Chaos and the left share the same values and traits
1) Hatred of order and beauty 2) Cannot build anything, can only corrupt and mutate it into their own repulsive image 3) Rage against litterally anything (will also turn on eachover when there are no enemies present) 4) Litterally a cult of maddness, famine and death 5) On a constant decent into degeneracy 6) Everywhere they go pestellence, war, peversion and greed spring up 7) Open hatred for the God emperor and his citizens
40k could see the future way more acurattley than the simpsons ever could
I never got what slaanesh was exactly. Is it a dude? is it a chick? is it a trap? Who am I kidding all chaos gods are traps
Ethan White
Heresy will never prosper if we can help it
Eli Myers
Everything at once
>Slaanesh typically appears in a form which is female on the right side and male on the left, with two sets of horns rising from its flowing golden hair. It can, however, assume any form—male, female, hermaphrodite or asexual—but prefers male bodies