Vault 7 leaker is a CIA insider charged with child porn
Doesn't mention leaking to Wikileaks but mentions linking to organization1 on a specific date which lines up with pic related.

Charged with multiple instances of mishandling g classified info and having CP totalling over 100 years imprisonment.

What does this mean ? Esp with Assange in the frame for being released soon? Will he suffer the same fate as CIA insider?

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Noose is tightening they are panicking and going after loose ends and possible turncoats.

Dan Harmon?

They wouldn't hack plant child porn on the computer of the guy who leaked that they hack plant child porn on anyone's computer, would they?

Surely you're not questioning the perfect integrity of the CIA the way Blonald Blumpf did in Helsinki?

standard protocol

The CIA always plants drugs and CP on people because it really rustles the normies and distracts them.


makes anything else seem believable

Something not quite right about this guy.

His op sec is shit.
He doesn't look like a CIA agent. He just looks like a regular cp mongerer/loser.
Is he being framed to cover for something more sinister like Clinton selling CIA secrets to foreign foes?

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The FSB has a history of it too

I'd imagine it's basically SOP for any intel agency because it's completely indefensible and when you consider the fact that FBI literally hordes the stuff and sets up "honeypot" sites with it you can definitely tell they know a lot about it.

Basically anybody who consistently owns or uses a computer is a valid target and can easily be taken down like this.

The irony is that the Vault 7 leaks are legitimate proof.

Or is this the start of something bigger. This was one of the sealed indictments and q user just made reference to this specific case today.

My least favorite part of the CIA is that they could stop grotesque and horrific child abuse but choose not to because it’s helpful for blackmail. That fucking sucks.

What about the contents of the leak tho
>Oh right I forgot youre not paid to post about that

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Vault 7. Have you been living in a cave?

Evidently they feel it's "For the security of our Nation"

fucking retarded

what does CIA know about kundalini and other esoteric concepts for mind control?


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it's possible, but it's also possible that they just happened to hire a total space cadet with a taste for cp.

if what says is even lightly true then they've almost certainly got plenty of evidence or at least everything they need to get the evidence proving he's not just being framed with cp.

> IRC chats of "Josh" saying the n-word over and over

Truly he's /our guy/.


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fuck you, pedo apologist.

you hate pedophilia unless it is one of your treasonous Russian spy friend doing it, right?

We should do something about it. I want my money back.