15 year old kid stabs a classmate in Bulgaria

>15 year old kid stabs a classmate in Bulgaria
>shoots a video after of how proud he is
>country in shock cause its not a gypsy town and this shit happens in gypsy places
>turns out he is iranian by origin, born here, and did it because they called him gay and jihadist relentlessly in school

Race doesnt matter my ass, one school stabbing (outside gyppo places) and its carried out by the fucking iranian, who was even born here.

Attached: 62712FE4-9C63-4F9E-A595-C5E6186E2F46.jpg (600x359, 22K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>no link
>no video just a jpg
For you OP

I thought Bulgarians defended their borders?

Burn it alive and make an example out of it

Cant escape race fate huh

Video was taken down since he is covered in blood and shit

Not a refugee.

He’ll walk free guaranteed.

>lashed out for being called jihadist
>lashes out with jihad

Jesus Christ how fucking gay must this sand nigger be to stab someone for calling him gay.

noice, have a kek!

I bet you wanted to stab your bullies too you limp wristed incels.

Anyways, deport.
Also one dead gypsy, killed two birds with one stone.

>Race doesnt matter my ass
race is the only thing that matters, same races produces always the same kind of society no matter where they are living

Some kind of self fulfilling prophecy

liveleak you dumb bougar

They do this shit all the time. Some chechen with Bulgarian citizenship stabbed someone in France and they called it " A Bulgarian male.." .. he didn't even know Bulgarian, he spoke only Russian

Attached: 1532777817411.jpg (1024x653, 109K)

You can't really blame him.
The last time a sandnigger waved a knife at a Bulgarian the whole country surrendered to him and let him be the Sultan.

Stabbing is for pussies. I got into physical altercations, fist fights, because I wasn’t a fat tub of Arabian rape semen like the dune coon in OP

Wrong my friend. Islamic countries are among the lowest crime rate countries in the world. Qatar, Arab Emirates, Kuwait, etc. Check the crime index.

Personally, I blame your degenerate culture and you guys having no spine.

>No source
>Kids getting bullied
>kids loses his shit and stabs the bullier
Sounds like a typical day in the US desu. At least he didn't kill innocent people or go on a fucking rampage killing half of the school.

what i've always wondered, how do you get the idea that a nigger or arab somehow manages something except murder and violence when a gypsy who lives here for hundreds of years does not get it ?

that is so retarded

Albania, you mean

You can train a dog to not misbehave, but its still a dog.

>lowest crime rate.
Most forms of punishment there are crimes. Most servants are slaves with their passports stolen by their masters. You can bribe the police in dune countries to look the other way.

He did nothing wrong, defending yourself from bullies by all means is a right thing to do.

>no source
Um well ok
Lawyers defense, ethnicity and race in the above article

Is this projection? Because going by the crime rate index even in EU countries that have little immigration, you guys continue to act like animals.

You punch your bullies, you dont stab them, you degenerate chechen, hohol or uzbeki fuck

You can bribe easily in your country.

Just because his ethnicity is different than yours, it doesn't make his crime a terrorist attack fuck face. He was bullied and took on the bully. If he was white and the bully was an immigrant, you'd have the whole board saying a compelte different thing. No matter how much you wanna turn this into a race and cultural issue, it is not the case. Some punk got his ass handed to him for being an asshole.

>Race doesnt matter my ass
Wow you Europeans sure catch on fast!

Attached: 1518593511814.jpg (960x960, 166K)

Arabs dont commit crime under extremely strict law. Once said law is replaced by a slightly more lax one, they instantly resort to stab, rape, murder.

Hence, the only thing stopping them from crime is the law. Hence, they are genetically pre-disposed to crime.

Under the same laws, arabs commit more crime than other ethnicities. I dont speak only of the west - even in the ottoman empire, among turkics, they did more crime. Even in modern day turkey places with a stronger arab presence have more crime.

>Most forms of punishment there are crimes.

Bullshit. It's just secular law in the three countries I named. It's jail for everything except murder and some high crimes.

