
Why is the political right-wing popularly associated with "pseudo-science", but not the Left?
>The pseudo-scientific ideas of Lysenkoism assumed the heritability of acquired characteristics (Lamarckism). Lysenko's theory rejected Mendelian inheritance and the concept of the "gene"; it departed from Darwinian evolutionary theory by rejecting natural selection. Proponents falsely claimed to have discovered, among many other things, that rye could transform into wheat and wheat into barley, that weeds could spontaneously transmute into food grains, and that "natural cooperation" was observed in nature as opposed to "natural selection". Lysenkoism promised extraordinary advances in breeding and in agriculture that never came about.

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thats true user, his bullshit is used as an ideology of the left to make the argument that all races are equal.

Yeah but it doesn't end there. Lysenkoism theoretically allows for all that transblack or transsexual stuff. Always point out that calling tranny woman is Lysenkoism and see the libtards scream.

Also the USSR tested his ideas, found them bullshit but since they were convenient ideologically it was still officially supported. There was one regume though that tried it, figured out it didn't work and decided it must be because they didn't try hard enough. Mao's China. Their attempts at using lysenkist conclusions in agriculture ended in mass starvation.

>Why is the political right-wing popularly associated with "pseudo-science", but not the Left?

good PR and academics being spineless pussies. bigger pill to swallow is that evolution is also pseudo scientific and circular.

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yes i know. i didnt know about the trans race stuff though. there is not enough awareness in the scientific community about lysenkoism.




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>evolution is also pseudo scientific and circular.
How so?

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Lysenko was right he was simply too much ahead of his time. Had he had access to electron microscopes the soviets would have discovered epigenetics and gene de/activation.

>Had he had access to electron microscopes the soviets would have discovered epigenetics and gene de/activation.
How, if he denied genetic transmission of traits?

Please stop jerking yourself, Jow Forums is the biggest anti-science board out here - if by science we mean something that aims to seek and observe the the empirical truth -- then this board can be characterized as the complete opposite - degenerates, stormcucks, conspiriologists, disgruntled beta men searching for a fuhrer, wishing for a race war - the rational individual doesn't exist on Jow Forums if he does, and tries to challenge the post-factual bullshit of outdated racialist pseudo-science or holocaust denial, he is shut down by other deranged individuals who prefer to stay in their bubble of irrational hatred of others. In other words this board is the cesspool of the post-modern irrational individual that rants his bullshit over and over irregardless of the factual truth - I mean, how fucking retarded do you need to be to unironically believe that ONIONS turns men into feminists? This board is the epitome of "feelz over realz", the far-right version of "truth is subjective", because everything that contradicts their worldview is a jewish plot.

Face it you fuckers. The sooner the better.

I was a bit tongue in cheek there. One theory is that when lysenko observed his transmutation of plants into different species he infact was observing epigenetic changes in his plants. Because DNA wasn't even understood back then it's not hard to imagine that he would throw away mendelian inheritance then, after all in science if a model fails to predict what happens a new one is needed. His biggest mistake was that he was too willing to throw away old theories instead of modifying them.

Why do we need onions when there's so much xeno-estrogen in the water supply?

I'll sum it to you the way in which my father did.

They assume that - if you have a hand, but keep it constantly supplied with just enough blood for it to not die but nothing more and don't do anything to me, it's gonna be as small as child's hand when you're an adult. Now this is very hypothetical but possible. The problem starts here - if you are lysenkist, you'll say that at this point your kids won't even have that hand.

The tranny shit is just a natural conclusion of it. Since gained traits are immediately inheritable, why can't you suddenly gain the ability to permanently turn into different sex and keep it that way therefore making you biological female as it's just a gained trait.

Just leave this here.

Wew such a gay post...
Kys faggot

>Lysenkoism promised extraordinary advances in breeding and in agriculture that never came about.
So it's a dead end.

they use the fossils to determine the age of the rock and then they use the rock to determine the age of the fossils

Lamarckism has turned out to be partially correct; epigenetic changes during a person's lifetime are heritable.

Political left sucks academias dick, so most academics are lefties.

>muh epigenetics
I would tell you to read the studies but I know you cant

Nobody today advocates Lysenkoism.

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Lina sol
Final Sol
Final Solution

omg guys

The appendix isn't a vestigial organ, it serves a purpose in maintaining gut health. Its a store house of gut flora that replenishes your gut if something like illness disrupts the balance in your digestive tract.
The tailbone has a bunch of muscles anchored to it and aids in balance. Studies have been done on people born without one, as well as people who had their surgically removed.

The notion that people had vestigial structures was in itself pseudo scientific dogma that never actually had any factual basis whatsoever. These were assumptions made and pushed to pursue an agenda.

This is incorrect, radiometric dating of rocks can be done independent of fossils. It uses radioisotopes which have established half-lives (no one has ever proven or observed that half-lives change). One example is rock dating using mineral grains called ZIRCONS. The grain is dated based on both its U-235 decay chain and U-238 decay chain ages, giving additional accuracy, since you're able to match up two independent decay chains. Radiocarbon is used for geologically new material, like shell fragments underneath barrier island surfaces.

This on the other hand is completely correct.

>nobody advocates natural cooperation
Oh, phew I thought thats what the point of those "Coexist" stickers were.

But apparently its not because some leftie says its not.


Joseph Stalin supported the campaign. More than 3,000 mainstream biologists were fired or even sent to prison,[3] and numerous scientists were executed as part of a campaign instigated by Lysenko to suppress his scientific opponents.

Jew Psy-Op...

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