Thoughts on Firefly

Do Jow Forumstards approve of this show. Do you guys think it's "based?" It promotes libertarian values, some of which are in line with your beliefs.

It's pro-gun, pro-self-sufficiency, and depicts a future in which an evil authoritarian government takes away people's basic freedoms. The urban/rural divide is emphasized especially. The government uses brainwashing techniques to make its citizens more docile in the movie (Serenity), which sounds just like an Alex Jones conspiracy. The gorram Alliance is putting chemicals in the water that turns the frickin' Reavers gay!

However, it has an interracial couple, and it depicts women as sexually liberated-- so you neckbeard fucks probably wouldn't like that.

What say you? I'm curious.

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I loved it, personally.

Post civil war era america, but in space with liberal values thrown in.

Yeah it was fun, politically worthless/ same tier as his other work.

Yay for space hookers!

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I haven't watched it for ages but I remember thinking it was a good series. A lot of people seem to hate it because of Whedon and the obnoxious fanbase.
Since Whedon was behind it, I'd guess there's a lot of PC shit crammed in but I don't remember picking up on that when I was younger.

fan of scifi. hater of this show.
>wimping out on all difficult situations, sappy and queer instead of exciting
>cringe inducing and forced friendships and characters, "we love our, captain"
>plot holes and elements just left hanging when it was thankfully cancelled.
>no, watch the movie tho - it sucked.
every episode was like burnt dinner

It's fun, a bit smarmy at times and about half the cast I could do without entirely. Had some good ideas, had a lot of bad ones. The "space western" theme was done very poorly and came out hokey and forced the entire time.
Altogether don't regret watching it.
Ultimately overrated and is basically reddit in sci-fi form.

I remember loving it back in the day, but I think I would hate the shit out of it now.

For all it's worth, I must say the interracial couple was done relatively well, and I don't think it would annoy me much even now. I was more pissed at how they randomly made the cute mechanic girl as sexually liberated "love to travel" sort of slut, and then paired her up with a beta provider. Disgusting, even back then. The actual whore was much more better written, and was a relatively solid portrayal of "muh independent woman secure in her sexuality". Not really an interesting character anyway, tho.

I can see what you mean by the apparent libertarian values, and yeah, having flirted with libertarianism for a few years during my early university, I can say I'd still appreciate the self-reliance aspect of the Firefly crew.

That being said, I've grown past libertarianism and would probably be in support of the Alliance now.

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>However, it has an interracial couple, and it depicts women as sexually liberated-- so you neckbeard fucks probably wouldn't like that.

It literally revolves around betaboy cults to a hooker and a female psychopath.

You know most of us are anime fans where strong women are a regular occurence but Josh Whedon obviously wants to be cucked by a bull or have his nuts tied and stomped on. There's just kind of a line cross where you recoil as a man. Worshipping a woman for literally lying on her back and getting fucked is one of those lines.

That said, I can enjoy the space western-ness of it without devolving into spergy alex jones creepy memeposting about it.

I've been able to compartmentalize off whedon's femdom fetish bullshit for a while now (although I wouldn't touch the shitty soap opera that is Buffy), I liked cabin in the woods as well for some of his ideas, which were about bimbos etc. "Subversive" as they say, but I'm still not subverted in any way as leftists would like.

I thought the weeaboo space hooker was an awful character while the mechanic was just a fairly believable ditz who didn't try to be strong or wise and wasn't some overacting retard karate savant either. Most of the female cast didn't really have any genuine flaws while the male cast were dripping with them...which ultimately made them much more interesting and likeable.

thought the whole Reaver thing was BS
Being tortured seeing horrible things does not turn you into a torturer.
Then i looked into faggots and how they are made.
The whole plot line was written by faggot Tim Miner
Who like all fagot was made by being raped as a child by a fagot.
It is a metaphor and is a scream of a faggot who sees the horror of who he is and why he is
and considering he is a Hollywood faggot
screams for the horrors he has committed.

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This applies mainly to Zoe. Inara is pigheaded and stubborn and Kaylee is a bit of a ditz, but Zoe has absolutely no flaws. It's confusing to me why people like her character so much; she's easily the most underwritten character on the show.

I must be the only person to use this site who's never watched any anime in his life. I do agree that Whedon's other shows/films have generally been shit, though. With Firefly, I think he created a main character who was actually antithetical to his own beliefs, which ironically made it much more interesting and clever.

Firefly and even Buffy had some libertarian leanings but Whedon took a hard left turn after that.

Absolute shit.

Whedon was so determined that it not have any connection or similarity to Star Trek, so pulled almost everything everything normally accepted as SF out of it.

No aliens, no FTL travel, no replicators. Actually, no useful machines of any kind - no 3D printers, no cornucopia - nothing.

These people are living hundreds of years in the future and hundreds of years in the past at the same time.

The characters were cookie-cutter, specially selected for muh diversity., and I'm damned if I can remember any of their names or what happened to them.

There was Autistic Girl, Mr Doctor, Shouty Captain Man, Little Pilot, Big Pilot Wife, Thug and The Ditz. And a priest, for some fucking reason.

