Why are Indians such weirdos?

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they were vain in previous yugas, and are now suffering for their sins

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because not enough women show bob n vagene to them

and pedos, rapists, murderers, fake doctors, irs scammers, stink like fuckshit, liars......

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thats says no spitting on carpet in hindi, thats photoshopped

and why would you know hindi?

why do u think i use a memeflag

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Why did you shit on the airport carpet?

Who the fuck stands that close to another man in a line? This is some gay shit.

still having a sign for spitting is bad enough.

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India is about the size of texas and it has more people than the entire western hemisphere. It is literally impossible for them to have any concept of personal space.

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Is this a jojo reference?

According to Sadhguru, we're in the dwapara yuga right now and in like 70 years we'll be in treta yuga.

If there's so many people around, then why are they completely socially retarded?

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*WHAM!!* Vamonos

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Indian poetry right here

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Cause they fuck goats


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How did they managed to predict everything with such precision, especially regarding the (((vaishyas)))?

>they were vain in previous yugas, and are now suffering for their sins
All the good ones died out and only the sheep remain - like you.

>and pedos, rapists, murderers, fake doctors, irs scammers, stink like fuckshit, liars......
There are pedos, rapists, murderers, fake doctors, irs scammers, stinky people, liars here too user.

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>Why did you shit on the airport carpet?
>leaf being condescending to a poo

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Quality troll.
Trying too hard.

>India is about the size of texas
Fucking retard. Texas is about 270K sq mi. India is about 1200k sq mi. Almost 5 times the size of Texas you dumb fuck. Couldn't you at least wiki this shit before posting?
>It is literally impossible for them to have any concept of personal space.
Literally impossible for your brains to exist.

>According to Sadhguru, we're in the dwapara yuga right now and in like 70 years we'll be in treta yuga.
More sheep. Fucking fanboys all of you. Don't understand jack shit about what the vedas are trying to tell you. All you're capable of is memorizing and learning shit.

So they eat with their hand touching the food and they wipe their asses with their hands too. They're basically eating shit covered in spices and rice.

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in the dwapara and treta yugas, human beings were chads among chads. Hell, many kingdoms were even feared by the devas, such as the kingdom of kashi etc.

no, indians use . rudimentary bidet called a lota. It's essentially a small pot of war u splash at your anus.

>How did they managed to predict everything with such precision, especially regarding the (((vaishyas)))?
We didn't. Most of the vedic texts have been altered over the ages. The fucking fanboys and fangirls who follow blindly don't know the difference.


Are you aloud to spit on the tiles next to the carpet? Also dont blame you in regards to meme flag. Lots of tetards here

>So they eat with their hand touching the food and they wipe their asses with their hands too.
No, some of us are civilized. Majority of the population is not. I went to school Karnataka. We had a lot of Indians from the North. The school dorms had water problems. Fucking losers from the north would just take a dump in the bathroom and never flush it. Even if there was fucking water. They just got used to not flushing when there was no water. The poor janitor hated them. Absolutely disgusting.

Some Indians are ok. Cultured and civilized. Majority just don't care. Cause they're poor and they want to get ahead in life. In India, you aint' gonna get ahead if you're nice to everyone and your poor.

So they just splash their diarrhea filled ass with water and continue their day, still eating with hands stuff like curry is just disgusting.

Good point you've got there. Too many poor people.

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>in the dwapara and treta yugas, human beings were chads among chads.
You mean Indians were Chads among chads?
>Hell, many kingdoms were even feared by the devas, such as the kingdom of kashi etc.
Dude, Devas is a just a characterization of people from the past. Each deva can represent multiple people. For example Indra is the leader of the Gods - like a president. It's just a title. There was no single Indra forever.

Grow up.

Did you mean to put something inside the echo? Or were you just trying to be a brainless faggot?


>Are you aloud to spit on the tiles next to the carpet?
What the fuck are you going to do if a 100 people spit everywhere and you're one police fucker with a fucking stick.

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i do find Indians weird. I think between the poo zones and watching filthy American movies, they got it all wrong. Do the needful.

