While most European countries are taking a harder stance on migration and don't accept anyone coming over the mediterranean sea, Spain adopts the most left-wing open borders policy in Europe. This comes at a critical time where Italy finally showed how much you can control migration if they see that it is too risky to come.
How do we deal with those backstabbers? It is clear that not a single one of their guests will stay where they landed. And then it will be 2015 all over again.
How do we deal with the spanish problem?
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Don´t worry. The new government won´t last.
If they win the elections in 2020, though, just nuke us. We'd deserve it.
Government won't last, regions already demanding more Gibs.
However, if they win next elections, build a wall.
I´d be shocked if we don´t get elections late this year or in early 2019.
I thought that most Spaniards welcome immigration? I saw a poll where they where more positive than any other Euro country.
Same, we'll have election by Christmas.
Sanchez just trying to show how much of a Commy he is, so as to get back some of those Podemos seats.
Problem is most spaniards are soft on former colony immigrants, Latins and Phillipinos etc...
The Polls only ask about "do you welcome non-eu immigrants", then the cunts spin it as I want a BBC in my mouth.
I take it you saw that thread of spaincucks letting migrants swim onto their Shores like an invasion. Thank God for the cold climate up here.
Spain is a coven of witches and leftists, please nuke us
Mate, you're delusional. They never stay in Spain for long. They all want to go North.
They are illegal immigrants and want gibs.
They love immigrants, indeed. They are cucked to the bone. Don't listen to damage control spaniards here.
Look polls on how we feel about taking in Muslims. We´re one of the least tolerant countries culture-wise when it comes to "Moors" due to historical reasons.
Then again, lefties and lefty politicians ignore lessons from the past.
Is the Spanish media talking about the Africans invading the beaches and attacking guards in Ceuta?
A lot.
HAHAHA. are you a neet?. Go out to the street and ask.
Young people LOVE the bbc and moors.
Spaniards love to look progressive, but really most aren't in favor of massive immigration (except students, journalists, and the typical scum). It's just that our president is a literal Soros puppet.
Yes, always reminding us of how important it is to "help everyone"
We are cucked beyond belief, but this particular issue of the Ceuta hordes, and becomming the new route to Europe is a different scale. Even Commy media isn't covering it up anymore.
Spain's problem isn't the immigrants, it's the fucking Feminists that are destroying every fabric of society, with their open border shit.
I was just there, and I’d love to return in a year (maybe visit beyond Madrid but I’m content there) but I hope your guys’ country isn’t turned into a third world shithole by leftists.
Barely, but they are talking about it.
But it was everywhere on social media.
Blacks made an error in using weapons this time.
Maybe I´m too old, but working for two multi-national corporations I haven´t heard a single Spanish colleague support pro-immigration policies.
Oh wait, there was that 23yo intern who was a Podemos voter.
Feminists are in power because of onions boys and cucks allowing it.
Spain is the sweden of the mediterranean. Don't be delusional.
We are not literally invaded by niggers and moors because we are poor and they prefer to go up to germany. That's it.
Start sinking ships?
So do I, m8.
>using weapons this time.
Reminder a Red Cross guy literally condoned it because "that's the only way they can manage to enter"
Nah, you are just delusional or in max damage control. Support for immigration in Spain is Massive.
>We are not literally invaded by niggers and moors because we are poor and they prefer to go up to germany. That's it.
Never debated this.
So what's the answer, user, to you want to run? Spanish people are blackpilled from the start, only focused on having the easiest possible lives for themselves. You see it in how many graduates want to lowest possible funcionario jobs.
>Red Cross guy literally condoned it because "that's the only way they can manage to enter"
Motherfucker! for real???
This is not called blackpilled.
It's called being Andalusian.
Promote a boycott against spain as a tourist destination. If it gets big enough and reaches spanish MSM, it would add a ton of fuel to the flames. The same lefty cucks that promote open borders are against tourism, those fucking retards live in areas that have huge tourism oriented economies, think about barcelona.
They went as far as harassing a bus full of tourists, and drawing graffity with phrases such as "refugees welcome, tourist go home", or saying that tourism is a modern form of colonialism.
I could keep going on about those retards forever, as I live in an area that would be targeted by the boycott I'm speaking off, but it's for the greater good.
If the boycott succeeds, common people will rise against those lefty antiwhites.
Important, this action if done with an anti-spanish sentiment would have the contrary effect. the main idea has to be that you love spain, but if it's citizens are determined into turning spain into africa you have no reason anymore to come here.
Maybe young people are faggots, I won´t debate that.
