He is unironically losing it
He is unironically losing it
Not even sure what he is referring to
>says something objectively true
>leftists - "he is losing it!"
and you wonder why people hate you and why nobody wants to vote for you.
MSNBC and other media were going nuts yesterday, because Giuliani sloppily said that collusion is not a crime, and he's right, in that there are types of colluding that are and are not legal. The comments gave media the opportunity to say AHA, he admits they colluded, when he was just trying to say collusion in of itself is not a crime, you need to be specific about what you're accusing someone of doing. Trump seems to be commenting on that.
Why do you fucking cuntmuscles use the word “unironically” so much and so out of context?
>Not even sure what he is referring to
That the entire narrative is fabricated, and there literally is no crime called "Collusion" despite the whining and sniveling accusations.
Interacting with other country's leadership is normal and not a crime, no matter how badly they want it to be.
No, actually he’s spot on.
Try reading something that’s not a tabloid once in a while.
>literally define anything you want as collusion as you go along to the point where people have to attack the word itself
>"h-he's l-losing it"
I colluded with your mom last night faggot
No he's retarded. The full statement is
>I'm sitting here looking in the federal code trying to find where it says collusion is a crime. Collusion is not a crime.
In the context he's just plain wrong. He's not saying collusion is not technically a crime, and there are so many federal laws against cooperation with foreign governments
Are you pretending to be retarded
Is China donating to Clinton also not a crime
We all know that you morons. Which is why he will be charged with Conspiracy to defraud the United States.
All Russian shills
noun: collusion
secret and illegal cooperation or conspiracy in order to deceive others.
>Is China donating to Clinton also not a crime
No, it is not a crime, and I don't give a shit about your political team.
Anyone who commits a crime must be punished. If they didn't commit a crime, then shut the fuck up and piss off. If you think something should be a crime, write to your congressman, faggot.
If by "he" you mean yourself then you're right. Trump is correct in his statement. The crime they want to accuse him of isnt even a crime. What Clinton did to get the dossier that became the foundation of the FISA warrant was actual collusion. The purchase of the dossier isnt a crime but the FBI citing it as credible evidence was where the actual crime happened and this entire Russia narrative is to cover that up.
>It’s real
That’s it
I am done with this stupid boomer
You say this as if the cries of collusion didnt start out directly referring to the Logan act like every other halfwit was doing. It's been a long while since I've heard that law reference, why is that?
Why accuse of "collusion" and not the specific crime? The word itself was weaponized by the media and needs to be addressed in such a manner. Parroting it over and over isnt an argument.
Drunk Driving is not a crime, either. The crime is called "driving under the influence".
And here, although collusion is not a legal term you could be charged with, it describes a serious crime, namely criminal conspiracy.
>4D monopoly.
He's preventing his assassination.
>Conspiracy to defraud the United States
"...offenses require the traditional elements of Section 371 conspiracy, including an illegal agreement, criminal intent, and proof of an overt act."
1) Conspiracy did not take place. Your two-year investigation has revealed nothing, and no evidence exists to support your assertion.
2) No illegal agreement exists. Your two-year investigation has revealed nothing, and no evidence exists to support your assertion.
3) No proof of an overt act exists. Your two-year investigation has revealed nothing, and no evidence exists to support your assertion.
>Collusion is not a crime
It's been fun seeing this all break down. We went from "We never spoke with the Russians" to "Collusion is Not a Crime" . Unfortunately Trump knows his supporters are brainless hicks that will follow anything he says.
how so? if anything that move is actually logical, he is prepping his base to accept that collusion is perfectly legal and acceptable so when it eventually comes to light no one will give a fuck.
The investigation isn't over you fool. Mueller is running a water-tight case. Unlike Trump's White House, his people aren't leaking like crazy to the media. You'll find out when he releases his report.
He cracks the whip and they will dance, again.
Collusion is not a crime, and the only people who committed collusion are the dirty hardened sick democrats!
Adam Schiff here.... if there was any collusion or conspiracy I would've leaked it by now. As of now almost two years into this farce there is zip zero nada evidence but if we find something I'll let you know. Until then rest assured we will obstruct however and whenever we can
>Drunk Driving is not a crime, either. The crime is called "driving under the influence".
Show me the field sobriety test results, faggot.