>So they just splash their diarrhea filled ass with water and continue their day, still eating with hands stuff like curry is just disgusting.
Indians have forgotten why their food is so spicy. Our cuisine was not always as spicy as it is today. With the arrival of the muslim invaders from the North came a lot of other people into India. The population grew exponentially because India had wealth.


By trial and error, the cooks figured out that by putting a lot of spices in the food, you could prevent a lot of diseases (osmosis kills the bacteria) and also preserve the food.


They do it so people don’t cut in line

What's this girls instagram she looks pretty hot

Here people don't cut in line and keep atleast a meter distance from each other. If somebody would cut in line at 2 am at a grill line, he'd get stabbed 100 % guaranteed.

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>Here people don't cut in line and keep atleast a meter distance from each other.
From an evolutionary perspective, I think the overactive and emotional Finns got wiped out by the cold. Only the ones who could keep calm through the winter and expend as little energy as possible, survived. I've had two Scandinavian friends from Minnesota. Both had Finnish heritage. They were both extremely quiet in public, but would open up once they got to know you. But you could see the wheels turning even when they were quiet.

Both were into heavy metal music, so I grew apart from both of them in due time.

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Showing emotion is weakness. Death Metal keeps you sane through the winter.

If they lived in the same state he'd be wearing her skin by now.

theyre basically beta niggers only with white man's autism

>Both were into heavy metal music, so I grew apart from both of them

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>Showing emotion is weakness.
Lel, I'm an Indian. We're polar opposites in that aspect.
>Death Metal keeps you sane through the winter.
It's very interesting to observe the popularity of death metal among Scandinavians and their descendants in America.

I think, you fuckers actually feel emotions a lot lot more intensely than us poos or anyone else. We keep chattering all the time, so we keep releasing our emotional energy. Whereas you fuckers have to survive the winter and kill all invaders while surviving the winter - not possible if you're overtly emotional all the time. Politics and backstabbing is the way of blabbering people like us. You fuckers go Simo Hayha on your enemies.

So you fuckers feel emotions more intensely than us, but can't reveal it, and hence most of you like death metal - which is cathartic for you.

Either way, it'll be great if one my descendants marries a Finnish girl. Our livers will get a huge boost in capacity and function.

>Both were into heavy metal music, so I grew apart from both of them
Can't listen to it you fag. It hurts my ears. But I don't think its an abomination. I've genuinely watched people enjoy and feel refreshed after a concert. It's the opposite for me.

>If they lived in the same state he'd be wearing her skin by now.
Nah, we Indians are all talk and no show. The chads who'd follow up their words with actions died long ago.

Indians see winning a white chick as a status symbol. Not even kidding. This is why they act like this.

Hurting ears, maybe start at a lower volume listening first?

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>India is the size of Texas.
Top kek, there isn't even much projection map distortion that would cause you to come to this conclusion. You're just completely stupid.

Looks comfy tbqh.
People in america are so standoffish, standing butt to butt doesnt really allow for that.
I want to try standing in line like this next time i see some big nigga at the convenience store.

>how to delete my twitter account kass. Can you delete my account?

Fucking Indian can't even handle his own tech support, no wonder she doesn't want him.

Plebs in the US think they can substitute liking extra spicy food and overhopped beers for having culinary taste.

Anybody have the one with Madi and Faiz? I think that was their names

>why are Indians such weirdos?
Because they aren't human.

Are indian's brown because they suffered turd degree burns when born?


>Hurting ears, maybe start at a lower volume listening first?
Can't. I tried. It's just not by type. Believe me, I tried. Because both the friends I spoke of were girls - and we ended up just being friends. I think you need to feel emotions intensely and have a strong sense of empathy to enjoy metal. Because metal is not really music to my ears as much as it's growling. I'm an Indian - my emotions are pretty shallow and I don't have empathy.

>Plebs in the US think they can substitute liking extra spicy food and overhopped beers for having culinary taste.
Sadly, true.

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Why are they so obsessed with Facebook and mobile gaming?


Metal isn't just growling.

