
I want scientific or reliable evidence to show that the Nordic race is superior in strength, intellect, and beauty, compared to the other races, as it's always said.
If there are no proofs, then it has always been just a romanticism.

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Use your eyes you fucking homosexual.

Myth from the colonial period. Rich Anglos would compare themselves to poos and niggers living in huts and think they are the pinnacle of humanity. Meds are superior in every way.

Were not Meds from the ancient days of blond hair and blue eyes?
I mean, all your Gods are described as such.

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Nords are undoubtedly the most beautiful but for Whites they’re breddy dumb

One time I had a bunch of nonwhite coworkers stop and excitedly talk to each other about my gold hair. It's a big deal to the rest of the world where 5 billion people all have dark skin, hair, and eyes.


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Lel no, only Appolo was blonde i think. And ganymedes was Zeus fucktoy

Did you write a snarky blog post about how they shouldn't try to touch it afterwards implying they were all racists?

Nice clothes, not enough people wear cloaks now.
Put on a cloak and people would point and laugh.

Look at the podium picture of every Worlds Strongest man contest ever. It may be a Latvian, South African, 'murican up there. But in pretty much all cases, you can tell that they are of Nordic decent.
Who claims this? Top tier, certainly. But the best, over so many other excellent choices?!?
I certainly think so, but I'm Nordic, so my standards of beauty will be Nordic ones.

Let the plebeians laugh.

>and beauty
>Nords are undoubtedly the most beautiful but for Whites they’re breddy dumb

This. Wolfwang Willrich proved it.

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Bigger brains

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We exceed in all of those things, trust me
Flag thief

Read the source material my dude

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I would like to see people dressed like that now, it looks cool and elvish/hobbity in a way.

Instead we wear ugly sportswear or black clothes.

>hann les ekki Bjólfskviðu á upprunalega tungumálinu

What about the strenght of the Blacks (in other areas), the intellect of the far Asians, the beauty of the Meds?

>tfw your twin brother has top left nose
>mfw my door would be kicked in because of my hook

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The simple fact, that blonde nordic women were the most popular pleasure slaves and highly valued in every society with slavery, that had access to them.

>strenght of the Blacks
There have never, in all of time, been a Worlds Strongest Man pure nigger medal winner. Ever. Nigger strength is a meme.
>intellect of the far Asian
One of the reasons that I will not make the bold statement that we're the smartest of them all
>beauty of the Meds?
Pretty much undeniable. But beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I think our qt's are the prettiest there are. But I fully understand if the meds think the exact same thing about theirs.

I love his work, he really captured the ethos and spirit of german and nordic people of that period.

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Why of course I do, this and Chaucer xD

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We Finns don't count for that map though, as we are not to be counted among whites.

No I autistically said "ha ha yours is great too : )"

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All societies with access to slaves are in brown people countries.

Nordics aren't superior, but we sure do like our own ways, so please, if we could be left alone to continue relentlessly interbreeding amongst our own kind that would be much preferable, thank you.

Proof Asians are more better at being high IQ'd

It was the Nordics who built this?

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I see you Draconian. You will not fool me. Not this time.

What? they're feminist cucks who're literally going extinct. Who said they were superior? lol.

>look at Sweden you swede

There was a time when the World was under the empires of Evropa.


Swarthy frenchmen and italians have contributed much more, historically, than nordic peoples. Also, without wanting to trigger Jow Forums, the highest IQ european ethnicity are ashkenazi jews.

This argument doesn’t matter.
This thread doesn’t matter.
These discussions don’t matter.

This is our people and we will do what we can to protecting them.

Yeah - Anglos, French and Spaniards, not nordcucks. I wouldn't be surprised if scandifags were ruled by women even back during colonial times.

You're doing a bad job then.

Nordics emerged in europe way long after that was build, during the midle ages.

We have a lot of enemies

We’re basically three friends sharing a pocketknife at helms deep at this point

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What the hell is Nordic anyway? Are British Nordic? are Germans Nordic? Both nations have been settled by Scandinavians for thousands of years. Germanic people can basically be considered a single ethnic group originating from the lower Rhine river thousands of years ago.