And you can't bribe a corpse to life. The murder, rape, and general violent crime rates in EU countries is abhorrent. And lets not mention the US with the highest prison population in the WORLD.

what the hell is wrong in your insane minds?
If I came as a German in your country and would behave like a rat, that would be your fault? because you have no backbone

You guys are so full of shit your primitive nature, your arrogant behavior, just disgusting

Governmental corruption, not criminal. You can't bribe yourself out of rape and murder. Royals got the noose for high crimes.

>Arabs dont commit crime under extremely strict law.

Most laws here are based of French laws. It's as lax as the EU laws. And there goes your entire argument.

That leaves that your culture is degenerate and the fact you are spineless scum that can't run their countries.

>doesn't make his crime a terrorist attack
Its not
>if the races were reversed
Yes, we should stab all arabs. Dont even need a reason. Anyone who stabs an arab is a hero in my eyes. You defend against invaders, you dont submit.

>bully got his ass handed to him
Hold on, are you claiming stabbing is the adequate defense for bullying? In the same thread you argue arabs are less prone to crime?

I'd kms desu

>stop taking your own side!
Good post


Beating is not always an option, you can be outnambered or just weaker. It is your pride and honor at stake, there is nothing more important in life than that.
>chechen, hohol or uzbeki
I am Armenian.

In Spain, giving people offensive names in school used to be part and parcel.
In my group of friends we called a guy moor, Mohammed and taliban for being really dark skinned.
A guy was called "paella", sack of pus and other things for being infested with acne.
Not a single one of them killed anybody.

>Most laws here are based of French laws. It's as lax as the EU laws. And there goes your entire argument.
Bull fucking shit, you literally said two posts ago how its not only jail for higher crimes. While we have only jail.

Not to mention laws arent everything, since bulgarian laws are very strict but minorities get away with crime because huge German and Swedish NGOs assign 50 lawyers to each of their cases and lobby on behalf of western europe to set them free.

Of course you are

>I am armenian
Hold on, you are defending a man from the ethnicity of those who genocided you, who stabbed a man from the nation that saved the most of your people from genocide?


For example, the UK and a lot let the minorities walk all over people and the whole country. Your police are brainwashed/intimidated by political correctness that you have different standards of law for different sets of people. This makes the bad elements within the minorities to act out seeing that there is little chance of getting arrested and prosecuted.

You are spineless and you betrayed your own people. Any minority given free reign like that would turn criminal.

>Yes, we should stab all arabs. Dont even need a reason. Anyone who stabs an arab is a hero in my eyes. You defend against invaders, you dont submit.
What ever you say.
>You defend against invaders
The fucking irony. how many countries has europe and north americans invaded in the middle east and north africa for the past two decades?
I don't particularly like muslims, but what I hate more is a bunch of hyprocrites.
>Hold on, are you claiming stabbing is the adequate defense for bullying?
Don't fucking bully someone in the first place. People go on shooting sprees constantly in the US and Canada due to bullying, killing innocent people, in this case, the faggot deserved it. Don't bully people. If your society is such a shithole that parents can't tell their kids to treat others with respect, then don't ask me to have any empathy for you. The bully was no different than any other sandnigger. As the saying goes, play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Seems like bullying someone because of his race was one of those games that ended in some stupid prizes.

>you literally said two posts ago how its not only jail for higher crimes.

I said that for most crimes like theft, fraud, etc it's jail.
For high crimes like murder, aggravated multiple rape, child rape it's either jail for life or hanging. Which should put us in the same style as many states in the US but in our case we have way less crimes.

>While we have only jail.
>because huge German and Swedish NGOs assign 50 lawyers to each of their cases and lobby on behalf of western europe to set them free.

Which is the result of your spinelessness.

He deserved it

I bet the little bitch that called him a fag won't bully anyone after that ever again. Back in the day men had duels for slander and name-calling. Now everyone is too soft to stand for themselves. They started it and he ended it. Alpha as fuck. Shame he's a shitskin.

