Is Buddhism the most red pilled religion?
Is Buddhism the most red pilled religion?
>not reading all the sacred texts of all the socially prevalent religions
If you don’t understand the others, how could you ever hope to destroy them or benefit off them?
What Buddhism teaches is the essence of every religion, though most religions are now snagged on dogma and idols.
If you read the works of great Christian writers in the early church, they sound Buddhist. There are a few muslims who are the same, though they are often persecuted (Sufis).
The Buddha provided the most practical approach to spirituality in history, however, and it is perfect for the modern world.
I found the LORD beneath Black Lake
All religions are a lie user, but a noble one, because they help put you on the path to the divine.
Think of a triangle, the shape is universal, but you never get to deal with the archetype instead you deal with this triangle or that triangle. Those are the different religions, manifestations of the one absolute divine. But you can't pick and choose like a buffet. Choose one.
Why not choose the buffet?
t. Godless degenerates
You will know death in time, heretics
The SHAPE is code for the WAYPATH. The WAYPATH to the LORD beneath Black Lake is to be the fish diving deep, then to be the starbeam going far, then to be the lotus out of eyes, then to be without form and leave WAYPATH to the LORD and meet It
I cannot know death, the LORD repeated me, and so I was repeated
The thing about Buddhism, though, is the Buddha never claimed his teachings were ultimately true. He claimed they were like a raft to help you reach the truth, after which they were to be discarded. That's why I think it is the best. It is honest, up front.