>And here, although collusion is not a legal term you could be charged with, it describes a serious crime, namely criminal conspiracy.
No, a violation of the law is a crime. Show me what law was violated, please, and dont forget the evidence friendo. I'm not going to be put of the defense over baseless accusations.
> be me
> have only ever voted Republican
> army veteran
> afghan war veteran
> gun owner
> concealed carry permit holder
> work in law enforcement
> son of police officer, grandson of police officer
> hate the gangs, criminals, and SJW leftists destroying this country
> hated Hillary
> think that Trump is a coward and a traitor to this country for many reasons
> think that Trump supporters are more dangerous than any other threat we currently face
> get called a shill on Jow Forums
As more and more of us turn our back on this joke of a president and on the cultist movement you guys blindly follow, the more you'll say Jow Forums is infested with "shills" and Democrat bots. But we are real people that are expressing our frustration and disillusion with this president and his administration. Face it, user, there are a lot of us oldfags who think this president is fucking pathetic and that you guys are even more pathetic for supporting him. Either wake the fuck up and get right, or realize you're too-far-gone and neck yourselves, or wait until you get dragged into the streets and punished for being such faggots.
>It-it's all elaborate chess
Most Americans don't give a shit about the mueller investagation. The only ones who care are the bitter degenerates who are still bitter their criminal Hillary got embrassed
You have to go back
>Most Americans are give a shit about the mueller investagation.
Put your real IP on Sergei.
Nice link.
Will you marry me?
Oh great another brainlet leftist, I swear to god if we just set an IQ limit on voting the left would never win a single election
Its just an effective distraction
>trying to find where it says collusion is a crime. Collusion is not a crime.
Collusion is not a legal term for any action and therefore in and of itself is not illegal. They try to imply that collusion = treason because treason is actually a well defined action with well defined legal ramifications but collusion is not the same as treason.
>31st July 2018
>still fantasizing about Hildawg
What a retarded joke
be me
lol at meatball cuck shill
It's like saying he stole something and stealing isn't a crime.
Yeah because it's fucking called theft in the law books.
He just watches CNN in the morning and directly responds to what they say about him via tweets.
>because Giuliani sloppily said
You moron they're preparing for the obvious fallout. First it was "no contacts with Russians", then "okay we had some meeting but", then "oh fine the meeting was about adoptions", "there was no collusion", now it's "but collusion's not a crime"
What a joke your fuck up of a president and his minions are
this seems likely actually lmao
Ledit copy pasta
Fag off, fuck
>Collusion is not a crime
Bold strategy.
So Hillary and the Democrats didn't commit any crimes?
He lies like a child
>Breaking vases is good, but that doesn't matter because I didn't break the vase!
>Elmo and the fish broke the vase!
2/10 shekels
if you admit its a crime they win
>it's not a crime
It is expressedly a crime. Accepting donation by a foreign entity is illegal.
Because "Violation of the Logan Act" doesn't really stick, or fit in the headlines. Also there are a couple of dozens laws that may have been violated, the Logan Act just being one of them. If Russia did hack Clinton's server to aid Trump and he knew it, that would break several laws such as a foreign entity directly or indirectly spending money to aid his election and conflicts of interest.
>Accepting donation by a foreign entity is illegal
but laundering it through the NRA and other entities is just fine and dandy?
To me, watching this whole spectacle from 2016 onwards, they should have learned by now.
He's been running circles around them all since the beginning. Imagine, the whole MSM, liberals, DNC, all pozzed institutions and media.
This guy is amazing.
This should last at least until 2024, it's an impressive show.
Every single person here who is bitching about collusion is a crime, why don't you look up the Trump-Israel collusion involving Flynn?
That was a violation of the Logan act, So it seems to me that these Russia-Collusion pushers are either brain dead and pushing the MSM's narrative or they want to distract from the real collusion.
Come on guys, do the heavy lifting. Expose Israel's meddling in our elections. You can do it!.
He's right. There is no such thing as the crime of collusion.
But that doesn't matter because there was no collusion anyways,
But if collusion is not a crime why point out that hillary did something not illegal?
why are you so retarded?
except we were saying collusion wasnt a crime literally the day this shit started, welcome newfriend
Remember When oBama Told Putin He'd be more flexible after the election? Imagine if trump was caught on a hot mic saying the same thing.
