Thoughts about Mongolia

Thoughts about Mongolia

Attached: images (2).png (543x271, 4K)

Other urls found in this thread:–Romanian_Waréla_Kun[1].jpg

Based country

had to built wall to keep out
literally the Mexicans of Asia


they should thank us for liberating them from Judeo-Bolshevism back in 1919, ungrateful bastards.–Romanian_War

>The Hungarian–Romanian War was fought between the First Hungarian Republic and the Hungarian Soviet Republic and the Kingdom of Romania. Hostilities began on 15 April 1919 and ended on 3 August 1919. The Romanian army occupied eastern Hungary until 28 March 1920.

>The Hungarian Soviet Republic or literally Republic of Councils in Hungary (Hungarian: Magyarországi Tanácsköztársaság[2] or Magyarországi Szocialista Szövetséges Tanácsköztársaság[3]) was a short-lived (133 days) communist rump state[4]. When the Republic of Councils in Hungary was established, it controlled only approximately 23% of the territory of Hungary's classic borders.

Attached: Nepkoztarsasag.png (660x428, 55K)

Ugly ooga boogas. China will bring genocide soon.


Greatest one hit wonder in human history.


Son: Dad, why do Hungarians hate Romanians so much?

Dad: because they invaded Mong- er i mean Hungary, back in 1919 to stop Bela Kun's Bolsheviks from conquering all Central Europe

pic related, Romanian troops followed by Hungarian children in Budapest (1919)

Attached: ArmataRomanaInsotitaDeCopiiMaghiari.jpg (400x232, 22K)

Anyone else kinda jealous of the fact that pic related is allowed in Mongolia?

Mongolia will never tear down their statues and monuments to their most successful and famous leaders. This is something that the west should learn from.

Attached: genghis-khan-statue-complex.jpg (550x412, 32K)

from absolute chads to utter cucks
the writing is kinda cool tho

I want to breed their qts, who will give me stronk first generation Finns.

Honestly, I got mixed views, they were conqurers, but they seemed to be mostly surprise attackers, basically ranged Vikings. Would have loved to see them push further into Europe though, just to see if they really could take on the best of Europe in in heavily forested areas. Sadly in our time line they never did so we are left to guess how a army of the Holy Romans could do vs the heavily muttified Mongolian army.

Son: so Hungarians are butthurt because Romanians freed Hungary from the Red kikes?

Dad: precisely! deep down, all Hungarians are Communist assholes who are still crying for their dear leader Bela.this is why Hungarians mindlessly shitpost and spread disinformation, propaganda, and blatant lies that Romanians are filthy subhuman shits and that Hungarians are noble angels and that Kun dindu nuffin.

pic related, Hungarian children being fed by the invading Romanian troops (1919).

Attached: CopiiMaghiariHranitiDeSoldatiRomani.jpg (400x230, 26K)

Son: so Hungarians spread propaganda and lies about Romanians all because they freed them from Communism?

Dad: yes. Hungarians are still the same butthurt commies they were in 1919. and Romania had it worse under Bolshevism than Hungary because the top kikes in Moscow wanted the Romanian people destroyed as payback for fighting against the Reds in 1919. Ceascu or whatever his name was, took orders from Moscow to ruin Romania as payback for 1919.

pic related, Generals Moșoiu and Olteanu during the crossing of the river Tisza.

Attached: Hungarian-Romanian_War_of_1919_(National_Military_Museum_Collection)_33.jpg (1000x806, 183K)

Attila is essetially the same and he got fucked in open battle by a combined euopean force of romans and goths iirc

That battle is what tolkien based the battle of pelenor feilds on

Son: when will Hungarians thank Romanians for freeing them from Judeo-Bolshevik scum Kun?

Dad: never. they will always be butthurt because Romanians kicked their commie asses. if they were to thank Romanians for liberating them, then all the anti-Romanian propaganda they set up since 1920 would be all for nothing. Hungarians and Romanians will never get along, everyone knows this.

pic related, Hungarian troops surrendering at Szolnoc.

Attached: Hungarian-Romanian_War_of_1919_(National_Military_Museum_Collection)_34.jpg (1000x709, 139K)

Son: and what if they do get along?

Dad: nah, just lies. some Hungarians want to look nice to Romanians because they want a chance to attack them at their weakest. this is why Romanians are not trusting Hungarians, because they know Hungarians want to attack them.

