Just became aware of this. Big redpill. Take pic related and meme responsably

Just became aware of this. Big redpill. Take pic related and meme responsably.

Yes I just made it for myself.

Attached: gay-flag-origin.jpg (2194x1323, 1.46M)

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The more you dig, the more you will see that most modern movements are explicitely satanic from a christian perspective. You would have to be willfully ignorant to be a christian and not believe that something seriously fucky is going on.

Attached: drag-queen-at-longbeach-public-library1.jpg (360x448, 56K)

>rainbow has 7 colors
>fag flag has 6 including one that is not in a rainbow

Get right

Attached: KJB TEXT ONLY REAL BIBLE.jpg (750x986, 204K)

spot on man. on a side note, imagine being a kid and running into that queer abomination at night in the woods. not only would seeing it give you a heart attack, but you'd doing well by running for your life because the mentally ill fag would most likely want to rape you.

this is how retarded you sound:
>hurrdurr but it's a flag made of textile and dye
>hurrr it's not even a real rainbow like they say in the bible
>durrrrr checkmate christcuck, atheists win again

So homosexuality is a sign that we're tight with God? Makes no sense.

You're stupid as fuck. The rainbow is a symbol of Gods promise to not purge the world because of degeneracy. Fags took the rainbow as their symbol as an insult to God and his promise.

Yet the passage says that when God sees the rainbow He will remember the Covenant. So if the rainbow were to be proliferated then it would imply that the movement doing so is holy. To say otherwise is to imply that the devil has enough power to confound the words of God, which is heresy.

>having to remind god not to kill you implies what they're doing is holy

Attached: tranny media child pedo gate how bad things are.jpg (521x881, 113K)

Nobody said anything about having to do it, brainlet.