Latin America General /LAG/ Hilo Latino edition

Get in here there putos/maricas/boludos, let's keep on doing this. This general if for the discussion of the current situation in latin america and how can we make our lands great from a comfy right wing perspective. This is the news:

Guaranis at it again:

Gas, ass or grass for AMLO:

Is Ortega /ourguy/? things escalating in Nicaragua:

Other resources:Ă³n-9438004

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Hopefully it's clear to everyone by now that democracy = communist subversion.

wait what?

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You guys ever see that movie with James Woods about El Salvador?

That is some wild stuff.

Haven't seen it, shall put it on my list.

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I havent seen any commies on my country, well at least the westen ones who just push for degeneracy like "trans rights" and the white privilege shit

Throw every low iq / subhuman into the US to make your country great again.

Hey argie bro how is that situation about jews colonizing the patagonia?

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Why can't we just kill them

Yeah, i'm sure super stoked that you fucking burgers enforced this shit system on us and destroyed the former stable dictatorships.

And if that wasn't enough your shit human rights organization has prevented any serious attempt from regaining the country from gangs and cartels. Whatever would we do without you.

Im uruguayan

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oh shit, I didn't check the flag with my cursor...Im no better than a gringo now.

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Please gib status on nicaragua and its kabala tree thingies.


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Shut up Siam. Get Dem boys out your caverns.

Anyways, the situation on Uruguay seems pretty chill for now, lets just hope that (((someone))) doesn't start meddling in our issues

Well not sure about the trees being a kabala thing. But this is a report on that:
Nica protesters are using some kid of bootleg guns, those resourceful bastards getting armed on their own.

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fell off the news when teh brazil truck strike happened. things continue to get spicy i see.

Well, anything about those IDF colonizing la patagonia?

How cool was Mujica? was he just a based guy, or did his government actually work?

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Let's start with you :^)

>make our lands great from a comfy right wing perspective

Lots of free helicopter rides.

And follow the Chinese model of executions for public officials convicted of corruption.

Check this out gentlemen, a Nicaraguan bootleg shotgun.

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(((human rights organization)))
just like the ones sending niggers into europe.

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I've heard before that a lot of Nicaraguans go to Costa Rica to find higher paying jobs. Is that true, are Nicaraguans like your won persnal webacks?

To all of you fellas , hope you are comfy
Exept you haiti niggers , get out

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You know the second a spic leaves to shit up USA a trainjumper will take it's place instead?

Yup, that is pretty much how it goes here. We also get a lot of Colombians and Venezuelans, but they blend easier, Nicaraguans stick out like a sore thumb. Have met many Salvas as well, bro tier people.

It depends on what you consider as based, and I Will be honest when Mujica was elected I thought we Will become a complete socialist shithole but hey, we are still here and we arent starving, however the legalization of weed became a huge topic, that and the hole thing that Mujica was a guerrilla soldier was really something.

TL;DR: I don't know if he's a total commie or not but I don't care because he isn't the president now

I want to die.

Flag checks out.

we're a republic, you're looking for the glow in the dark kikes who use the USA as a cover

Kill your communists if you everyone want to see your country become first world

i still hope the NK drops the nukes they miss and hit us instead.


Guys, fight for the future you want to see.

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I guess these are the kind of low IQ posts that caused the Hispanic Chan to shut down.

huh, who knew that all you need to make a shotgun is two different sized pipes. it's almost like gun control is p fuckin stupid

>fight so a bunch of non-whites who ruined the country get to have freedom
I'll just keep trying to leave and never come back. I feel sorry for all the white dumbfucks who died for nothing in the protests.

>bunch of non-whites who ruined the country get to have freedom
I don't see how race has anything to do with your country being a complete shithole.

I guess i'm just an optimist huh

> however the legalization of weed became a huge topic.
Did it achieve anything noticeable? have you legalized hemp fields for textile purposes?

Hang in there bro,

>follow the Chinese model of executions for public officials convicted of corruption.
Bolivianon gets it.

Non-whites were the ones who voted for and supported Chavez and Maduro all these years.



