Che was based.
Che was based
Juan Harris
Juan Ward
Then why did he kill so many innocent people for not wanting to be enslaved by communism?
Jacob Gomez
Why did he hate black people so much? Do you hate blacks too?
Thomas Green
He was an idiot
People have killed each other for resources since animals
Animals eat each other
Owen Cruz
He’s wrong. Dead wrong.
Cooper Miller
>Capitalists of the previous regime
>Innocent people
Pick one
Brayden Mitchell
Who cares? Niggers are a disgusting bunch most of the time.
>But you are left you are not supposed to be racist.
Dominic Miller
nazbol GANG
Camden Campbell
Explains why he had people routinely executed for wrongthink.
Oh wait.
Liam Allen
>Explain why these ancap society people routinely executed each other for no reason at all?