Attractive black women are pseudo Caucasoids

Attractive black women are pseudo Caucasoids.

Attached: sunkissed-alba.jpg (500x360, 50K)

Imagine if they didn't have tonnes of makeup on. Imagine if they didn't have ~50% nig genes.

Every negress that could be considered attractive by human standards has at least 25% European admixture.

Attached: simian sanders.jpg (800x430, 97K)

Based women that understand that modern feminism is a disease and that tradlife is their best shot at happiness are attractive.

Shit thread, OP.

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Then she would be generic looking

She is a model because she's a mutt

If she was pure white she'd be a nobody

Oh no they're not!


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>Attractive black women

>Attractive black women

Kelly Rowland and Nia Long say otherwise

Attached: kelly rowland.jpg (478x625, 88K)