It does not matter where they are born, if their family refuses to integrate.

Still muslims, but if you’re talking about arabs what the fuck are you doing in a thread about an iranian?

>The fucking irony. how many countries has europe and north americans invaded in the middle east and north africa for the past two decades?
I don't particularly like muslims, but what I hate more is a bunch of hyprocrites.
This is Bulgaria you gigantic imbecile, we havent invaded shit, we fucking fought the crusaders and then spent 400 years enslaved by the ottomans, are you literally the stupidest person in the world?

>Which is the result of your spinelessness.
We lost the cold war and these were the conditions imposed, are you literally completely uneducated on history or somethinf?

Bitch poster Larps online instead of fixing his own country by voting for nationalist parties to fix immigration and enforce the law.

This is exactly why most of Europe is a failure.

Are people surprised a stabbing happened in fucking Bulgaria?

>arabs justifying their retarded criminal behaviour
Thank you shitskins, all I wanted was to show these bluepilled westerners, you’re doing a great job with that

Look at my fucking flag holy fucking shit man

You are the stupidest person I have ever talked to here

Yes, we dont stab each other. Gypsies do. This happened outside a gypsy ghetto.

of course it matters, the kid being bullied had no right to be in the country in the first place

>We lost the cold war and these were the conditions imposed, are you literally completely uneducated on history or somethinf?

The cold war has nothing to do with Europeans utter failure at handling immigration and migrants. It's your lack of a spine that's at work here, not to mention dismal stupidity. Europe is a JOKE.

if it were in america it would be a school shooting, people lash out when isolated and victimised. Perhaps some races are more prevelant to doing it but this is unfortunately innevitable in human nature.

>ethnicity of those who genocided you
Iranians didn't genocide us. Besides I don't defend the man, I defend his actions.

>This is exactly why most of Europe is a failure.

I would take this more seriously if it wasnt coming from a middle eastern shithole that will be irrelevant when the west breaks free from its dependancy for oil. seriously once you guys loose ur oil wealth ur fucked

>The cold war has nothing to do with Europeans utter failure at handling immigration and migrants

I. AM. NOT. EUROPEAN. The Cold War made western europe my conqueror and thus imposed their conditions on me. Fucking shit how can you be this fucking stupid?!

And you’re just ignoring the fact you called fucking Bulgaria, which never invaded shit and WAS a colony, an invader??

>Iranians didn't genocide us
Muslims did, jihadists did
>i dont defend the man
This is about the man.

>Some punk got his ass handed to him
>tries to make this into a race/immigrant issue
Literally kill yourself faggot. Either way, I'm done. Islam wasn't the issue here. The issue was a punk ass kid who couldn't show some decency to another class mate.
>This is Bulgaria you gigantic imbecile, we havent invaded shit
Bularia is part of the EU and Nato. They also were part of the invading force in the Iraq war as well as afghanistan. The only gigantic imbecile here is you. You don't even know shit about your own country, this is astonishing. No one talked about the crusaders fuck face.

This is a prime example where a fucktard tries to make a bullying victim who went apeshit into an immigration/race/ethnicity issue. Literally neck yourself.

So what? What's stopping you from doing what I said? Will the EU and Germany force you to do otherwise? If so....then you are indeed SPINELESS.

>not being a docile cuck is justifying criminal behavior

I see now why your """country"""" is on the brink of self-extinction.

Yes, you are. Bulgaria is part of the EU. A Eastern European country. You voluntary joined the EU and accepted its laws for the benefits and security now you have to handle the responsibilities that come with it.

And I didn't call you an invader. Just called you and the rest of Europe spineless.

>They also were part of the invading force in the Iraq war as well as afghanistan.
Those were like 100 soldiers, who went to be american mercenaries. There are literally more of you in the invading american army.

Are you literally using some shitty mercenary contingent as proof of how we are invaders and fucking colonizers or some shit?

>What's stopping you from doing what I said? Will the EU and Germany force you to do otherwise?
Is that honestly your argument for us being shit and the aggressors? That we dont fight the west enough? You, the invaded and conquered region belonging shitskin?