>im sure this is true
>well yeah there's no evidence to support my belief, but it will be proven true i'm sure of it!
this is called blind faith user
Whataboutism. Fucking faggot. How does that Russian cock taste?
Fuck off back plebbit, faggot.
No way this is real
He's actually explaining exactly what reality is but you're an island ape who has been told he's a big meanie cheeto man.
When did he ever have "it" to begin with? He was elected by idiots because they identified with him
>who has been told he's a big meanie cheeto man
I was on his side but it's been getting ridiculous lately. ''CROOKED HILLARY'', like let it go dude lmao
>that 30 year old boomer that thinks everyone who disagrees with him is a leftist
>investigation wraps up
>mueller actually wrings out the deep state
>shills reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee endlessly
that'd be funny
No, collusion is not theft.
collusion is a secret deal between two parties.
> Law. a secret understanding between two or more persons to gain something illegally, to defraud another of his or her rights, or to appear as adversaries though in agreement:
>or to appear as adversaries though in agreement
The act of collusion is not necessarily a criminal act. Deception is part of politics.
The man himself explained it perfectly, Trump Derangement Syndrome.
>Recycling trash is good. but that doesn't matter because I took out the trash
Fucking brainlets.
Well you are wrong. The investigation proved illegal activity on the part of Russian hackers. If Trump was tied to them it would deffentily be a crime. Though I'm not saying they can
>It is expressedly a crime. Accepting donation by a foreign entity is illegal.
Campaign finance violation at best. And that's with an extreme stretch of a definition to try and claim that releasing info = a 'donation'. It's preposterous.
>Logan act
Are we back to THIS shit again? Are we going to talk about Kerry ACTUALLY violating the Logan act by meeting with Iran and directly undermining the current administration?
Or are we going to pretend that 'your son, meeting for 20 minutes with a Russian lawyer who is a friend of a friend, and not actually talking about anything = negotiating with a foreign power'
Yeah and you are forgetting that Russians hacked the voter registration data base and stole social security numbers. Any sort of agreement from Trump to the Russians for help in the election would tie Trump to that.
>wins most shady election in history
>"they are the guilty ones tho"
hurry up mueller
eat a bag of aids dicks, faggot
This...but ironically
did Putin will give trump asylum?
It doesn't make sense... Why would he AND putin talk one on one while the news knew about it... If there were collusion it would be talked from putin to unknown european back to another unknown american to trump... Someone said to me a rumor about putin financing the comeback of a right movement in europe
I want to see Trump lose his shit, because he represents the masses who have put up with left-wing bullshit for decades. How do those libcucks still think they're the ones in charge? Trump needs to use his powers to knock them down a few hundred pegs, starting with the top media giants; bar their asses from ever attending a Trump meeting and event.
The CDC is gonna recognize this as a disease. Hopefully they'll find a way to contain it so it doesn't start an out of control epidemic like the Spanish flu.
>boomers are 30 not 60
you've unironically already lost it.
>and you wonder why people hate you and why nobody wants to vote for you
classic trumpian projection, i love it!
you have to go back
driving a car isn't a crime, but there are crimes one could commit while driving.
you niggers are dumber than a bag full of hammers
its called a buzzword
>driving a car isn't a crime, but there are crimes one could commit while driving.
it is better to be thought a fool and remain silent, than to speak and remove all doubt
you're out of your depth
>every russian IP is a russian person
>every russian person is the russian government
lol, even in your fantasies you're idiots.
lol, according to who?
> be a lunatic leftist
> think collusion is a crime
> doesn't know that Hilary colluded
>doesn't understand that it's the laundering of the information that was the crime committed by the Clinton run cabal
pick one
Thanks for removing all doubt that you had any basis to accuse trump of breaking a law.
As if we all didnt know already. You faggots shut up about the Logan Act and Treason ages ago and moved your goal posts to "collusion" because you have NO ARGUMENT.
>muh strawman
quote the post where i accused that orange kikenigger of anything, i'll wait
i told you so. you are out of your depth, shilly mcshillerson
uhhhhhhhhh how about you moron, you imply the cries of collusion are founded and equate actual crimes, which you fail to list because you're a shill with no argument.
God, after living in the far north nothing is more comfy to me than a screened in deck. All the fresh air with none of the bugs.