Attached: Hungarian-Romanian_War_of_1919_(National_Military_Museum_Collection)_32.jpg (1000x595, 141K)

oh forgot, pic i posted here is King Ferdinand and Queen Marie supervising the crossing of the river Tisza by troops of the 2nd Vânători Division (13 August 1919).

It's weird is it not, that if you remove Europe from the map, 99% of man fought with mostly ranged armies. Alexander the Great was a oddity at the times in his army was centered around the phanlanx, just as before his time the Greeks did the same with their hoplites. Both destroyed the greatest fighting force of the known world, at the time.

Honestly save for late medieval Japan, only Whites would base their strategies on melee warefare, rather it was mounted, or grounded. Everyone else, including early Samurai's were archers first, fighters second.

Genghis Khan was and is biggest alpha of the world.
They do have nazis there that openly hate chinese, heres hoping Inner Mongolia will at one point be part of Mongolia again.
At least they've not suffered like Manchus who are basically mixed down to nothingness.

Son: and how come no one thanks Romanians for freeing Hungary from Kun's Bolsheviks?

Dad: because they all fell for the "based Hungary" psy-ops, which is explicitly made to demonize Romania and make Hungary a cute angel baby, and also, because no one ever bothers to ask questions, regardless of how redpilled they claim to be. if Hungary were as based as it claims to be, then they would have never gone full commie.

pic related, Romanian patrol in Budapest.

Attached: Hungarian-Romanian_War_of_1919_(National_Military_Museum_Collection)_36.jpg (1000x728, 181K)

based /mong/ thread

Attached: 1423825038542.jpg (864x894, 157K)

Son: so Hungarians are forever butthurt due to Romanians freeing them, and out of pure butthurt, they viciously attack Romanians everywhere?

Dad: everyone would do that, especially Judeo-Bolsheviks who try smear people who oppose and attack them, just like in Germany.

pic related, King Ferdinand decorating Romanian troops at Bekes Csaba.

Attached: Hungarian-Romanian_War_of_1919_(National_Military_Museum_Collection)_05.jpg (1000x681, 152K)

They have a pretty based mythology and folk religion.

Son: so basically, Hungarians are still salty over their glorious leader (((Kun))) being BTFO, and all they can do is just spread anti-Romanian propaganda? they sure are salty, like how Turks are after the same Romanians impaled them.

Dad: and unfortunately, some bluepilled brainlets believe it. those who don't, never heard of it. but most of those who believe it are spreading it, but in the end they will lose, because good always wins over evil. everyone starts to question propaganda, like Zundel and the Holohoax.

pic related, General Traian Moșoiu and King Ferdinand saluting the Royal Guards in the train station of Careii Mari.

Attached: Hungarian-Romanian_War_of_1919_(National_Military_Museum_Collection)_13.jpg (1000x738, 194K)

Absolutely based throat singing

The land of our ancestors


Ancient homeland.

Imagine being this much of an obsessed faggot that you can't sustain yourself but shit on Hungary on a thread that has nothing to do with Hungary, making three decently sized posts about it. Literally go back to your cave Ceausescu.

Son: are people too lazy or retarded to check history?

Dad: there's the old saying, history is written by the winners, and Hungarians are just commie losers why think they are winners. much like how the rest of the (((Soviets))) tried and still try, with their jewish friends help, to make themselves look like heroes, and to paint Germans as devils. this is why some dumbasses think Kun was good and Ferdinand evil.

pic related, General Panaitescu on the terrace of hotel Gellert in Budapest (near the Liberty Bridge).

Attached: Hungarian-Romanian_War_of_1919_(National_Military_Museum_Collection)_38.jpg (1000x908, 154K)

he's still going

Shut the fuck up already, nobody cares about your demented fantasies.

its too easy to detect Vojvodina Hungarians or Kosovo Albanians trying to pass off as Serbs.

Attached: 1513456180380.jpg (1152x648, 78K)

Extremely based

Son: and why don't Hungarians try to just stop being buttmad at Romania, Serbia, and Slovakia?

Dad: in their Communistic dreams, Hungarians think Romanians, Serbs, and Slovaks, are their slaves who should be put to work in gulags for the benefit of the glorious Hungarians Soviet Republic, and that all Romania, Serbia, and Slovakia belong to the Mon- er i mean Magyar proletariat.

pic related, General Gheorghe Mărdărescu and King Ferdinand inspecting the troops in Oradea.

