Will you forget, user?
Will you forget, user?
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Com here:
Their killing of the Christ should have been big enough reason to wipe them out 2k years ago
I won't forget, but I can't remember what
you israel-loving ziodumpfshits need to fucking kill yourselves.
Here are the facts:
>Obama and Kerry
Made peace with Iran, massively gimping their already only civilian energy -level nuclear program in exchange for no war and opening up trade.
Left Israel high and dry at the UN.
Cancelled the Iran deal.
Assembles a cabinet of bankers, generals and chickenhawks who precum to the thought of war with Iran.
'Gives' Israel Jerusalem.
'Declares' all jewish settlements to be Israeli land.
Withholds PA funding.
Increases Israel funding by 10% (3b to 3.3b)
Fights tooth and nail for Israel at the UN, chimping out with "WE'RE TAKIN NAMES, GOYIM!" when the world doesn't bow to the jews.
Withdraws from the UNHRC because they were mean to Israel.
Has a jewish princess daughter who counsels him on foreign policy.
Best friends with Netanyahu.
Netanyahu regularly sleeps in Drumpf's son-in-law's childhood bed on his visits to the US
Escalates in Syria, actively attacking the Syrian military and killing hundreds of Russians
---also, under his presidency (just a coincidence, i'm sure, ehehehehe.....)---
South Carolina makes it illegal to criticise Israel
A New York judge (with rumoured ties to Trump) declares that Iran did 9/11
You neocon retard kiddies are just mad at Obama because he was the first president in decades to actually push back at Israeli control of US foreign policy. Of course he didn't completely cut it but he made significant first steps. Now your ultimate good goy orange boomer is in to undo those steps and make sure it never happens again and you rub your dried out half numb willies in joy at that. remove yourselves from this earth.
But the kikes have something very special in store for them, something much more.... "Hardcore"
Just wait =^}
I've forgiven what they've done.
For me to forget something, it has to have actually taken place first.
yo im not going to lie hear me out
i've wanted to, considering the amount of dumb normies and drunk liberal women that exist in this country and other countries
but like ... i haven't?
ignorance is bliss right. but any time ive gone far in the direction of 'i want to be blissfully ignorant' ive come back to 'now i remember' 6 months later. anybody else struggle with going almost too far before. i mean hell some of us just want to be mildly happy sometimes. ps that rothschild tweet LOL
For who?
All Americans are neocons now
>Bush does Gulf War, whole nation claps
>Clinton bombs tons of countries, whole nation claps. Right wing retards eventually stop clapping because >muh blowjerb
>BabbyBush steals election. Liberals get revenge by protesting the Iraq war and demonizing him for the rest of his time in office. Rightwing retards love him for it though
>Obama starts the Arab spring, regime changes Libya, tries to overthrow Syria, encourages Saudi to attack Yemen, stays in Iraq and Afghanistan. Liberals don't mind because black people and women should be allowed to commit war crimes! Right wing retards hate and harass Obama his entire presidency for NOT GIVING THEM ENOUGH war - they wanted full scale invasions and occupations, not merely aerial campaigns, drones, coups and proxy wars
>But in the 2016 election, rightwing retards suddenly change tack, pretend they are anti-war, as a way to win the election
>Trump gets in, doubles down on Syria, sets up war with NK (talks are for show, like Israel 'negotiates' with the PLO - just makes completely unreasonable demands, no serious intention of striking a deal) and Iran hard. Left protest because they want war with Russia too. Rightwing retards clap.
'Liberals' want war with Syria and Russia
'Conservatives' want war with Iran and NK
Syria, Iran, Russia and NK are all on the same team
All Americans are neocons now
They killed their messiah and then followed the false messiah Simon bar Kokhba into battle against the Romans. The reason they didn't believe in the Christ was because their vision of the messiah was that of a revolutionary / strongman leader and not a martyr.
For themselves
Did you hear about the new (((Messiah))) yet? Things are going to get real interesting in the middle East
Says the piece of shit from a nation that committed genocide on Ireland, kidnapped it's own children and treated them as slaves in the colonies, sold their Nation to the Jew and now allows it's women to get raped by import. Muslims.
Traitorous, asshole piece of shit pussy cunt Britfag.
All Britfags are sackless cunts.
No. Sounds interesting though.
>thread about nigger music
Heres the basic rundown of what's to come
>Jews kill Christ
>2018 years later the (((Messiah))) is born
>He becomes super powerful and influential and basically rules half the world
>Makes greater israel a reality,the jews are fulfilled with abundance and prosperity
>At the height of their glory,the very same (((Messiah))) will turn around and utterly destroyed israel and the jews once and for all revealing himself as the Antichrist.
The alljuda is in its last days,
Wtf I love obongo now
>third son
>four year old girl &a two year old boy
Who the fuck hires these clowns to write articles? Or was her other son, the oldest, a sacrifice to molech?
Will whites in the west be affected by this in any negative way? I have enough shit to worry about with the impending sharia takeover and race war, possible world war brewing.
ZioTrumpBoomers LOVE Israel!
Would you fight with Goku and Vegeta?
Here an interesting bit of sauce- anyone who boycotts Israel, in any fashion that can be proven, forfeits their right to federal disaster and emergency funds, as well as social assistance programs... i.e. food stamps, FEMA and SBA loans, Medicaid and Medicare, pelgrants, housing assistance, WIC... etc.
