Unite the Right 2018

What do you think about the Unite the Right 2018 event coming up on August 11?

Will you attend, or do you believe Richard Spencer's attempt to move internet activism to the streets of the real world is actually against the interest of white people?

Attached: rally.jpg (690x388, 55K)

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I think that a ton of shit is gonna happen before then and the event won't even take place.

It's likely going to be mostly leftists attempting to make us look bad.

Their permit has been approved and the district court is clear that they must allow free speech events in DC even if they are controversial. Kessler is also emphasizing that he wants a more Identity Evropa style optics this time around, and DC is a gun-free zone, so this will coordinate to make the event more mild.

What do you predict will happen in the next week that will cause the event to be cancelled? I don't want to miss a happening.

They will naturally succeed if they outnumber genuinely committed white identity activists though. Trump is a time of identitarian momentum that we have to capitalize on somehow before whites become a minority.

How many people can we predict will attend this event?

Are there any alternatives for real activism that will appear in the near future?

I think it's a retarded attempt at attention whoring and will be a very bad optics for the right in the upcoming midterms. Because Antifa and the other leftie soý boys and almost-girls are going to show up, and the right, again is going to fuck it up and look like aggressive monkeys on MSM.
Why can't they do it AFTER the midterms?
Fucking idiots.


Why do you perceive it as bad optics? I believe we have a message that is becoming more and more obvious to white people who are seeing America transition to an alien, nonwhite society.

Fuck off CIA

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