>The Magic Flute, Mozart's famous opera, has been booed by the audience at the Macerata Festival
>the stage director, Graham Vick, replaced the serpent attacking Tamino by a bulldozer wrecking a refugee camp
>The Magic Flute, Mozart's famous opera, has been booed by the audience at the Macerata Festival
>the stage director, Graham Vick, replaced the serpent attacking Tamino by a bulldozer wrecking a refugee camp
is Italy waking up?
Looks like it, even if it's slow.
Hijacking a cultural treasure such as Operas like that for your own sick agenda is truly disgusting
> replaced the serpent attacking Tamino by a bulldozer wrecking a refugee camp
Why are liberals so cringy?
roman empire 2: electric boogaloo
please civilise the barbarians of europe
Mille grazie!
>t.mountain jew
Why is it always The Eternal Anglo?
what does that have to do with anything?
ahahahah the kikeries do not work anymore and it's beautyful
>expecting them to have any sort of decency or morals
we both know they don't have either, nor dignity nor coherence
We never really stopped being ourselves.
Man, I got a yogurt and some tupperware bacon for breakfast this morning and looking at that pic is not helping.
i had to laugh over the outrage in germany when salvini quoted
"tanti nemici, tanto onore"
they claimed its is a mussolini quote but its not its from the de bello gallico.
german media is an embarrasement anyways godspeed italo user
>bulldozer wrecking a refugee camp
How can you boo that?
it was from a german mercenary captain in the 1500s iirc
>How can you boo that?
It depends if the director's edit is a protest against the treatment of refugees or not.
This is the only thing I miss about Britbongistan.
Eating this every morning and not having to eat until a late dinner.
I had Blörö...
you mean georg von frundsberg
he just made a german version popular.
but its based on caesar when he wrote about the gallic war
tot hostes, honorem multum
They should have thrown rotten tomatoes.
Considering that Cesar killed a million Germans I assume the. Self loathing German media would have loved it
come on man give him a break
also he killed a million gauls, not germans
they are a bunch of retarded propaganda weasels
intricacies like that fly over their heads.
Imagine your colesterole after eating this
> memesterole
and then the americans why they are all so fucking fat...
Wait so they got upset because a bulldozer wrecked a refugee camp?
>Graham Vick
the AQ is next after the JQ
Director is jew, serpent is a bad thing and is represented by buldozer in this case, so he implies that antirefugee sentiment is bad.
Good to see literally every single European country turning to the right, as the left loses more and more votes.
Agree. It´s a beautiful sight to behold.
But, what about your country, user? Last time I checked, Commie Corbyn had 40% of approval. If he reaches PM the UK is lost.
Italians are the one true white race. Maybe if the rest of Europe follows suit they might be considered honorary whites.
>Graham Cuck
Help? I'm getting dyspnea just by looking at this.
they were upset for the lefty propaganda, not for the refugee camp being removed per se
>bulldozer destroyes refugee camp
>leftist propaganda
leftist propaganda would be if the brave refugees fought off the bulldozer or something. Would italian cucks cheer then? I guess..
>bulldozer replacing the serpent
>not leftist propagande
my fault, I should have ignore a memeflag
How stupid can you pretend to be?
I understand the political side of this discussion, but, as an opera aficionado based in Macerata, I'm more pissed off at how this will be used propaganda when the reality of facts is the costumes are way cheaper with the shitty choreography.
Yea and some italian whore fucking niggers on pornsites doesnt count because she is a pornstar, its all about the symbolism broooo!
Well Im bored and italian shilling pisses me off so..
Oh you are the faggot from the other thread.
Stop being mad at italians, it's not our fault if you are such a cuck you can't jerk off to anything not containing black cocks
Italy is wide awake. They are absolute bro-tier.
>czech republic
lmao, talk about human trash
>replaced the serpent attacking Tamino by a bulldozer wrecking a refugee camp
(((Graham Vick)))
So proud to be of Italian heritage.
Every opera are booed in italy. Remember Roberto Alagna raging out of stage?
This one deserved it though
We are waking up, we r pusching back against 20 years of slow corruption by the globalists.
God bless trump and this timeline, in wich maybe, we wont make a jihad against the US ffs.
neo roman empire vs neo ottoman empire when?
>the stage director, Graham Vick, replaced the serpent attacking Tamino by a bulldozer wrecking a refugee camp
Came here for this. Although I'm not that knowledgeable on Opera. Maybe it's always been a vehicule to further political agenda.
Actually Im not. But that guy knows whats up. Italians are 90% shilling and 10% substance and thats why you piss me off.
>Actually Im not
>doesn't show flag
Thats because I got nothing to prove to you.
but since I found my post there. here is who Iam Compare with the one I made here
anyway it's funny how you two share the love for black cocks and the hate for Italy
>what does that have to do with anything?
t. mountain jew
I see you both have patrician love for big black cock
yeah injecting contemporary politics that clearly depicts one side as a villain, equated to a serpent which is the theatrical equivelant of lucifer, is totally not propaganda.