I got back at my jewish neighbor

>Get invited to a party by my female neighbor who unfortunately is a fucking Jew
>The last party she had at her place, i was outside smoking a stogie while blasting Sieg Heil Viktoria
>Get invited this time, except instead of blasting music i decide to go and see the Jews for myself
>I arrive, about 25 people there
>They have a BBQ going, all drinking alcohol
>I see her as i walk in, she says hello, how i am etc.. and to enjoy my self
>As i walk around the house, i see people with the jew hats on
>I had to control myself from grabbing them and stomping on the hats
>Anyway i decide to head on outside
>I get a Styrofoam cup and pour some scotch
>Tried to interact with the people, but no one wants to talk to me, or i get vague answers and always have to start the conversation
>Had enough of the pathetic party, and watching all the guys feeling up the females
>Decide to get my Styrofoam cup and a ford with me and hide them in my pocket


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>Ask the owner where the toilet is and she guides me
>I take a shit, get the fork and cup out and put some of my slimy stinking shit in the cup
>I open the door slightly to see if anyone is in the living room and to see if the hallway is clear
>It's clear, so i flush the toilet
>And run in the living room and hide the shit filled cup behind the TV stand
>I then proceed to go back outside and tell her that i want to go home and that im not feeling well
>Anyway next day i see her outside with a can of free-breeze and ask her how shes going and what shes doing
>She tells me there's some fecal smell in the house she cant get rid of and doesn't know where it's coming from, and said people at the party were complaining
>Fast forward two days later, we spot each other and i ask about the smell and if it's fixed
>She replies "YEAH", some fucking retard decided to take a shit in a cup and hide it behind the TV stand"
>And that her house literally stinks on shit
>I try to comfort her and tell her she will catch the sicko one of these days in the act and walk off

One of the best days in my life


You seem autistic. Your Jewish neighbour likes you and probably wants to fuck.

and then everyone clapped.

Nazi fags are a pathetic bunch. Then again you are a young white guy..you people do dumb shit like this.

you're so edgy, aussie-san

this, try to kiss her

>when you take memes too seriously
kys moron

this isn't your blog for fanfic


So, you acted like one of them. You acted like a Jew. Don't be like them. Be noble.

user you can beat the jew by out jewing the jew.

Get out of my country

>Nazi fags are a pathetic bunch
Okay go back to r the donald.

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I wish i knew were you lived, so i could shit in a cup and hide it somewhere in your house. Maggot.

True story: I did one time shit in a pot at a party and put it on the stove and turned it on and left.

Degenerate behavior.

What do you think stove top shit smells like?

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>Memes to seriously
Like what memes? Christ this is why cripple chan calls us cuck chinz.

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Oh. That turned out to be a pussy prank. Guess Australia is cucked too.

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>can't even believe a story that tame
God what a cuck. This is why whites are doomed.

I'm not fond of jews and understand the JQ, but honestly this was gay as shit. No pun intended. Do better next time.

At least it was better than nothing.

When I read something like this, I know that it's a good thing that the jews rule over us goyim.

goy her

>It's a good thing.
I wonder who is behind this post?

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You're a creep, OP

Jews need to go. Out of my county, now.

Unironic literal shitposting, noice.

What a quintessentially Australian thread.

You wouldn't make it past the front door faggot.

Listen to your ID faggot

Yes, of course. Your Jewish neighbour is one of (((them))). Plotting to destroy the white race, the family unit and your country.
Did it ever occur to you that the neighbourhood Rabbi probably isn't that fucking issue, nor in on the fact what the big kikes upstairs are planning?
I swear to God you faggots are just here from reddit thinking youll fit in if you're just edgy enough

I once told a bitch wearing a star of david gas the kikes race war now. She sucked me off in a quiet uni bathroom just off the engineering building. Afterwards she told me she was jewish and loved aryan seed. I came in that bitch dozens of times before class. I used to buy her a diet fresca on the way to class after. We fugged and I yelled various negative things about jews. I met her parents and they went on and on about the holocaust. I asked if saying 5,999,999 jews died was worth ruining a man's life they said no that bad things happened and making people hate jews by being insufferable was wrong. She was baptized and catechized catholic and then I married her and we have 3 kids and secretly larp as nazis. Collaborators were fucking rampant.

Jesus Christ, this thread. This is the old Jow Forums that I know.

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>german defending kikes

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Like stove top shit.


Okay gotta give you that but there's better ways to go about doing this. You could have turned on the stove secretly not all the way only a bit for carbon monoxide to pour out during the party that would be funny and ironic as hell haha improvise OP. Step your game up

>Taking a shit behind your neighbours TV who likes you because you're autistic and she's Jewish

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Hello Assange

kike lover

Maybe he wasnt ready for 200 murder charges that day

You could have just shat on her belly and wrote 'gas the kikes, race war now' with your tongue in it. But you acted like an autist instead.

