Supreme Court is absolutely worthless - a completely useless branch of government that needs to be eradicated.
>sodomy is a fundament right
>child rapists can't be put to death
>death penalty restrictions
>sodomites must equal, must have right to marry
>abort the babies
>don't teach the school kids to pray or read the bible
>niggers have fundamental right to fornicate with white women
>race mixing is mandatory
>etc etc etc etc etc etc etc
All their insane decisions are politically based, whatever they are told to decide according to the New York Times, and they don't even pretend to be tethered to the Constitution anymore - it's a "living document" they change at whim. Yet they are immune from political forces - with lifetime tenure they can't be removed by the voters no matter how much they screw us over.
It's time to get rid of this unwieldy and satanic appendage of our government.