The lack of food is rotting your brain .. democratic socialism is for faggots, trannies and pedos. Get rekt
Jews make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and to discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the past and present in that effort.
Why people are afraid of the facts about the Jews:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:
Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:
The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:
Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:
The full history of Jewish subversion in the west:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
The Jewish role in the porn industry:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
>We need to talk about the jews (spread this)
>He's right.jpeg
Who is "they"? Jewish people?
They've never done anything to me.
Now billionaires, usually white males, have. They pit religion against religion, race against race, class against class, all so they can make their billions.
>gets ideologically called out on current political retardation
>immediatley resorts to off topic country banter
Evert time
>It's time for your circumcision, user.
>This is America. All males have to be circumcised. If you don't, you're discriminating between yourself and the Jewish community. Discrimination falls under hate speech laws so if you refuse this procedure, we'll have to call the cops. You'll go to prison for hate crime and the prison doctors will probably end up performing the procedure on you there anyway (for prison health and safety), so it's best to not make a fuss and just get it done here this afternoon.
>Oh don't be scared, sweetie. It's a totally painless procedure, and wait til you experience all the health benefits! Plus the ladies like it better. Your sex life is about to improve a lot, trust us. Don't believe everything you read on the internet. Those silly European doctors all have anti-semitic bias. Europe currently has an epidemic of male urinary tract infections - something the biased 'lame stream media' won't tell you. Plus they can't even afford to do this procedure on a wide enough scale because their healthcare is dead broke - soshalism doesn't work. We have the best healthcare system in the world. By the way the total cost will be six gorrilion dollars, plus taxes (the taxes go to Israel), plus a 'tip'....heh heh. Our system says your insurance that you pay $500 a month for won't cover this procedure so you're going to have to pay out of pocket. We accept Visa, Mastercard, Amex, Diner's Club, UnionPay, JCB and Discover.
>Ok! Here's your gown, take the second right down the hallway and get changed. The nurses will prep you. We'll begin the procedure by standing for the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag (of Israel) and by saluting Our Beautiful President, The God Empress of the United States, our first Jewish president, Ivanka M. Trump!
I will never forget
>democratic socialism, faggots, trannies and pedos
judaism is the word your looking for, jews are the worst people on earth
>bluepilled normalfag
you are an israeli jew
>posts a jewish slag
>claims jews never did anything wrong
I wonder who is behind this post
First off, the Iran deal helps Israel as it protects them from Iran. Secondly, you’re other points reveal your retardation. Trump has been more moderate than Obama in Syria, the Obama admin funded every jihdadi group they could find including Isis. Banks literally picked Obama’s cabinet. Obama’s expanded info sharing with israel and allowed them surveillance info on ya citizens. Withdrawal from the UNHRC was because it doesn’t do shit but bitch and ask the us to clean up for it, free rides are over.
Kys please
What makes you think those Jewish billionaires are white males?
Obama started Syria but he never went so far as to actively attack Syrian and RUSSIAN forces. He kept it to proxy-war, just threw more money at the terrorists.
Trump has no doubt escalated. I'm not talking about the two air strikes following chemical weapons claims. I give Trump credit for that. For all the pomp, both did practically nothing. Second didn't even have one single casualty. But I'm talking about several direct US military attacks on the Syrian military (on Syria's own soil), direct US attacks on Russian mercs, and giving Israel cover to step up shelling Syria non-stop from over Lebanon.
Bush started wars, but Obama kept them going.
Obama started wars, but Trump has kept them going.
He's no different, and in many ways he's even worse. Don't delude yourself.
Iran doesn't want to destroy Israel, Iran just wants to protect itself from Israel destroying it. The Iran deal was great, it removed the rationale for war. Who was butthurt by it? Israel, Saudi, and jews and neocons in America. Even Dems. Schumer and Menendez were chimping out behind closed doors at Obama. Obama cut Schumer out of his wider circle, and let the FBI go after Menendez on some unrelated shit, basically destorying his career.
I know this is neo-pol and the average poster here is a retarded 15 yo drumpkiddie, and you all like to see in the world in black and white because it's easier to process that way. But that's not the real world, you know that both Obama's and Trump's policies in all areas are shades of grey.
They're literally white. Their religion is irrelevant.
>Revelation chapter 17: “The seven heads are ... seven kings. Five have fallen, one is, and the other has not yet come. And when he comes, he must continue a short time” (Revelation 17:9–10). “Kings” in this instance stands not just for a single person, but kingdoms or empires
>The Jews often lived in their own independent nation, but they were, for large periods of time, dominated and ruled by five successive empires. These were, in order: Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, and then the Empire of Alexander the Great and his successors. These five empires had all “fallen” by the time of John’s vision. The Roman Empire, which was officially declared an empire in 27 B.C., was in power and thus the one that “is” when John wrote this.
>Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome
>modern day egypt (lost a war to israel in 1980), Assyria (modern day parts of syria, iran, turkey, iraq), Babylon (modern day Iraq), Persia (modern day Iran), empire of Alexander the great (It included Anatolia, the Levant, Egypt, Babylonia, and Persia.), Rome (The Jewish–Roman wars had a dramatic impact on the Jewish people, turning them from a major population in the Eastern Mediterranean into a scattered and persecuted minority)
The seventh kingdom is the british empire (including australia, canada, america, and most of europe, seeing how they were/are pretty much vassals of the US after 2 world wars).
America has plenty of oil, why the fuck are they in the middle east?