Get gassed.

sounds fun, Hans, I know you are into that scat shit

are you telling me you invaed the living room of other people, and then destroyed it from within, and then lie to your party[host] about it??

The fact that this story is somewhat believable from this bunch is a testament to the brain damage going around here. Wow is this what 24/7 hate memes gets you?

Even if this story was "just for fun" it's pathetic

He's a aussie shitposter what du you even expect?

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I had friends that used to just shit on the floor at paneras.

Hate memes just give them some kind of reasoning beyond the lolz

So you acted like a Goy.
Do you wonder why they look down on us?

Well done you filthy fuck.

>german defending kikes

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>not fucking her in the ass and drawing a shit swastika on her back

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That's not very white of you.

This guy knows!

>shitposting's a near genetic trait
>shits into a cup at a jew's house then leaves it there to stink up the air
you guys really are shitposters

This guy knows what's good!

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so you acted like a nigger.


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Thats what I was saying, could have done something less degenerate and not steeped so low to the level of jews.

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our beloved onkel adolf out jewed the jew. the precedent was set by our best. fuck off with your high horse bs.

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Stay ignorant and stay sterile.

>German defending kikes

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>white people shit in cups as part of a prank and petty revenge against jews
>non whites usually murder each other and huff paint because they're idiotic as shit
You're gonna be sorry when we're gone

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>swede defending kikes

lmao, bout right

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Could you be anymore pathetic? Fucking summerfaggots.

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fuck off nigger

Germans sit down to pee. Those fuckers are hopelessly cucked.

Adolf was a jew you queer. His shit plan brought about the systematic rape and pillage of Berlin. Hitler was an inside faggot.

You made yourself look like a fool. They invited you over because they liked you and you decided to instead be an autistic fuck.

I don't understand antisemitism at all. You say you "got back" at her. What did she do to you?

Can you explain why you hate Jews? It makes no sense to me.

>What did she do to you?

Be Jewish.

lmao, noice history channel knowledge you got plebbit


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Why does this bother you? Surely you must be able to explain why. What are your top 5 reasons?

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>Adolf was a jew
>His shit plan brought about the systematic rape and pillage of Berlin
>Hitler was an inside faggot
>Don't pay attention to all the (((Financiers))) and (((Politicians))) and (((bankers))) in U.S and UK!

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>The government of the Russian Republic in the 1990s published an estimate of USSR losses at 26.6 million
>The total number of German dead is estimated at close to 7 million
>The number of Polish dead are estimated to number between 5.6 and 5.8 million according to the Institute of National Remembrance
>Civilians killed totalled 50 to 55 million, including 19 to 28 million from war-related disease and famine. Military deaths from all causes totalled 21 to 25 million, including deaths in captivity of about 5 million prisoners of war. Statistics on the number of military wounded are included whenever available.

Imagine being a dumb dirty kike, fabricating up bullshit about WW2, demanding countries pay them for the deals and "horrors" they had to endure. Imagine being so pathetic, dirty, and selfish you try to turn WW2 all about you and your fabricated up lies and highly exaggerated stories. I'm glad Jews got put to sleep, permanently, with a round of 8MM Mauser to the skull. They have done nothing but turn WW2 all about them, which they still want countries (Germany) to still pay reparations

Deserved it. I have many other reasons i cant be fucked typing. But fuck Kikes.

>based poo
good on ya cunt


It’s from a pasta

Dont be stupid theyre not American

This is why no one talks to you at parties.

>your fabricated up lies and highly exaggerated stories
>Deserved it.

I understand that some opportunists probably exploit the memory of the holocaust. But that's not the fault of Jews, certainly not collectively.

Can you explain more of your ideas, how are you going to convince normies if you can't even explain it to me?
Can you explain any more

>It's not the fault of all jews
then tell me Mr.Shekelburg, how many jews publically go against the grain and say the holocaust didn't happen? i can't name one that's definitely jewish. If it "isn't all jews", then where are all these "based kikes"?

The Holocaust did happen. You even said so yourself, 26.6 million Russians, 7 million Germans etc ..
Many of these people would have been Jewish.

You yourself even said, "Deserved it."

You aussies are very funny. Very gross and disgusting too, but the things you are capable of doing just to fuck with the other no matter how disgusting, is proof of some kind of evolution you had since you were brought from England for rapíng goats or dogs. The psychology of criminals willing to rape animals was mutated by an environment very hostile which required a certain level of reasoning to survive. This resulted in your current species, capable of paying atention to nearby crocodiles and giant spiders while throwing shit at each other just for fun. Truly a unique species in this cruel world.

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>Not hiding the poop in a vent


no hes a poo dw, true blues would have been a bit smarter about it

God I love being Australian.