Lock her the fuck up!

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Other urls found in this thread:

Story is currently being slid by off-topic shill threads.


You have to use Lauren Simonsen pics to get attention in here.


this is fucking insane

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paste bin for those who are link-wary.

boston herald is legit

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Bump. It's fucking real. Holy fuck.

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I'm glad shit we figured out years ago is finally coming to light.

It's gonna be a wild ride til November. Hold on tight

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Needs more boobs less Comey


Bump for interest



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odds are this syndicated columnist stops finding work. it's funny though, considering we've known this here for 2 fucking years it doesn't seem as as revelatory.



But what is being done about locking these cocksuckers up?

Checked. It’s fucking scary that anons had this shit down pat well before DOJ even released the report on the Clinton investigation. Exactly how corrupt and inept are American government agencies?

Oh, good, it's 2016 again

Have a venti on me user

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Give us a sticky, Janny! Your lunchables can wait!

Is there anything new in this?

This depresses me

>The FISA court was never told any of that. They were never supposed to know. None of us was ever supposed to know.

Except that's not true. The partially redacted FISA application that has been released proved beyond any doubt that the court was told that the dossier had been funded at one time by political opponents. It's more than a page of the application.

I don't know why the author of that article is choosing to lie about that.

>Source is a mainstream newspaper
>Columnist is a Notre Dame professor
This is a diamond in the rough. It's rare to find something you can send to Mormons and libshits.

My friend, collusion isn't a crime.

good article. she has a talent for writing.


VERY, given that autistic frogposters btfo of alphabet agencies constantly.

Why isn’t this being reported on TV???
It’s pure pottery how quickly the tide is turning for Trump.

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Opinion piece but from Boston of all places. There might be hope left in man.

Wake me up when cnn and Colbert talks about this. Then it will actually matter.

This is a very mischievous image friend.

>A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship. But it is not this day.

Yowza this is being slid. Must be really big

>muh emails

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we had a nigger (ie criminal) in the white house, so... pretty bad desu.

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>opinion piece

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So this potentially answers some questions as to why Comey would announce the reopening of the Clinton email investigation weeks before the election: he wanted to cover his ass in case the real collusion evidence came to light. He can claim to be an impartial and ignorant player, just doing his duty, and "following the rules" even if it meant a token gesture going against the people pulling the strings (which of course, he knows nothing about). He'll cop to incompetence, he'll claim just following the process to the letter, and somewhere down the line, he'll be sitting on a park bench hoping no one puts a bullet in his head and the gun in his hand.

Manafort trial begins tomorrow

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It’s backed up by facts.

Is that chewed up bubblegum

not buying it. easily knew what we knew and either took time to look further and gather info or
narrows it down some

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>Story is currently being slid by off-topic shill threads.
What does this mean? YOu want just one thread for the whole board? Are you retarded?

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not to rain on all of that but the investigation was reopened due to the emails on Weiner's laptop.


so do former fbi agents get SS detail like former presidents?
or is he a normie citizen again
just curious

I already masturbated.

Threads of no relevancy to Jow Forums that aren't being pruned by mods, that is what he is referring to.

When have they even been pruned and why the fuck do you want to take the fun out of Jow Forums, you plebbit nigger?

Bump to combat slides.

Which was in FBI possession since 2007. Remember that their excuse was that it was never a priority to process what was actually on the hard drive.

>irrelevant shill content is fun


Mishandling classified info, destruction of evidence and corruption are.



It really isn't. The author claims that the opposition research part was concealed from the FISA court, but you can read the FISA application yourself and see that it takes up more than a page of the application.

It is. It is what makes this place tolerable. you r-donald mental defective just want to suck each other assholes instead of being chill. Go fuck a nigger with aids!

Who are the Russian contacts that Steele supposedly got the dossier info from? I'm curious if that'll ever get released

You're glowing, shill. How do you not know what sliding is? That's pretty obvious.

FUCK IT.. I'm done being a democrat, I'm voting 3rd party for libertarian in 2020, they seem to be the only ones actually willing to go after both the right and left for their shady stuff

..and I know a lot of my representatives on the left are so corrupt that I'm surprised they haven't been "suicided" yet by the Clintons after her humiliating loss that she somehow is still salty about

>boston herald

I'll wait for a real source like CNN sweaty :)

Hey Arnold was a great cartoon.


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Keep it bumped. keep it relevant.



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Shit nigga.

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>collusion "confirmed"
>drumph still hasn't done anything about it

I find this message very.. mischievous.

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Guys, listen to this episode if you can. Bongino lays down some great stuff. episode is from 7/30

Bump. Be spreading this outside too.

>an hour

Leakers are getting caught. Staffer by the name of Wolf sent 82 text messages to GF who was a writer for the dailybeast the same day FISA application was released. FISA application was 82 pages. HE SENT THE UNREDACTED FISA APPLICATION!

Well, what the fuck do you expect man? There is a lot of shit.


I expect to be spoonfed while I alternate between this LARP and fuckin trannies


Hillary is hardly at the top of the foodchain anymore, especially since she fucking blew it

At least there is someone who was an investigator, Secret Service, who knows the inns and outs of investigations and FISA applications. He also has many sources within the alphabet agencies and DOJ

>opinions backed up by facts are never true because they are opinions.

You need to man the fuck up and listen to his podcast, but that episode in particular.

>being presented as fact
Fuck off with your fake news bullshit

Saul has arrived!

if this happened to the left they would be in the streets in mass

so what shill

hilldawg needs execution or jail, and so does king dindu

they literally subverted america and almost changed her destiny

In other news, water is wet.

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They go into the street for anything these days. Fuck 'em.

Bumperino macaronni.

I trying to point out we do nothing even when there is cause for said riots or least mass demonstrations.

Yeah and that is cute and all OP but heres is the bad news:
NONE of this will follow through.
How many fucking times has a "happening" happened and no heads have rolled?
For such example the Jerk off in my pic stopped the impeachment of Rosenstien when we all thought for sure we were going to finally see justice for now on when getting rid of that pos?

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They've been laying out and relaying their Russia hysteria every hour on all channels. Normie-friendly summaries are necessary.

the bong is an honorary white man. He's welcome in the coming ethnostate (but no breeding. sorry Dan.)

go to bed, Howie

There's nothing in this I didn't know already. Is this a revelation to the normies or something?