>be amerrimutt
>get sick
>get bankrupt
B-b-but we are number 1, go usa!
Be amerrimutt
Other urls found in this thread:
>be American
>Have great mix of Northern European Genes
>Look 15 years younger than age
>be 0.5m taller than European males on average
>Never get sick
>Laugh at Limey's with no teeth that have free healthcare.
>be young
>don't work hard
>don't get good health insurance
>get sick because live irresponsibly and don't care about your body and life
>face the consequences of such stupidity
I love natural selection. People who aren't able to plan things long term should die off.
Rofl. You are all manlets compared to my home country.
Natural selection no longer exists since civilization became a thing, you literal hohol subhhman.
This is a trick though because medical care in japan isn’t free at all, it’s just that you can’t declare bankruptcy to get away from a debt, your children have to pay it
Sick people are bad for the gene pool. One in three hundred Germans are naturally immune to AIDS, do you know why? Eugenics, that's why.
Say it again George. We dare you.
Costs are not high and everyone is insured.
Interesting, I would expect those numbers to be higher considering that those welfare states are gaining a large influx of immigrants which will make the taxes higher to compensate. But hey, we artificially made our medical treatments high by restricting the amount of people who can be doctors, also medicare and medicaid.
I guess we will have to do fearing medical retail treatment stores due to "lack of safety", and instead trust in our surgeons not to dance and have terrible hygiene conduct any surgery.
Canadian pride you American exceptionalist fags
Are you fucking dumb? Natural selection will never cease to exist. It's always happening, even if it's easier to survive than it ever was. If someone is so stupid that they cannot manage to live well enough in modern world, they are the worst and deserve their lives ruined.
Healthcare is free here in the UK yes, and it's a huge problem, every migrant and brown trash swarm here for free medical attention paid for by the native Brits (who the service is actually intended for) The NHS needs to be privatised sooner rather than later like the American model, I expect within 5 years. It will be a huge relief to us taxpayers.
Here we go again.
In Canada healthcare issue is second most prevalent reason for bankruptsy. The first one being unemployment.
Go fuck yourself
>be illegal immigrant
>overwhelm emergency rooms with minor non-emergent medical issues because you legally cannot be turned away
>rack up huge bills
>never pay
>drive prices up
>be other countries
>get every benefit from the competitive medical market in the USA
>pay literally nothing in to all the benefits received
>give away free healthcare
>claim superiority
Two pieces of salo to this gentleman.
""""free"""" """"healthcare"""""
don't be fooled by the name
Can’t lose anything if I have nothing - EU
i'd rather not be taxed for some niggers obesity problem man
You're a fucking moron.
Natural selection no longer applies to humans. This is a standard view in modern biology. Your social darwinist views are pseudoscience you retarded ukranian subhuman.
Most countries with low socialized healthcare costs use a proactive and preventative healthcare approach. We get people who come to the hospital after the damage is done, so they need a cure. It's costing us dearly to be reactive after the fact rather than be proactive and make sure the damage doesn't happen in the first place.
Add on that these diseases and disorders are tough to fix and rife with complications, massive patient noncompliance (if not actively defiant), and you'll get angry patients with lawyers reeeeing how American healthcare isn't the magic pill they've expected. Malpractice raises costs significantly. It also increases regulation and the need for additional administrative staff, which has skyrocketed the proportion of paper pushers to boots on the ground, which increases labor cost, the most expensive part of any business operation.
The solution to expensive healthcare probably isn't in the hospital or the legislature. It starts with the individual and nurturing good habits that promote good health. After all, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, maybe literally.
Also, we have way too many freeloaders. Parasites need to be stabilized and booted out.
Solution is don't get sick, kill yourself if you do.
Leave your wealth and debt to your heirs and family. Accrue generational wealth, attain 1%.
>be a beta male
>decide to do a vasectomy because you don't want to have kids
>get your family tree die
>this is somehow not natural selection
Wow, we are finally at the age when evolution doesn't matter! I am impressed. So, we've stopped evolving, right?
All national health systems are crumbling because as a matter of course they are forced to waste (taxpayers) money on:
>morbidly obese people
>chain smokers
>foreigners who turn to A&E and therefore must be treated
>brown people with their imported diseases
>brown people stabbing each other daily
>stupid people who stab themselves opening avocados, break their legs, burn themselves
>drunk assholes who need their stomachs pumped
Hey would you look at that, it's all fucking faggots who think others should pay for their poor decisions and stupidity. Personal responsibility is something we lost, and as a result our civilisations are dying. Stupid people must be cleansed from the populace, intelligence must be fostered.
you’ve never spent time in a hospital I see
not everything is covered
Damn this is the stupidest shit I've read in about a month on here.
