Capitalism for thee, Socialism for me

Capitalism for thee, Socialism for me.

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The left can't meme

>be Trump
>Help the people that feed everyone with 12 billion
>media that loves socialism now hates socialism

Meanwhile.....the useless eaters:

>In FY 2018 total US government spending on welfare — federal, state, and local — is “guesstimated” to be $1,137 billion, including $688 billion for Medicaid, and $449 billion in other welfare.

Maybe we should put the welfare state back on the farm fields and kill two birds with one stone.

Trump just spent $12,000,000,000 on so-y beans to make America the So-y Boys capital.
Getting so sick of "winning".

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Trump had to provide socialist aide because his trade war failed. Trump lost his first war.
And just coincidentally, Russia filled the gap left by America, setting record crop exports to countries not buying from the US.
Really simple to see what is going on here. But you keep being an alt-right justice warrior incel.

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>trump utilizes an economic policy completely within the orthodoxy of national socialism
>expect us to be mad
Where do you think you are?

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we should worry a lot less about actual small farmers getting a bailout and worry a lot more about corporations getting this shit every year with no fanfare.

>including $688 billion for Medicaid
>farmers don't need medical care

>alt-right justice warrior incel.
TIL I'm a female incel. And if its social justice to point out the difference between 12 billion and trillions....whatever.

>implying all farmers are on medicaid.


They think we’re at temple. Fuck these kike shills.

>Because primary industry isn't important for the nation.

>look ma, I posted my strawman argument again. Can I please have chicken nuggets now?

This is about z0y bean EXPORTS that are hurt boy chink tariffs. It's literally a bullshit cover story that Trump is cucking to. Let the farmers grow hemp.

>implying farmers havent been receiving government subsidies for the last 70 goddamn years

jesus christ

This isn't socialism, it's leverage within a trade negotiation

Citation needed kike.

You can file that under things-that-never-happened

Here's a vid from an actual farmer talking about it:

tl;dr - he appreciates the sentiment but would rather not have subsidies and would rather have actual open markets.

Why dont you look up the amount of money Obama gave to black farmers for... being black. No joke, check it out. The amount of retarded, ass-backwards, racist stupidity that was flowing out of that administration was astounding. The things people criticize trump for, pale in comparison to the former pres.

It is socialism, it's national socialism. Stop trying to pretend otherwise; it's the very last thing we need to apologize for.


>trade war failed. Trump lost his first war
t. Absolute brainlet who doesn't know the first thing about trade.

>Russia filled the gap left by America
What gap? There hasn't been any major "gap" in exports since the tariffs were put in place, nothing substantial. Stick to pleddit, your retardation is too obvious here.

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Better to give billions to farmers and keep the cash here than to lose it in trade deficits, only to reborrow and replace it from the FED and devalue our currency further. It's really a no brainer for people with brains.

This is a transition period of decades of getting fucked.

This is the best post which also happens to be the first post.

>It is socialism, it's national socialism.
No it isn't.