>get called a faggot
>gut the fucker like a pig

There is a world of difference between beating the shit out of your bully and stabbing him. As a matter of fact there is a world of difference between hitting him with a blunt weapon and stabbing him.

That world of difference is called the civilized world and you dont understand it, Ahmed.

> The fucking irony. how many countries has europe and north americans invaded in the middle east and north africa for the past two decades?
So what. It is ok when we conquer, it is bad when we are conquered, it isn't that hard. It isn't hypocritical to desire the victory.

You have literally no idea whatsoever of history and geopolitics or know anything about the region. That you keep trying to wriggle some sort of argument has gotten embarrassing at this point.

I highly suggest you educate yourself, but thats haram and probably forbidden by your magnificent laws.

I am checking the demographics in Bulgaria. The minorities in that country are less than 10% (all combined).

This makes things pathetic.

Shitskin detected. This thread is surprisingly educational, I was not aware all russian flags on Jow Forums are shitskins.

They’re well over 20% you imbecile

Not an argument. You are deluded larper who thinks his country isn't part of Europe. You are independent country with its own government. Poland and other countries said NO to the EU mandates . So you have no excuse.

The civilized world is an euphemism for cowardice. There was a group of people bullying him. Was he supposed to fight them all at the same time or do they take turns? It actually paints bulgarians in a worse light. That's nigger-tier behaviour ganging up on one person.

>those were like 100 soldiers
Oh sorry, I didn't realize that because you sent 100 soldiers it magically does not make it an invasion. get a fucking grip on reality. your government supported the invasion. They sent military, equipment and money. They were also a part of the EU and Nato, which were involved as well. Just because you didn't have as many men as other countries doesn't change that fact. Westerners invade and destroys those countries, then moan and cry when the people leave the ruins you left behind to yours. 100 armed and well equipped soldiers can do a lot more damage than a bunch of villagers can in afghanistan. Stop fucking downplaying your role in the destruction of those countries. You were either a part of it, or weren't a part of it. "hurr durr, we only had a 100 men" isn't a fucking argument.

>What's stopping you from doing what I said? Will the EU and Germany force you to do otherwise?
My argument is that you dont get to bitch about "an invasion" when you invaded in the first place. Obviously you ain't that fucking smart.

Besides, way to avoid my other argument which is that a kid getting bullied and losing its shit is not an immigration, terrorist, religious or ethnic issue, but a bullying issue. You have at least one of those in the US every week. The ethnicity, religion or immigration status of that person had nothing to do with the knife attack. The bully who pushed him to the limit did.


>Video was taken down since he is covered in blood and shit
Don't see any shit on the hero of our story

Sources from Wikipedia puts at as high as 15% and if we remove the Greek and Gypsies. You got less than 10% Muslim immigrates.

Wow. I bet you can walk the whole length and berth of the country without meeting a single Muslim.

>So what. It is ok when we conquer, it is bad when we are conquered, it isn't that hard. It isn't hypocritical to desire the victory.
>It isn't hypocritical
You should probably brush up on the definition of hypocrisy mate. If it is okay for you to conquer, then you have no right to bitch about being conquered. That is the fucking definition of hypocrisy.

Look at this crap. Why the fuck does the rest of the Bulgarian people let this happen.

Attached: Bulgaria.jpg (1450x794, 169K)

There are more than what wikipedia says though. Probably ~25-30%. The government, like a lot of other countries, doesn't recognize ethnic minorities just religious ones. Most gyppos are christian.

>You are deluded larper who thinks his country isn't part of Europe
We are talking culturally, retard
>Poland said no to EU mandate
Poland is part of the fucking EU same as us

You have absolutely no fucking idea what you are talking about whatsoever, yet you keep desperately trying to wriggle something out somehow. Thats fucking embarrassing. I’m done trying to educate you since you refuse. Come back when you’re either willing to learn shit and not spout mindless crap like a proper little muslim.