>who are the cartels

How do you know?

Do they ask you about your race in the ballot?

And even if what you're saying is true, what does their race have to do with their political opinion?

Well, the primary objective of the legalization was to stop the drug traffickers, but that didnt happen at all, well, now there are a lot of junkies in the plazas and the drug traffickers just starting importing other shit

nah, zeta just got outed and arrested by the FBI for masturbating all day to spicy candy.
that or he just got tired of our shit.

>Implying they would stand a chance in a direct war

hey mexibro would you want an ethnostate for the indigenous: mixtec, zapotec, etc ?

Because I live here? They made up most of their voters, it's not hidden or anything. Not to mention the hoards of people who voted in exchange of free stuff. All this is very public and even celebrated by the government.

If you're a non-white here, you most likely voted for either of them. That's just how things are. They (or anybody here really) don't actually have a political opinion, they vote for whoever promised the most free stuff.
Like if Maduro fell and another socialist came promising free stuff they would vote for him again.

Nah fuck that.
just nuke this shithole and rebuild it from scratch.

Wait, didn't Chavez get to power through a golpe de estado? also aren't the "elections" always rigged?

>Implying they wouldn't

good luck against the gommies boys

No, he failed and went to prison and then got elected once he was left out.
Yes, but that doesn't mean most non-whites didn't support him.

I guess we guys of the south cone are the only ones who still have a change to improve ourselves or am i missing something?

Reminder that globohomo is against Ortega.

Not saying you should support him or anything, but...

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don't worry guy. In another timeline mexico, central and south American countries are the best.

Nuking this place would be easier than fixing it.
especially the south, in the north is just a question of getting the cartel to fuck off.
I'm not sure if i would be okay knowing AU mexico is currently getting as fucked as USA is currently.

legalize drugs, lift gun restrictions, education reform
Do you think Mexico should be an ethnostate for the indigenous like the mixtec , zapotec, etc ?

>legalize drugs
That's the main fucking reason we're killing each other.

Well guys, I have to go, have a good night/day

Wats wrong with the South?

Is that the timeline where we don't get discovered and live in loincloths and blissful ignorance instead?

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Just from the top of my head, law enforcement is even more of a joke, trainjumpers, brayans, poverty to the point that you will get mugged if your stuff looks even semi new and stuff.
And of course, all cartels love to dump their rejects and corpses here.

Why do mexicans have such self-hating attitude? you guys need to get rid of cartels and maybe balkanize some states to work as containment areas for some ethnicities.

I know, Im divided about Ortega, but seems like had had his chance to earn his people and he blew it.

Man, today we had in the news that with a single motherfucking US dollar you can buy MORE THAN ONE MILLION FUCKING LITRES of fuel there. Shit man. Te abrazo.

Stay the absolute fuck out of my country you fucking failures.

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>would you want an ethnostate for the indigenous: mixtec, zapotec
No, I wouldn't want any kind of ethno-state, that shit wouldn't work in any kind of situation.

The indigenous population of Mexico is a minority, they often concentrate in their small towns and probably don't even want to be bothered by outsiders, since they concentrate in their fucked small towns, the majority is obviously illiterate and most of them can't even immigrate to other parts of Mexico because they are poor as fuck, and even if they do go to other parts of Mexico outside of their community, they'd face racial discrimination.

People in Mexico are really racist and filled with self-hate, Mexicans are indoctrinated by the mass media since childhood to believe Europeans are superior to other races, if you were to watch Mexican TV, you'd see literally only white people, the only indigenous or mestizos on TV are always portrayed as minor characters.

So, basically, an indigenous ethno-state would fail miserably, you just gotta look at the communities where they live now, they are among the least developed in Mexico, some could say the states they live in are fucked because of the Mexican government fucking them up on purpose but look at the EZLN controlled towns and they are just as fucked.

And btw, ethno-states don't work, as I said above, in any kind of situation, unless you have another country pouring money in and defending you at all costs, I'm sure you're familiar with how that works.

