Annoying things that normies say. Feel free to contribute

Annoying things that normies say. Feel free to contribute.

fuck buddy
anything related to marijuana (bud, bowl, weed, etc)
"the club"
calling any religion they don't like a cult
calling every ugly guy a stalker
claiming to have "street smarts" to make up for the fact they can't locate America on a map
something about "punching Nazis"
something about "Russia hacking the election"
something about "diversity" (yet for some reason we incels are never included in this diversity)

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>did u catch [insert SNL/John Oliver/Colbert] last week

Dracla 1, 2 and 3. Consider me spoop'd.

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There is literally nothing wrong with smoking marijuana and there is nothing inherently normie about it.

Sage for non-politics divide and conquer bullshit.

>Annoying things that normies do
Make "do and dont" lists

>something about "punching Nazis"
>something about "Russia hacking the election

This isnt really "normie" talk, senpai.
Most normies get confused and umcomfortable when this kind of talk comes up.

>I have a date
>This party is awesome
>I cannot believe my friends thre me a surprise party
>I love my wife
>Seeing my child smile is the highlight of my day

its degenerate you mother fucking leaf. one day the fire will rise and all you fucking leafs will be the tinder. God I cannot wait

>inappropriate use of the word "literally".
Now THIS is normie posting.

yeah buddy you got to go back to Jow Forums

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“There’s only one race- the human race”

>using the word 'unironically'
>unironically using the 'word' irregardless

Im more redpilled than you and I smoke every day.

>Finna boutta

If you smoke anything, then you are not redpilled. Suck on a chode you leaf

People who smoke weed for anything but as an alternative to harmful drugs are degenerates.

I am pro-legality, becuase I like to know that my fellow humans are not suffering, but I honest to god get angry at the fucking degenerates that smoke it daily like Snoop Dog.

"literally (something not literal)"

honestly i have more respect for heroin junkies than DUDE WEED 420 faggots

Real talk: you aren't living up to your full potential, user.

>thinks hes redpilled

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>i think canada should accept only 300,000 immigrants instead of 400,000. i'm such a redpilled rebel.


vicious beatings should be the penalty for these

especially if it's "vibrant"
In fact at this point the word "vibrant" should be stripped from the language entirely

>trudeau can do it, his heart is in the right place. we just have to be real conservative while being real liberal 'eh?

you live under this disgrace of a man. justify your choice.

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>my son
>my daughter
Especially on social media. Kids have NAMES. They are people. They aren't possessions nor do they exist to feed your fucking ego. Ugh.

Also family abbreviations like DH DD DS need to go. now.

>>Annoying things that normies do
>Make "do and dont" lists



Pot smoking leafs should be divided and conquered, they're degenerates that voted for a cuck to lead their nation to smoke weed out in the street like niggers.

leafs basically are white niggers

Except that's exactly what normalfaggotry is.

>2014: hail satan
>2016: fuck gronald glump

Basically, I can't stand anyone who lays claim to free expression while possessing a vocabulary built entirely of buzzwords that were obviously devised by social media marketing teams. It's not about the words themselves.

Fuck buddy is great when used as a response to someone helping you get out of a dire situation.

“We are out of water”
“It’s cool I have a purification kit”
“Fuck buddy”

Let that sink in

Can confirm, I lived near the Canadian border. They come over to the US and do fucked up shit like toss bags of trash in the woods and camp in Walmart parking lots.

literal subhuman snow mexican niggers

Everything they like is "amazing". A salad is "amazing". A friend is an "amazing person".


>das amazin

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wow you'd fucking hate me then