Africans invade Spain's beaches and female tourist helps the invader by giving him water

And leftists are celebrating her actions. Can you imagine the Ancient Greeks celebrating when Persians invade their land? This is fucked up

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the people of the land will get what they deserve one way or the other

Proof of brainwashing and conditioning. Yet there was no man there to knock them both out.

>Can you imagine the Ancient Greeks celebrating when Persians invade their land?
no, but I can imagine the ancient female Greeks celebrating...

Women are always save during wars. The worst they can go through is rape (which they fantasize about anyways)

If I had one bullet left in my gun, I'd shoot that white traitor bitch instead of the nigger.


Ignorant cunt, that she is!

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> unsupervised women welcoming invaders hoping for a stronger dick since their own men dont own them.

A woman needs to be owned. Since the dawn of time they were heavily policed and supervised by their community/men. Judging by the suicide reate of modern roasties they liked it that way. When they say that they didnt they are just checking if you are strong enough to put them in their place, which they want.

Also, women often have rape fantasies.

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