Report any and all troll threads.
Yeah fuck that. I have health insurance, why should I kill myself if I get sick
The weak die
Well, will your insurance pay for it, or will you? Having insurance is not guarantee they'll sufficiently cover anything but the basics. You get insurance so you can afford two childbirths, and a few broken bones when your kids are young. When your kids are 18, drop health insurance, and die. That's how you do it, dipshit.
Yeah no. If I can't pay for it then they can't make me. I don't mind negotiating.
You can't count the number of people going bankrupt and businesses destroyed in Germany by forced insurance payments.
That's not how it works in America. If you can't pay, they sue you, put liens on you, and/or imprison you.
Not true. I know other Canadians who have gone bankrupt due to medical issues. Your thread is shit, faggot.
USA pay the lowest taxes in the world, if they go bankrupt it's cause they refused to save.
That's fine any of those options is better than suicide Jesus dude
That isn't even remotely true you faggot
You can not lose your house, have it liened, have wages garnished, have tax returns seized for medical bills.
and no one in the US can be imprisoned for any debt other than child support,you colossal faggot
It's not suicide, it's just dying. grow up, fuckng bluepill libcuck.
If you're not man enough to face the fact that you will die sooner or later, and make a rational choice about when and how and the costs of living or dying, you should actively an hero today.
Yes, yes you can you colossal faggot. And debtors go to prison in America all the fucking time.
Even the Right Wing knows this and objects.
That's disingenuous though. All of those other countries have people paying more tax because of healthcare even if they don't benefit from it.
I know plenty of people who are barely making ends meet and often in minor debt who would massively appreciate paying a bit less tax because that is the difference between them having money to eat and having to take out another short term loan with insane interest rates.
>what is insurance?
Nigger i’d pay like $300 out-of-pocket for that “bill”; it’s called having a real job.
Bankruptcy was in the constitution before speech,. I guess you're just too dumb to understand. I mean, you let yourself be ruled by a German lol. What a mental bitch.
>be British
>be proud of paying for Raheem's 6 children birth
>seeing a doctor
just google the symptoms and figure out what's wrong, you dumb nigger. even drugs are cheaper in the street, and you don't need a prescription.
It wouldn't be Jow Forums if there weren't mentally ill people like you telling other people how to live their life I guess
It's not mental illness, it's rational self--interest.
Read Ayn Rand, libcuckbluepil.
>jinxed himself
>mfw when chads can have strokes or heart attacks why amerifats live into their 80s on mcdonalds diet
>.2% of the population
>even drugs are cheaper in the street, and you don't need a prescription.
>Tyrone's face when white guys with swastika tattoos pull up and ask if he's selling insulin and propanolol
>this is what mutts actually believe
Don't get me wrong Americans are alright but jesus some of you can be unbearably delusional.
>be british
>make this post
>get arrested for hate speech
>Rational self interest
>Kill yourself
You have to be trolling but if you read Ayn Rand unironically then maybe you really are mentally ill
Insurance is forced altruism.
It makes everyone who pays in poorer against their will.
It rewards randomly, not on merit, not by earning the reward. Worse, it basically rewards those who, by definition, aren't capable of working.
So now the working must reward the non-working for not working.
Not rational, not in my self-interest.
Lmao what a cuck. To worship capitalism this much, need are jacking off to this post
This is Jow Forums socialists btfo.
Right, and the only reason NATO Countries can offer it is because they don't spend that $ for defense.
That's okay I'll still pay for that bullshit
that makes you a pathetic shill for (((them)))
a cuck
a libtard
a socialist
and anti-American.
Get out of Jow Forums.
>pay 450€ a month for healthcare
>have to wait 4 hours for a simple check up
>no other alternatives since you have to pay over 15% of your income
Shouldn't you be killing yourself? What are you still doing here?
I haven't needed my insurance for anything but the routine stuff in the decade I've had it. If I get seriously sick, I'll an hero. I've spawned, and my issue is healthy. Therefore, I am simply abiding on the downside of the utility curve, maintaining until my spawn attains independent insurance coverage. Should needs be, I'll an hero early. I have multiple friends who chose to check out rather than bankrupt their family.