>Are indian's brown because they suffered turd degree burns when born?
No, we're brown because majority of us are the mix between Aryan invaders from the north and Dravidians (African) settlers in the south.

If you study Indian genetic history, most Indians share the same genetic heritage past 500 B.C. - a lot of sex between Aryans and Africans. Marriages between castes (Brahmins - academics, Kshatriyas - Army/warriors, Vaisyas - Businessmen, Shudras - laborers and plebs) were accepted and boundaries between castes were not rigid.

Then the Aryan higher castes (Brahmins and Kshatriyas) suddenly realized that they fucked up, and all castes became rigid and interbreeding/miscegenation was strictly forbidden. Most Indian genomes diverge after 500B.C., but we're the same people before that.

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wtf are you on nigga

I respect them for lashing out against the race traitor.

>Why are they so obsessed with Facebook and mobile gaming?
Evolution. Indians are 200% more chirpy than Australians. In India, you survive only if you give up your individuality and be part of a community/tribe/family. That's why Indians can't think for themselves - we think as a collective (family, tribe, community). Thus, when a single Indian posts on FB, you can see how devoid he is of brains.


Poos are such immoral degenerates that if you leave 1 inch between yourself and the next guy someone will get in front of you.

The one on the back is fuckable

I fucking hate indian culture for this. We're all betas. It sucks.

>Metal isn't just growling.
Fuck, I like Maiden. If there's one good thing came out of being friends with those two girls was maiden and dream theater.




You shouldn't. Can't you see they're all fucking incels?

Post the one where he flirts with the girl, she says she's underage, then a few years later he asks if she's 18


>I fucking hate indian culture for this. We're all betas. It sucks.
If I had to compare us to a people - it would be the Jews and the Chinese. We have no individuality. We think and act like a hive. Public perception of who we are is far more important to us than who we want to be.

But the times will change. The people who inherited the Bhagvad Gita cannot be lost forever. We'll find our way back to our Aryan roots.


What do you think about the song you just linked? Its more intense than the maiden song you posted, right? Do you like it? I find it hard to keep up with the intensity. The vocals come off as growling to me because I can't process his vocal energy that quickly.

Two things;

1; thinkijg acting western/being an NRI/Expat is cool, but lacking cultural and linguistic skills to pull it off. Therefore we get an uncanny valley effect where we know theyre not quite acting like us.

2; strict gender segregation from childhood to AFTER university. The only women the average indian lad will meet are those in his subcaste (having sex with them has an incest stigma even though its unfounded genetically). Very possible the first woman an indian guy interacts with properly is his arranged wife.

Aah, this is nice! I think I need the vocalist to be less intense in his singing, so that my brain can process him.

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basic stuff.

>Therefore we get an uncanny valley effect where we know theyre not quite acting like us.
Yeah. It's the same thing in America. It's something with the "O", and "W" and "V". It's weird the way we pronounce it. I've tried very hard to pronounce the "O" properly for many years with the American accent. Didn't work. So I just shift to the British way to pronounce "O".
>having sex with them has an incest stigma even though its unfounded genetically
It's not. Among Brahmins, we believe that we've descended from 50 sages (or great academics of their time). Each Brahmin family knows the sage from whom they descended. Each "tribe" is referred to as "Gothra". We try to ensure two people from the same Gothra don't marry. That's how we maintain our genetic diversity and minimize the chances of genetic diseases wiping out a Gothra.

In that sense, the Jews fucked up big time. By preventing their people from marrying outside the covenant, they kept the genetic diseases to themselves.

I hope to God, brother. The western culture, albeit inherited by a mass of degeneracy, was the lotus of our times. It's better than India, but India is the motherland for us. We need to help it change. The biggest problem is that Hinduism itself has become corrupted and that needs to be reversed. People blindly follow hinduism and it becomes a homogenous mess. My wish, one day, is to go back to india and be successful there because it is very possible for me to do so for one reason: I'm not from the same society as Indians are from. I'm more American than Indian and I will forever be. But my ancestors spilled their blood in Kurukshetra and the Indus for a reason.

> little slower for you champ

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>Not knowing of Dio.

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