
what the fuck was this guys problem?

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If you believe the history books: jews.


Was he wrong?

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I’m not so sure...

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club foot

This. He was very insecure about it

Our degeneracy is probably beyond anything he imagined and meant by "dull and primitive state".

A little too racially motivated
He was an incredibly intelligent person and I think his socialist ideas were very beneficial
But his desire for germanic world domination was a bit much
Fascism is intended by be Imperial without the need to conquer any land

25-40 dicks each

Loved Hitler more than Hitler loved Hitler.

a German order would have been better for Europe than American enforced a globo-gayplex

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By historical standards, these women are dressed like prostitutes

Oh for sure. But it led to a war they were never going to win. I'd prefer that WW2 was avoided, that way Europe would be almost entirely fascist by now.

They were lucky not to witness this literall hell on earth.
Its only pitty for us, those who still carry the idea these great men fought, and yet we are still here...

>I'd prefer that WW2 was avoided
the perfidious albion can not rest while there is peace on earth

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New minister of propaganda

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no and its depressing as hell. pic related

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The Bolshevics carry on a campaign, directed by the Jews, with the international underworld, against culture as such. Bolshevism is not merely anti-bourgeois; it is against human civilisation itself. In its final consequences it signifies the destruction of all the commercial, social, political and cultural achievements of Western Europe, in favour of a deracinated and nomadic international cabal which has found its representation in Judaism. This grandiose attempt to overthrow the civilised world is so much more dangerous in its effects because the Communist International, which is a past master in the art of misrepresentation, has been able to find its protectors and pioneers among a great part of these intellectual circles in Europe whose physical and spiritual destruction much be the first result of a Bolshevic world revolution.

He didn’t know that the anglomutts would stab him in the back, because the allies were being supported by the Jews.

Redpilled to within inches of his life

Hindsight is 20/20 i know, but they had to realise their agression was going to backfire eventually.
If Hitler had waited for Mosley to take power before moving on Poland things would have been entirely different.


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Not allowed to give real opinions on nazi generals without being bullied on here

Ja! Führer befiel, wir folgen!

Holy fuck I know that feel

how could anyone think that we’re not already living with the nightmare vision goggles on

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maybe we really will have a race war or global white revolution within our time. Its the only reason besides my children that I don’t go postal!

i cri evrytiem youtube.com/watch?v=wPxmLBANz_8

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that is a much better version of Goebbels total war speech. I almost disregarded because of title shared with more obnoxious video, thanks for sharing


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I like seeing variants of this and how popular it has become.


how were they not right?

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