No aliens, no ancient civilisations, no explanation of how on every world they visit, the sun's the same size. No understanding of what happens to a species when you can control gravity, as they clearly can.

Total handwave of how they all got out to this colony system in the first place, or the hundreds of years it would have taken to settle all these places by starship.

Absolute vacuous wank from beginning to end.

>ctrl+f outlaw star
>0 results
can't believe nobody has mentioned that firefly is just a rip off of outlaw star

is very good show

not everything can be nascar, you peasant

> duhurr therez no aliens

Did you use this same complaint when you saw The Martian?

Also, are you legally retarded?

Thats what sets it apart user. The actors and actresses on tuis show didnt souled out to the ayyylmao pagan sodomite faggots who blaspheme the heavens and molest altar boys while disguised as judas priests. Unlike the synagogue of demagoues who are the guardians of pedophile cartoonists and kike talmud soul stealing sorcerers. You know, the MK ultra scheming quanchi and jedi siths. Lo pan imposters to the emperor of Gods domain.

Didnt get*****
> ftfy

I liked it alot but could definitely see why others didnt. In short, nothing really happens and its essentially space cowboy star trek.

Thats actually pretty sad tbqh famalam

It was Brisco County Jr of space shows - then Joss showed how useless he is by killing Wash for no fucking reason other than a jumpscare in the movie. Fuck em - I shit on the show now when I can and have for over a decade.

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>Opens with Jow Forumstards

Report rulebreaking troll threads, Do not reply.

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It wasn't on "their" accepted message so it had to be cancelled. Can't have entertainment teaching the masses to fight back

No, because Mars is in our solar system, and we know there's no aliens here.

Whedon said in several interviws that he'd deliberately pulled anything out that could be compared to Star Trek, with the obvious exception of being on a spaceship, so people didn't make negative comparisons.

Unfortunately, this removed all the major SF tropes, and the writers weren't good enough to make anything watchable out of the remaining fragments.

It wasn't SF, it was a pirate drama - this small band of misfits on their little sailing vessel, island-hopping around the Caribbean. But in space. Which automatically makes it SF, right?

An no, dear, I'm not retarded. Just been an SF fan longer than you've been alive. Seen it, done it, read it, ate the fucking T-shirt.

And generally, we SF viewers deserve better than the lowest-common-denominator garbage we get - fucking old scripts for The Virginian, just re-filmed with a spaceship in the background.

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>It promotes libertarian values

Meh, Id waifu Kaylee though

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I just started rewatching this yesterday. Both can't believe how long it's been and that Joss Whedon was involved in something good.

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Though now I think about it,
>muh river
Would have ruined the show had it continued any longer.

this. the vast majority of scifi is an abomination

show was really lame, don't care about any values embedded within it

It was okay, but is one of the most overrated shows of all time. It was made by Joss Weeaboo, so it is not at all based.

>These people are living hundreds of years in the future and hundreds of years in the past at the same time.

I actually like that sort of aesthetic scifi myself, it can make for interesting stories with good writing and environments. Firefly just wasn't very interesting after all, since while I like tech being down to earth enough, good scifi is all about facing the unknown ad mysterious. It feels like wasted potential when they make space adventure settings where the exactly same story could be told without spaceships.

Firefly was nothing more than a fun space cowboys adventure show, why would you care about the politics in it

this show is super liberal

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>These people are living hundreds of years in the future and hundreds of years in the past at the same time.
The inner Alliance planets are supposed to be all advanced super technological civilizations while the outer planets are poor as shit, and since the crew of the Firefly are basically wanted criminals they can't just go to the inner planets and show you all the cool tech. This is explained in the show multiple times.

all media is degenerate. Including your shit tier tumblr space opera.

Say what you want about Firefly but Summer Glau could ask me to eat my own teeth... and I would.

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I don't like shows that get cancelled, sorry

>you neckbeard fucks

This isn't r9k you autist, Jow Forums is a Chad board

Get the fuck outta here with your nerdy gay shit TV shows, if you even watch that shit once you are a loser

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I made a pass at Summer Glau during Dragoncon some years ago.

I would have until we found out she came on the ship as a cheap whore trading sex for a ride in a space ship

So all you watch is Coronation Street?

dig the map i think it is a 5 star system

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So what did she say?

It’s basically Outlaw Star with some details swapped around. I liked it, though.

Firefly was great.

Keep your political faggotry out of its memory.

Also forgot to add Kaylee is my waifu

She grinned and kissed me on the cheek and we chatted for a moment. She's got a mild interest in cars, which gave me a raging hard on.

>how to draw a star system when you have not idea how astronomical motion works

The jews killed firefly

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If you wouldn't fuck Gina Torres you are legitimately gay.

Basic premise is not bad, but it has joss whedon's greasy fingerprints all over it, so, fuck that guy.

love it

Redpilled af.

Sad it was cancelled

the interracial couple is black female white male so its more acceptable

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It was alright if you can ignore the cringy parts, but nothing special desu.