The only young person in my life is my girlfriend, though, and she´s so redpilled I still remember her getting drunk last year and shouting in a Galician accent all around the town how blacks should get shot, Franco should return and fatties were disgusting.
Still, I wish I still had that recent graph about how Spaniards felt about Muslim and African immigration.
Franco was a moor-lover, though.
this is a good start.
>"refugees welcome, tourist go home"
This is so retarded
Just conquer us.
Best case scenario we finally give up and you weed out all the defenerates and shitskins alike.
Worst case scenario we do like we've always done and go berserk and wipe out everybody left and right and become spaniards again (just hope we seize the momentum and destroy all mudejar heritage as well).
Either case it's a win win for Europe.
There's a theory that Spain will go totally bankrupt in 2019 and unable to keep functioning (we receive zero credit right now while still operating in debt) and that's the primary reason why Soros helped Pedrolo into power and is looming over Spain so much recently.
I hope so, user. This attitude makes me sick.
Every bitch wants to be a social worker, and every man some bland administrator.
There are more Civil Servants in Spain, than in the rest of W. Europe combined.
If mother fuckers were actually net contributors they'd feel different about immigrants.
But so long as someone else is paying for it......
I will. This pisses me off because I really liked Barcelona and wanted to see historic sites. But Spain is blacklisted as a tourist destination for me. Mallorca didn't want the democratically elected prime minister of Italy because he is an "ebil fascist". They think it's okay to forbid people they don't like to come here but let anyone in, even if the attack their own army.
How did Spain become this bad?
We deserve everything we get. Next elections will be a hung parliament with either PP or PSOE in charge (again).
You all know the solution, a civil war. The is a lot of shit in Spain to clean. Lot of leftists, feminists... The time has come, we should be prepared for everything.
We, Spaniards, like Italians are not the cucked British or Faggy frenchies. We won't let the niggers take our land.
It would be ok to be total cucks if you kept the people you invited. But I know they will somehow disappear and end up in Germany or France. Then those leftist retards can feel warm and nice inside again.
This is the best idea. If the government sees it affecting tourism, then they MIGHT act.
>How did Spain become this bad?
That's a long story, it involves tin foil hats, false flag attacks, jews and commies.
It really isn't our fault, it's international
According to these fake news niggers, they are really likely to stay. This country is full of retards indeed.
My fucking god...
The spanish are total faggots and close to 2 million niggers are expected at the end of the year
Are Spaniards living in a different reality? I thought you where poor and had terrible unemployment rates? So people want even more unskilled workers that will never find a job? What do they put into the water here?
The girl i was shagging in Spain would give me stupid propaganda of the hardships the ME people. I went off on the stats of them and how like 1/3 of them support isis.
After that she would say how she thought niggers were ugly unprovoked. She also agreed about spanish culture needing to be preserved.
I think your men are the problem. Women are naturally altruistic, you cant get mad at them for it.
You forgot Masons, user.
We better makes sure they stay inside the containment zone that is Spain.
Spaniards don't drink water lol.
>The spanish are total faggots and close to 2 million niggers are expected at the end of the year
Not saying this is great, but for us this includes Latins, which are incorrectly viewed as equals.
People are retards that have lost contact with reality, which is why there is nothing wrong with calling a man a woman and vice versa, or with calling sodomy love.
Thanks, democracy
PP,Ciut,Vox coalition incoming.
This is kind of misleading i think. Spaniards feel like a catalon marrying a galician is different ethnicities.
The way europe uses the phrase "ethnicity" is to be misleading. Theyll phrase it like english women are all over the BBC. But its more like them marrying a french or a polack.
>PSOE this high
>Our only right-wing option having the same percentage as a fucking animalist party
We are the apex virtue signallers. It's honestly taken over from religion. And there is a genuine, active, and demonstratable conspiracy from the Media, Government, and the Regions to push all this nonsense.
It amazes me everyday that someone can be pro mass immigration, in a country with 20+ unemployment, and zero wage growth. It's a mania. All people want to make sure to do is prove they are not a "faxcha", or Francoist.
Do you have a rising nationalist party ?
Rising? no.
But we have Vox, which pretty much calls for shooting the invaders.
The other "right wingers" are neolibgs, Partido Popular have their moments, and if they can see a vote in it, they'll go anti migrant in an instance.
We need to win the metapolitics, and that will change everything.
Even WW2 and all the conditioning didn't keep us and Germany from having a rising right wing party and tough immigration. You guys need to get out there and make a new center right party.
Bannon is involved with Vox, for what it's worth.