Attached: Hungarian-Romanian_War_of_1919_(National_Military_Museum_Collection)_24.jpg (1000x622, 161K)

I live in neither of those places, and am neither of those nationalities. You're just retarded.

Son: and who do so many retards associate Romania with that commie nigger Ceasascu?

Dad: because Hungarians want to make everyone forget about Bela Kun, who was both Communist and jewish, and that under his rule, Mongo- er i mean Hungary, was the first Communist state in Central Europe, while Romania like the rest of Central Europe, became communist in 1945.éla_Kun

>Béla Kohn, later known as Béla Kun, was born on 20 February 1886 in the village of Lele, located near Szilágycseh, Transylvania, Austria-Hungary (today part of Hodod, Romania). His father was a lapsed Jewish village notary, while his mother was Protestant.[2] Despite his parents' secular outlook, he was educated at the Silvania Főgimnázium in Zilah (present-day Silvania National College, Zalău)[3] and a famous Reformed kollegium (grammar school) in the city of Kolozsvár (modern Cluj-Napoca, Romania).

pic related, Béla Kun pictured in 1923

Attached: Bela_Kun_(cropped).png (451x575, 273K)


i want to make a copy-pasta i want to post on August 4, the day Romanian troops marched in Budapest to liberate Hungary from Bolshevism. Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia were allied to Romania and also saved Hungary. besides this is a Mongolia-related thread, and since Hungarians are from Mongolia, it kinda makes Hungary-related thread too.

pic related, a Hungarian map of Entente advance into Bolshevik Hungary.

Attached: banlaky_big_hadt_2475_nagykep.jpg (2962x2067, 582K)

My ancestor :)

Son: and how long will Hungarians keep hating and bullying Romanians?

Dad. forever. they will be assmad forever since they cannot go back in time to stop the Entente from stopping the Red plague from spreading in Europe. all they can do is how those Bucharest and Belgrade borgeois crushed to Mong- er i mean Magyar revolution that would have brought prosperity and harmony in the Carpathians.

pic related, Romanian artillery marching through Budapest.

Attached: Hungarian-Romanian_War_of_1919_(National_Military_Museum_Collection)_37.jpg (1000x758, 231K)

wish i was a slav and part mongol instead of being italian and part sandnigger.

Attached: surname distribution .png (455x487, 250K)

all they can do is cry how*

Delicious Mongolian Beef

Attached: mongolian beef.jpg (650x975, 166K)

Attached: 1451330448643.png (800x750, 68K)

Modern Mongolia is irrelevant.

Why don't you just kill yourself? I mean you are a loser and no one would even notice you absence

Son: and if Romanians, Serbs, and Slovaks are evil and wicked as Hungarian communist propaganda says, then how come Hungary still exists and why did Romania, Serbia, and Slovakia divide Hungary between eachother and send all Hungarians back to their homeland, Mongolia?

Dad: like you said, it's just propaganda. demonize Romanians and anyone else who opposes communism and fights against communism. never believe what Hungarian Bolsheviks who suffer from Post-Trianon stress Disorder say.

pic related, Romanian Cavalry in Budapest during the Hungarian-Romanian War of 1919

Attached: RomanianCavalryBudapest.png (1000x684, 552K)

1. Japanese
2. Chinese
3. Mongolian
75. Vietnamese

9000. Thai
9001. Korean
9002. Filipino

Acurate ranking of Asians. I only like Japanese, Korean and Mongolian.

Son: if Romanians lead by King Ferdinand are Heroes, who liberated Hungary from Judeo-Bolshevism, and no one thanks them for that, does that make Romania like Christian Bale's Batman? like... a silent protector, a watchful guardian, a Dark Knight?

Dad: that, or Saint George slaying the Dragon. hmmm.... Saint Ferdinand slaying (((Bela))) the Red Dragon! that is awesome, since (((Bela))) had to be slayed since he was Red.

pic related, Romanian sentry guarding the Liberty Bridge (Szabadság híd) in Budapest

Attached: 1280px-RomanianSoldierLanchid.png (1280x818, 2.17M)

There sure were a lot of mongol rape babies in this country, huh.

Son: and since Romania was part of the Axis, meaning it fought together with Germany, in the invasion of the Soviet Jewnion aka Operation Barbarossa, and how everyone knows that the Axis reached as far as Stalingrad, how far did the Romanian army reached in Hungary in 1919 to free Hungary from Bolshevism?

Dad: look at pic related, a map of Entente (Romanian, Czech, Serb) advance in Hungary. Romanians took Budapest and almost reached Balaton.

