ok with the fact whites built it unassisted.
Whites tried to drag everyone along with them into better lives out the the goodness in our hearts and that is being trampled and used in attempts to make us feel so shameful that we annihilate ourselves.
It is too depressing, this person being a history major and having an opinion like that just shows that history even has been corrupted in the endless quest to call me a demon.
I grew up wanting to improve the world, and I still do, and always will, but my pity for these types is gone.
>watching the little prince with my daughter, scene where kids are auditioning for the fancy prep school. Rejected family comes out, white DAD is the one crying, wife being strong and comforting
>getting gas at Turkey Hill at 3am, all the pumps are playing anti white propaganda. real estate company commercial: cool black family advised by cool black employee gets the house. they share a smirk as clueless white family wonders why they got turned down.
It's everywhere. And this is the experience of someone who hasn't watching cable TV in like 8 years. I can only imagine the utter hellscape that is normie media consumption. Feels like I've crash landed on an alien planet sometimes.
Lmfao, hope you didn’t finish inside her.
Did you taste her tears?
jfc m8 that's gold
but i got to say i've got more than a couple women into bed by being honest about the topic of racism. in fact the best sex i ever had was from a girl i very literally and very coldly told to kill herself after she got smart while turning me down at a club.
my current gf asked me months ago if I was racist, without skipping a beat I said yes and she just said ok
that was the end of that
What a wonderful story.
No, because I'm not actually white.
What bothers me is stupidity coming from the left.
>I grew up wanting to improve the world, and I still do, and always will, but my pity for these types is gone.
they're holding us back, user
Surprising that any white guys would date a low IQ propagandist trainee. We usually want SOME intelligence from a woman. History
it gets to me only half the time
>t. amerimutt
What the fuck ?
No user that’s my girlfriend damn it
>How do you feel about it honestly?
I'm the people who hold anti-white sentiment are being open about it. More white people need to wake up.
not a very fucking good history major, lol. left out about, oh I don't know, history beyond 500 years ago.
fucking dumb ass
pls let her be my gf
No bad doggie
I avoid dealing with other people as much as possible, especially if they give off a lefty vibe.
The problem with being a history major is who the history teacher is and what their agend is.
The last time I met someone who was truly anti white, I asked them , since they were a feminist, if they believe all the muslims coming in practicing vaginal circumcision were a healthy decision to Canada’s values
Her answer was “anti immigration bullshit”
Some people you just can’t reach.
I've done the same thing who knows how many times on tinder. It's often too dark to see my maga hat on the bookshelf across the room at night. They wake up in the morning with a lot of questions and it's never shit they want to hear.
They hate us cuz they ain't us
People are always trying to pull others down, feels good to know you're on top.
Feels good literally only being the aggressors in every single situation.
pls be my boyfriend then
It makes it much easier to filter the people I choose to have in my life.
What are niggers doing right?
It just makes it easier to want to deport all the niggers and spics.
Literal bots
well they're exceedingly good at violence, being obnoxiously loud, and stealing things, so I suppose there's that
>they're exceedingly good at violence
They're actually pretty terrible at violence, but they are definitely inclined to do it.
Oh my God audible kek