What are you talking about Kartoffel face, Germanistan is muslim now and you are the biggest cucks in Europe. I bet you enjoy to watch your potato face girlfriend get fucked by a group of rapefugees. The niggers getting into spain is your fault because Merkel is a niggerlover and the current president of spain Pedro Sanchez is a big lefty faggot with no power.
I am not German idiot. We are the only ones trying to make Europe tougher on migration right now.
They seem not very popular... this has to change
That does not mean their policies are not here to stay.
i guess he wants to fuck up in Spain now
There issue is they are arch-Centrists, which basically means its impossible that they can get into government.
Our constitution makes it nearly mandatory to make coalitions with separatists and regionalists.
You're as German as uncle Addy m8
I heard he helped Salvini. Now I respect him more, because this went along very well.
If by fuck up, you mean put in place a government which defends it's Europeans, and then lowers unemployment to all time lows, whilst doubling the stock market.
Then I hope so.
Bomb us
And Orban's party in the last election.
More than that, he also worked with 5 star, and is working with Cardinal Burke against the Pope's current policies.
Bannon could be exactly what we need.
>elect a socialist, majority female government
>their FIRST act is to let in a ship of non-citizens comprised of mostly men
The politicians who decide this never have to live near these immigrants. They never have to struggle to teach or provide medical care or deal with language and culture barriers. They have enough money to move or even flee the country if things get turbulent. They won't have to deal with the increased pressure on housing and employment. Gotta get those good feelies and headlines though.
They're germanic but not german
By the way, our Minister of Interior still insists that there's no call effect despite having hundreds of illegals entering every day, and wants to take out the barbed wire from the fence and prevent the guards from using anti-riot gear because "It's cruel for migrants".
If this is not treason I don't know what is.
Is he still claiming that Trump won because of him?
The 4 main parties in Spain are social democrats who are pro inmigration, pro feminism, pro lgtb rights, pro degeneracy.
Send help
Hitler disagrees
Spain is total cuckland.
Last week on an expat buy/sell facebook page some Jew asked where you could find a copy of a certain portrait of Franco and there were dozens upon dozens of comments insulting him.
Send bombs and destruction, or maybe an italian army invasion would do
I am a German-Slav mutt. Which is a great combination if you ask me.
just a few days ago saw a news report on how the ceuta wall guards were complaining at the rubber ball rounds getting banned and "welcoming the removal of barbed wire IF and only IF a suitable replacement that truly works is put instead" right after more wall jumping
media's not hiding anything, even if some outlets might try to sugarcoat it pointing out that barbed wire "might be against human rights" or showing "happy immigrants after making it to spain"
i just want to see Spain and other cucked Europe countries uncuck themselves. seeing those niggers flood in on boats is dirty and sickening
Other than his pro israel thing. I dont think bannon has ever said something i didnt like.
There was a reason liberals never quoted things he said. Just made fun of him for being ugly and wearing 4 sweaters.
100% of spanish parties are pro-money.
The moment all those things stop being profitable they'll turn to whatever gives them money. And those things are profitable only because globalists and perculators like Soros.
Is your armed forces cucked or non existent?
Sad. I almost thought I was speaking with a human
Sorry spanish-bro.
All of you can use this situation to retake spain.
Open borders and immigration have destroyed our left for the next 20 years at least.
Good luck.
You can be a pro money "social democrat"
An over reliance on the government can be a good thing. They give the populace a varient of income that cant be saved such as food stamps, rent vouchers etc and the little money they do get they splurge.
Soros is having a hard time, so if he is getting ruined you might have to get your money elsewhere.
>"destroy all mudejar heritage"
were you born elsewhere we'd laugh at you like we laughed on the subhuman terrorists destroying their shit because of muh ideology, and you are no better than the retards trying to destroy or rename anything franco related
every step and every footprint must be kept, wether as reminder of greatness or warning of past dangers that might come back: you don't get to erase history just because it hurts your feefees
>implying that it wasn't the damn plan from the beginning
Miss me yet, fellow Spaniards?
Now that other routes are closed, once mass immigration really hits Spain, perhaps people will wake up.
I think Spain needs a lots of 3world scum in our cities, through violence and hard times people become definetly aware of the critical situation we are in. At this point we can acomplish really big things.
they will get rubber dinghy'd every day until they learn.
what we really need is a mass shitskin chimpout in europe, whether it's in italy because of deportations, in spain because of large number of recent arrivals, or in france because they're a shithole - doesn't matter.
>Is he still claiming that Trump won because of him?
He literally never says this, and makes a point to say he came late in the election, and that Trump won the election.
If migration continues like that, you will this scenario in a few months. Better prepare yourself.
You underestimate how corrupt our "Social Democrats" are.
Based galego