Attached: 1919augszept1.jpg (640x623, 225K)

Son: they should have annexed everything.

Dad: they should have done that Son, they should have done. but hey, they still won the Second Hungarian-Romanian war, and Hungarians got a ticket back to Mongolia, where they live with their brothers, the Mongols and Turks. thankfully Trump kept his promise of America First, and NATO was disbanded and America became more isolationist, otherwise Romania would have been bombed like Serbia in 1999.

pic related, King Ferdinand, Queen Marie and Iuliu Maniu in Oradea.

Attached: Hungarian-Romanian_War_of_1919_(National_Military_Museum_Collection)_18.jpg (1000x717, 180K)

my ancestor :)

Attached: nadzi mongol future.jpg (828x466, 62K)

Son: that was an interesting story, if only Armor Games would make a game similar to Warfare 1917 out of it.

Dad, meh. i still want to show you some triggering stuff. triggering for Hungarians i mean. like pic related, King Ferdinand inspecting the Royal Guards. that is some army the God-Emperor would dream of.

Attached: Hungarian-Romanian_War_of_1919_(National_Military_Museum_Collection)_21.jpg (1000x728, 185K)


Dad: hey Son, wanna see something else? look at pic related, Stamps issued in Debrecen during the Romanian administration at the end of 1919. Overprinted with the inscription "ROMANIA. Occupation zone" applied over Hungarian postage stamps. These stamps have circulated mainly in the Tisza Plain. cool huh? even the Hungolian, er i mean Mongarian, er i mean you-who-i-talk-about stamps, got cucked too! ROMANIA, occupation zone! how cucked do you have to be for your stamps to end up like this!

Son: nice stamps, got more?

Attached: Hungary_1919_Debrecen_stamps.jpg (770x1000, 399K)

Attached: culturally enriched.png (590x700, 96K)

Third world shithole, even less developed than Ethiopia.

no shit that's the mongolian flag, i had no idea.

Dad: here. a stamp with some eagle on it, called Turul or something. Postage stamp issued in Debrecen by the Romanian administration in Hungary at the end of 1919. Overprint with the inscription "ROMANIA OCUPATION ZONE" applied over Hungarian postage stamps. These brands circulated predominantly in the Tisza Plain.

Son, what an ugly crow.

Attached: Debretin2_turul_1919.jpg (400x458, 109K)

t. ROMAnian.

Attached: optical_illusion.jpg (640x480, 109K)

pic related was the Mongolian flag in 1919. if you dont believe me, look at the filename.

Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_Hungary_(1919).svg.png (1200x600, 376)

The Chad Romanian Occupation Zone vs The Virgin Hungarian Postal System

t.butthurt Bolshevik. still mad we stopped you from painting Romania, Yugoslavia, and Czechoslovakia Red in 1919, Bela?

pic related, Signing the Treaty on 4 June 1920 at the Grand Trianon Palace in Versailles, arrival of the two signatories, Ágost Benárd and Alfréd Drasche-Lázár

we should have annexed Hungary.

Attached: Signature_de_la_Paix_avec_la_Hongrie,_en_tête_Benárd_Ágost_hongrois(passant_devant_un_piquet_d� (2707x2048, 2.86M)

pretty bad neighbours, invaded us twice in the last 100 years

t. pic related

Attached: 1501848692620.jpg (800x600, 63K)

we should have sent them back when we had the chance, next time we will stay in Budapest.

pic related, advance of Kun's Red Army.

why is that Szekely waving a Romanian flag?

Attached: banlaky_big_hadt_2443_nagykep.jpg (1678x1145, 324K)

I'm pretty sure that you ROMAnians lived in actual communist utopia from WWII to 1989.

Attached: Execution_in_Santahamina_1918.jpg (736x433, 114K)

>rom-ANO still butthurt
top kek

Attached: serveimage-29.jpg (500x375, 55K)

roaches should never speak about others being subhuman

la criatura infrahumana dios mio...

Attached: dios mio.png (359x351, 9K)

and we still fought against commies in 1989 and won, unlike Hungary where in 1956 they got crushed by Soviet tanks.

why are you posting a pic of your mom? is she Miss Turkey?