>There was a group of people bullying him
A group at school, yes, but the fight where he stabbed a kid was one on one.

>The civilized world is an euphemism for cowardice
No, its where we use a baseball bat or any other blunt object to beat our bullies, because murder is illegal.

>That's nigger-tier behaviour ganging up on one person.
Oh im sorry, when your country gets invaded do you offer to fight the invaders in honorable 1 on 1 duels?

here you see fighting 50 gypsies in Germany



I aint stepping foot inside a gyppo ghetto to clean it up.

Because it's a poor Eastern European country. I have no idea why anyone would want to live there given the choice.

It's a bullying issue. He was born and raised in your country. He probably can't speak persian.

fix your detector and spread your asscheeks to the next clown who calls you a faggot

>I aint stepping foot inside a gyppo ghetto to clean it up.
Yet i Believe you want immigrants to stay in their ghettos that you turned their cities into and fix their own countries instead of immigrating to other ones, yet here you are saying you don't want to fix part of your own country that are fucked up. lmfao get a grip on realiity

>dodge all my arguments
>make up some new point
Yeh, we’re done here.

So you’re not a shitskin yet have a shitskin mentality? Wow thats pathetic. Your forefathers who fought the shitskins are ashamed of you.

You can stop now.

of course it's an iranny that chimps out for being called out as gay

Attached: kh*mmie irannies.png (475x318, 219K)

>We are talking culturally, retard

Culturally, you are Eastern European. No escaping that.

>Poland is part of the fucking EU same as us

And like I said, they have said no the the EU mandates.

So the fault is squarely on you. There is nothing in your countries history that shows that you are a unwilling slaves to another force. You joined the EU by your own choice and could leave if you want. I am sure Russia will welcome you back.

I said forget about the gypsies and Greeks. Lets focus on the "trouble" minority. From the numbers I found, Muslims in Bulgaria are less than 10% which should mean you can live most of your life without hardly meeting one.

>yet have a shitskin mentality

Says the guy larping about stabbing people.

average iranian """""male"""""

Attached: maghreboi wants to kill this.webm (640x640, 1.31M)

>>dodge all my arguments
>>make up some new point
>Yeh, we’re done here.
Lmao, he has the same argument that I had from post 1. You dodged mine. Now you're here telling someone else he's dodging your piss poor arguments. Lmao. You're fucking low IQ. at this point just delete your thread. He is right. It is not an immigration issue, its a bullying issue. You're too low IQ to get it. All you see is hurr durr, he was an immigrant, gas them all. I was being bullied in elementary school. I kept reporting it, my parents were reporting it to the school, but nothing was done. One day I just lost it, waited for the guy after school and crushed his head on the pavement. Let's say he never got close to me ever again. The faggot got his ass kicked cuz he deserved it. I sent my bully to the hospital for a whole day and he had to get a ct scan to make sure everything was okay. You don't know what it feels like and what people are willing to do to make it stop. It has nothing to do with ethnicity. I would of probably had killed him if grown ups weren't there to stop me. I just keept crushing his head onto the pavement until someone spotted us and stopped the fight. If he wasn't there I would of probably killed him. If I had a time machine, I would of probably have done this sooner. Moral of the story is simple. If you don't want to be beaten to death, don't bully someone.

But (((You))) have no points worthy of discussion, user.

>A group at school, yes, but the fight where he stabbed a kid was one on one.

Article says he was with some friends when the bullied kid jumped him.

>No, its where we use a baseball bat or any other blunt object to beat our bullies, because murder is illegal.

You can kill someone with a blunt object just as easily. The stabbed kid is still alive.

>Oh im sorry, when your country gets invaded do you offer to fight the invaders in honorable 1 on 1 duels?

Like I said, it's a bullying issue. The kid was born in your country 15 years ago. Long before any mass invasion from Africa and Asia took place in East Europe.

>You can stop now.
I'll stop when you admit you're a fucking braindead moron or when you can come up with actual good arguments. Either that or just delete your thread.

He probably wanted to stab him with his penis, but young boys are confused at that age.