> it has an interracial couple
Yeah it's a shame they had to spoil it
> and it depicts women as sexually liberated-- so you neckbeard fucks probably wouldn't like that.
Using women as otherwise useless cum dumps is a favourite pastime of mine.

everyshow has sjw undertones, because jewllywood is exactly that. normalizing for that, 10/10

I never understood the love for this woman people had. She looks like she has Down syndrome and acts like it on the show. If you’re attracted to that you should neck yourself immediately.

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>I only like cookie cutter sci-fi settings with all the same tropes in place as I've always known

The entirety of /tg/ is shaking it's collective head at you right now.

>Do Jow Forumstards approve of this show. Do you guys think it's "based?"
>However, it has an interracial couple, and it depicts women as sexually liberated-- so you neckbeard fucks probably wouldn't like that.

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>no aliens
The company logo on the HUD of the AA turret Malcom uses in the first sceen is that of Weyland-Yutani.

It's a lil based but overall obviously it was part of the same propaganda mill that makes everything else, with all the usual hallmarks

With that said I like some of the actors and overall it was entertaining

>pirates doing robberies with a cargo ship

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Folk on the rim dun turned emselves into Reaver breakfast, rite cap??
That there rimworlds need emselves a hired gun, ay cap?

This and saged

That’d be a nice interpretation if Firefly has just been on season of stand-alone TV. But with the background of the Reavers covered in the movie
>omg, muh government conspiracy gassed a whole planet into being peaceful, most of them died but a minor side effect turned a percentage into rage zombies
It unfortunately doesn’t work.
I’m over Joss Wheddon fandom. Maybe the massive influx of Marvel capeshit did it in for me.

I only remember the Ballad of Jayne Cobb and amoral persistent side-character Saffron, who made me fall in love with Christina Hendricks.

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>not liking Jayne
Get fucked

You realize that throughout the entire series the government was built up as being entirely capable of such things right? That it had operations of that nature all over the place, was indifferent to the people as a whole and saw them more as pawns to achieve objectives of power rather than being individuals.

Hell the entire premise is built on libertarian values and an off shoot of the confederates from the civil war who went west. It's not even outside of what our own government does. Just on a bigger scale.

I could only find the first season. When does season two come out?

>It promotes libertarian values

Firefly promotes lolbertarians? Did you watch the show in Spanish or something?

The brown-coats are a laboured analog of conferederates and if you think Joss of all people loved confederates: I've got a bridge in Helsinki to sell you.

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Yes, I realize governments can do this stuff. But even then, muh evil government conspiracy meme was becoming a major trope in stories. I tire of it. But the terror of the unknowm at the edges of space, the possibility we face a threat greater than ourselves, is something far older and more primal you find in sci-fi. A trope that goes back to Lovecraft with the Cthulhu myth. Making Reavers into an unintended consequence of a government plan makes them less scary.

>Joss Whedon
>producing anything besides Jewish trash

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In 2003 it wasn't so. Hell even X-files kept away from blaming the government and that was the progenitor to this board when you think about the viewership. You say that about the show now though, 15 years after it came out, where that theme of government mishandling is more normalized. Though keep in mind, the cast never suggested changing the government for the better. Hell Mal would have been more happily if it came falling apart. So it tempers itself and presents a more libertarian view that is still right wing in nature.

>I've got a bridge in Helsinki to sell you.

Would it be this one?

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this retard can't tell the difference between space opera and hard sci-fi.

liberal trash

The parallel has not many similarities. Their government is authoritarian (the yankee equivalent) and literally slaughters entire worlds while enforcing censorship.

Firefly was great BECAUSE it was something different you turbo faggot.
I do wish they'd done a better job of explaining the 'verse though. They handwaved the shit out of it, which while I can accept that I would have preferred if it was logically constructed more like the Expanse.
I don't know why they said 'no FTL'. Why exactly? If they'd had FTL the whole thing is more logical. You can have multiple star systems then with different tech levels being more understandable. Or okay, have a gas giant with multiple moons as the 'independents' and have them be sanctioned from technology due to the war? Some more thought should have been put into this world building to make it hang together more logically.

Star trek is boring crap that can suck my dick.

it was good day.

It anti-globalist, thats all i care about.

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Yep, just send me some buttcoin and it could be yours!

>literally slaughters entire worlds while enforcing censorship.
See: US Government

Joss Whedon's dialogue is the same snarky, cynical Buffy the Vampire Slayer shit, over and over. His action scenes are good, though.

You must be one of those urban geniuses.

wtf I hate Firefly now. Hold on, is that a fucking meme flag I see?

Fillion is a fag

I like hookers

Loved it. Very based. Fillion and Adam Baldwin are lovable libertarians.

“I’ll be in my bunk.”

It’s libertarian ethos and based. Whedon has since gone off the deep end into Progressive Mania. His stuff now is garbage.

I agree with most of what you said. Loved the show. Times have changed and my views on politics. Jayne is one of the all time best characters.

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River is hot.

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That’s boner worthy.