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The superiority is mostly romanticism by people who think everyone in Iceland looks like Vikings in their favorite video game. Only thing I can agree with is that in general blonde women look better, but it doesen't mean that a Nordic blonde can't be disgusting lardass and an American-Mexican Mutt can't be 5/5 queen.

Was there not a lot of blondes among Anglos, Frenchmen, and Spaniards in those times?
I've never said that Scandinavians were the only Nordic folk in this Earth.

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The only multiculturalism we should accept is from our mongolian finns.

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>We have a lot of enemies
Your only enemy is your own voting base, your own people. You don't have external threats.

The difference is that I could pretend to be a Viking all day long and have no heritage to it. You do. Be proud of that and learn to be a Pagan.

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>If there are no proofs, then it has always been just a romanticism.
It's only because Hitler fapped to them.
He's kind of a big deal in world history.
Look at them now, it's all overblown.

Oh really?

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Actually the Baltic race is the strongest (world's strongest man is Lithuanian). Neanderthal DNA will do that for you though.

This guys get it

Nordics are the niggers of the white race,meds is the true white power

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They truly look better

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Counter that you just said scientifically and I will believe you. But you can not, there is a lot of evidence that shows that they are at least 12 thousand years old. Mummies prove it.

Notice how the only muslim countries in europe are also the only ones below 90 iq. Explains a lot.

There is no proof, memeflag. Just forget about it......

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And from France?

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Are not Baltics, Nordics? Or they are some other kind of Whites?

Optics cuck

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Nothing wrong with admiring the female form. She is simply posing nude for beauty. I see no nigger dick up her ass.

>Optics cuck
but comfy

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>Was there not a lot of blondes among Anglos, Frenchmen, and Spaniards

Anglos are completely mixed with Celts, the French are mostly Celtic and I don't even need to mention the Spaniards. They're unique ethnic groups on to themselves.

Finnish vikings didn't exists at all as far as I know, or if they did they were so rare that 5 million Finns can't collectively claim they have that kind of family history.

>tfw top left just with an even weaker chin

I'm certain Finns bred with Swedes and Norwegians. So yes, you do have a heritage.

You can't beat something like this

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>Finnish vikings

Or this

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Or this

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>stomping your own flag on the ground

even if nords were the dumbest niggers on the planet it doesn't mean the rest of the world is invited into their countries and allowed to take it away from them, fuck off shill

fuck off, you're white

Looks like standing on it like a pedestal but alright, "stomping on it" lol

And whats wrong with swedes? You hohol nigger

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This is from Spain in the Middle Ages

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What i said is what the general historical community believes idiot, that's the scientific narrative. Your WE argument only comes from meme intellectuals and poets from the 19th century. Even Hitler cringed hard with the WE dudes of his time.

You should read up more on the Swedish influence in the 1600, you are obviously and American without any real historical knowledge of Europe, larping as someone who knows his shit.

Also Anglo's are the danish tribe that conquered England! The French were Franks i.e Dutch. Spanish nobility were Vandals these are Nordics. Same goes for the Goths, who replaced the Aristocracy in the South. Later the Normans replaced a lot of Aristocracy in Europe. Basically all Aristocracy is a mix of Nordics and other Germanic tribes.

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>Anglos are completely mixed with Celts

No not really. You can look at a British Isles person face and see their ancestry. England has a majority of Germanic looking people, they may be slightly mixed with the proto Britons that were already here but that doesn't mean they've lost their Anglo-Saxon heritage.

Nice burqa. Rather let he beautiful hair run down her shoulders.

Not a burqa , is what eastern europe orthodox women wear on their heads in churches

Either way it's dirty to keep flags on the ground, I'm glad we never adopted a culture of printing flags into everything like bikini or towels, only exception is white trash t-shirts.

This one look just like one fo my uncles


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> Nordic
> superior
Sorry, try again

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Little girls are hot.

Your descending from the mighty Genghis Khan, you should be proud.
They are like asian vikings

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> High IQ
> flush homeland down the drain

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Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia are a unique race called Baltic. They have pretty women and Neanderthal tier men.

Are you crazy? We discovered gravity, went to the moon and could send meds back to the fucking bronze age.

>went to the moon
Bluepilled and retarded.

yes it's very nice,
I just came back from summer in Italy, had my house between Danish and Swedish, all of them had flags on everything including some old rags.


Estonian people. Not bad at all.

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