Attached: ceausescu-executie.jpg (580x350, 57K)

when did bugs learn spicanese

All I know is their noodles are tasty and they make booze out of horse milk.

you are literally to original melting pot you retarded cunthead.
mongols, arabs, slavs, armenians, iranians, etc... all asimilated and mixed together

Attached: 1521984664267.jpg (707x682, 74K)

Reminder that Romania is a shithole and that you have gypsy genes

based America!

pic related, a map of Romania VS commie Hungolia, 1919. Hungols should thank us for liberating them, instead they are so ungrateful they might as well be Iraqis after 2003.

Attached: 1919-4.gif (1032x702, 82K)

So much autism in one thread

>flag: Communist
>hates Romania
>says Romania is a shithole
>says i have gypsy genes

yup, checks out. still mad we liberated Hungary from your flag?

pic related, King Ferdinand discussing with Iuliu Maniu, generals Prezan, Mărdărescu and Panaitescu at Bekes Csaba.

Attached: Hungarian-Romanian_War_of_1919_(National_Military_Museum_Collection)_03.jpg (1000x707, 150K)

Hungarians are butthurt and autistic like they are Iraqis after Operation Iraqi Freedom.[1].jpg

can you just post this?

el cucaracha....

Enjoy praising the work of others and working for a minimum wage, while your boss gets richer and your country poorer by the year.

show your geo flag you Bolshevik coward.

Son: wait a sec, didn't Horthy rise to power after this war?

Dad: of course! Horthy got in power thanks to the Romanian army who helped liberate Hungary from Bolshevism. do you think Horthy would have a chance to stand against Bela Kun alone? i think all the Horthy-lovers should thank King Ferdinand and the Romanian army for helping to Horthy in power.

pic related, another map of Romania liberating Hungolia from Bolshevism.

Attached: 4-AUG-1919.png (1032x702, 160K)

Ferdinand was a traitor, (((they))) wanted him to rule both Romania and Hungary but only if they give Transilvania to the Hungarians. He accepted the offer but everyone else in the government, with a few (((exceptions))) opposed the idea, including the army. Later we find out due to Nicolae Iorga that he and his entire family were jews. He went public with this info and he is later assassinated by the Iron guard, which was also later fount out to be a lie and he was killed by commies.

Dont worry your time will come to be put against a wall and be shot

But i do agree with you that Bella made many stupid decisions

>yup, checks out. still mad we liberated Hungary from your flag?
Given that you all are gypsies in ROMAnia, you steal stuff. Gypsies are too stupid to understand concepts like liberty.

Attached: ROMAnia.jpg (590x350, 58K)

Mongolia produces good Sumo wrestlers.

Attached: 220px-Hakuho_2012_January.jpg (220x381, 25K)

>Ferdinand was a traitor, (((they))) wanted him to rule both Romania and Hungary but only if they give Transilvania to the Hungarians.
if a Romania-Hungary union would have happened, then Romania would have Transylvania, and the if the Huns would bitch about it, they would be whipped. we should have annexed Hungary.

>He accepted the offer but everyone else in the government, with a few (((exceptions))) opposed the idea, including the army. Later we find out due to Nicolae Iorga that he and his entire family were jews.
i thought they were Germans?

>He went public with this info and he is later assassinated by the Iron guard, which was also later fount out to be a lie and he was killed by commies.

well who cares, i would have liked a union like that. Hungary should have become our bitch like it was with Austria and earlier Turkey.

What’s this gypsy so mad about?

Attached: 2B293605-7651-4F5F-A468-B4D43C9E9793.jpg (1300x879, 243K)

aw cute, the butthurt commie is from Slovenia. so that means you're a Titoist?

our war against Hungary in 1919 was like yours against Russia in 1940, a war against Communism. we won, and we freed Hungary from Communism.

sorry, i aint no gyppo, but pic related is.

Attached: orban.jpg (350x481, 36K)

Genghis Khan is the most redpilled person to ever step on Earth.

Son: if only more Hungarians would realize that the war in 1919 helped put Horthy, one of their best and greatest leaders ever, in power, they would praise us like Gods.

Dad: and this is why they are in such denial. they come out of the closet someday. until then, they will shitpost at Romanians like there's no tommorow, and will keep posting cherrypicked shitskins and say they are Romanian, which is exactly the blatant propaganda we know of.

pic related, Hungarian-Romanian War of 1919, the battle of Tisza, 20-26 July (Language: English)

Attached: Hungarian-Romanian_War_of_1919,_battle_of_Tisza_-_English.jpg (715x877, 134K)

they make a delicious beef dish

Attached: o.jpg (585x439, 55K)

Whatever happens there? I heard its full of x files tier stuff.