It's not self hating, it's more close to apathy.
We know we're sinking, but we'd rather just put a bandage over our eyes and say "everything is fine" instead.
This is why so many people try to drown themselves in booze.

its what the alt right wants. I think its only fair that Mexico be the same. The indigenous are already a minority and they shouldnt be replaced by more whites. This is why im sympathetic to the alt right wanting America to be a white ethnostate. prior to 1965 america was basically 90 % white. Japan and china are ethnostates.

shut up you zionist slave

Fuck off you dumb faggot

gtfo out of the thread. you know the reconquista is a meme, stop getting your panties in a twist like its going to happen.


So according to you, every single white Venezuelan didn't vote for Chavez or Maduro?

Why are you making this shit a racial issue?

A Venezuelan is a Venezuelan and if the majority of the population aren't white and they also happened to vote for Chavez then that means the majority of Venezuela elected him, not the 'non-whites'.

What's the point of having ethno-states?

It is impossible to have an ethno-state in the 21st century, you just can't isolate yourself like that, especially in the globalized economy of today.

And just look at Japan and see how their economy will be completely fucked in less than 30 years if they don't start taking more immigrants.

European countries like Spain and Italy are facing the same situation in the future, their Native population is old as fuck and young people are not having enough babies, you can't sustain your economy with a decreasing population, either take more immigrants or go bankrupt.

>the reconquista is a meme
Lol no

>There's nothing wrong with beaners in the country
>It's just a meme bro
>Pay no attention to the fact that people are interviewed in the blasted artcile

see you then Uru-bro

I know....

This is exactly what zionists want you to do. Mexico was originally made by aztecs, and now youre going to hand it over to people who have no connection to it. Uruguay is 85 % white. Incentivize them to have children. Mexico for the indigenous. Europe for the whites. Do you think the mexican soldiers died for whites or for their people ?

reminder that daniel did nothing wrong

Cut welfare , done


America for the natives?

Wew rare flag

Mexico for indigenous
reservations for natives or their own states.
US for europeans

Not every single one obviously, but the very very large majority didn't vote for him to get re-elected.
You just don't understand because you don't live here. It's like how most blacks and latinos in the US voted for Hillary.
We have a very strong distinction between white and non-white venezuelas, mostly because the majority of non-whites are poor so they resent whites and whites in turn don't like them because they're poor. I'm sure you've heard about Venezuelan classism before. This is a racial issue because of poverty.


Were will the Mestizos go?

>Costa Rica

Mestizos can stay. Whites will be incentivized to leave.

>Mexico was originally made by aztecs
Mexico as the country it is today was mainly built by the Spanish if you say Mexico was built by the Aztecs who didn't even have all of Mexico, just a small part, then why didn't they also 'make' what today is the US?
>Incentivize them to have children
How exactly? Immigration is much cheaper too.
>the mexican soldiers died for whites or for their people ?
Did American soldiers die in WW2 for whites or for their people (who are also white?)?

>Mexico was built by the Aztecs
>Europeans destroyed mesoamerican civilization
Choose one

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1. Yes spain contributed a lot to mexico. But they have their own country.
2. Yes, immigration is easier. However if you replace the Japanese in Japan with europeans would it still be japan culturally or would it have something more in common with Europe ? Culture is an extension of the people.
2. American during WW2 was mostly a european nation. So yes they died for their people. I don't think the US should have joined.

The spanish destroyed Tenochtitlan and took the spoils. they also built infrastrcutere

Exactly. Saying Mexico was built by the Aztecs because some smelly cannibals lived there before it existed makes as much sense as saying Spain was built by the Visigoths

>But they have their own country.
Mexico is by far a much more 'Spanish' country than anything else, the Spanish didn't just 'contribute a lot' they literally made Mexico in every single way.
> Culture is an extension of the people.
Unfortunately, culture most of the time doesn't pay the national debt and you can have a very culturally diverse society, just like in the US, where people of all cultures live.
>American during WW2 was mostly a european nation. So yes they died for their people.
But they fought against other Europeans, and if the Americans were mostly of European descent then the Germans also fought against 'their' people and at the same time for 'their' people?

Hondufag here