Why are white women so passive about or even want immigration? Where did everything start going so wrong?

Why are white women so passive about or even want immigration? Where did everything start going so wrong?

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Women have evolved to support social harmony. In a media society, who knows the media dictates the social standards women bow down to.

The Nazi Party was voted by more women than by men - after 1930, when it had gained mass appeal. In the 1920's, when the party was built and violently opposed, it was a man's thing.

>who knows the media

When white men started letting the Jews create mass amounts of cuck porn and blacked propaganda

If that bitch had made a scene over some sand nigger criminal and delayed my flight I would get up and just start slapping her since thats obviously what she wants

kek that 26 year old guy in the pic is who she thought they were deporting and then it turned out to be the 52 year old, and that guy was still deported the next day.

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Because they're stupid children who should never have been given a voice in the political arena.

Women don't fight so they don't care. In fact, they instigate fights. That's why they always scream like fucking banshees during a fight. It's an opportunity not to stop the fight, but to draw attention to themselves. Two men are engaged in mortal combat, and they still only care about themselves.


White women have melanin receptors in their vaginas that cause them to crave dark penises. Women have reported experiencing more pleasure while having sex with darker males.

This. This is the scientific approach. Well done.

Once you go black... you neve-
ohh shit immigrants ruined society

she just wanted some ficki ficki

They are not passive, they are against it, but the media needs to pretend the govt still have support for immigration. If people knew how virtually everyone was against it theyd see how corrupt the govt is

They want brown cock. I need to travel to Scandinavia and pork all the white girls that I can.

We gave them the vote

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The enlightenment

The irony is that guy probably would not even have looked twice at her, save for thinking she’s easy because she’s white, let alone stopped a plane for her.

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Who is distributing it though?

Jewish owned porn websites

Because it’s expected.

>passive about or even want immigration?
>want immigration.
Women's most popular fantasy is rape, and they have no loyalty to the tribe.
They want this. Their voting pattern speaks.

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They're man's predator. They'll attract a new, dangerous type of man to either kill off the old men, or have them prove their mettle as ideal mates.
When they run out of strong men because everyone's at the same physically and racially, then they'll destroy the planet.

>When they run out of strong men because everyone's at the same physically and racially, then they'll destroy the planet.
I swear this description goes somewhere else
>Der Vaginal Jew


This is sad.

Because never in the history of human evolution has a Woman been in charge of protecting the borders of the tribe from invaders. That was the mens job. In ancient times if the men failed to protect the village the woman would have to open their legs for the conquerors or be killed. All women today descend from the women who opened their legs and survived. We are seeing this today.

This guy is retarded beyond all recognition.
> a new, dangerous type of man
> run out of strong men

news flash retard, if your strong men die off they were never strong in the first place

this guy is also another retard

She’s an idiot but that guy is pretty cute.

>White Americans and nigger Russians "save jews"
>We'll repay them by causing their extinction
>Why are white women so passive...

You fucked us over white faggots. Should've gassed the jew, the only one turning us against each other.

You are absolutely retarded. Incidents such as the Elin whatever her face is one of obviously outliers hence why the media would eat it up.


White women got fat and foreign niggers will fuck white women just for gibs and kids.

when men stopped hitting them
stop crying and start being alpha again you pussies, the sluts will follow.

They don't have their jobs as office ornaments taken from them.
Hell, their services as waitresses are already cheap enough that employers wouldn't care if they have a green card or not.
They have nothing to lose from immigration, at least they're too stupid to understand it's their men that will pay the price for immigration.

Why wouldn’t they? It doesn’t affect them.


Has it ever been any different?

They don't have children anymore. It's a misappropriation of their maternal instinct.
They're confused, usually dogs or cats help quell it, but when they realise a pet isn't enough they go crazy for other things. Even a hairy fat insane muzzie swimming with tb and dengue fever. Anything but an actual child of their own.


>having these pics saved on your computer/phone


This is a good point.


Women are so easily swayed. If they saw the young girl in England who was chopped up and added to kebab meat they might change their mind. Or the 10yo boy in Austria who was victim of a sexual emergency. Or the 14 yo girl in Sweden...

You know what, never mind.

Tldr: women are idiots.

Did this girl not think he was being deported for a reason?

based and redpilled

They don't have a man to smack some reason in them. Let's pray to Allah this woman gets defiled and becomes lucid for once in her life.

nordcucks are modern-day cultural barbarians. they're feminist saudis. nord women are desperate: your average vikang man is getting """raped""" by somalis and liking it, the closest thing to redpilled is an boomer ex-convict, who got jailed for murder over an argument about which style of makeup better represented their emo band, and then moved to southern europe and now lives off of government gibs and shilling childrens board games on youtube.
think about it. if i was a nord woman i would be dying for uncucked dick

War Brides

Women side with whoever they believe is stronger. And in this case the exotic and barbaric nature of most third worlders is seen as superior to their own kind.

Usually they are mistaken hence the shaming and toll paying that goes on.

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They want men. White men are söybois who would rather play video games than live an adult life so they have to go to immigrants. Until white males start acting like men again, this will continue

Because they are brainwashed and being groomed by greasy muslims.

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>We iz oppressed by da white man
>How can white boi even compete

choose one Tyrone

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They literally believe both. Blacks know how to jew, too.