What does Jow Forums think of Argentina?
What does Jow Forums think of Argentina?
We don’t think about Argentina. Leave meme flag
>What does Jow Forums think of Argentina?
qt grills
the future white ethnostate is in patagonia
damn nice
Politicians are the lowest tier, though.
I love Argentina!
Drab little country with no culture
based. argentina is a shithole
Nothing. Argentina is irrelevant. Don't concern yourselves with Argentina.
Uruguay is better
Argentina = USA (crime ridden hole)
Uruguay = Canada (safe peaceful country)
my cousin got robbed in montevideo
Should have been the 4th Reich.
dating an Argie girl, flat stomach, curvy ass. Feels good/10
I'm deeply sorry.
Calm down, man. Drink something.
a great pity bag of pretty police women dead
I find Chile based af. Prussian military tradition plus cool people. I know a half Greek, half Chilean Youtuber in Greece and he is a fun guy.
mauricio machir is jewish himself
anyone knows when the abortion thing is gna be? i dont know the date
that tan line.
Meh, these were just the first words that came up to my mind when I saw this thread.
Here goes the serious reply to OP:
What I think about my country (especially Autonomous City of Buenos Aires):
>It's uncommon to see black and arab people. I see this as okay.
>It's common to see jews in rich zones. You must know that Argentina has the most jews in Latin America and you can easily see their influence in media, education and government.
>Television is 95% shit. Due to the previous comment, there's a huge promotion of the gay agenda, political correctness and stupidization of people.
>Argentinian culture is a mix of various cultures, some are europeans and others are native cultures. My ascendants are bolivian and european so my culture is kinda fucked up, I respect my native culture and tend to ignore european culture.
>There's a huge rising in feminism, weak argentinian women are falling for it they do really look stupid. They want to promote abortion, avoid religion influence in government and many things that grant privilege to women. Yet, they are still a minority that have a huge voice, due to the (((people))) that are behind them.
>It seems like corruption is a big thing in our government, there are many cases where presidents, senators, deputies use the money for their own benefit and, therefore, causing lack of projects (or finished projects, since they sometimes start projects but never finish them) that should benefit society.
>Argentina has many good touristic places to visit, that's a positive thing.
>There are many no-go zones ("Villa 1-11-14", for example) that should be avoided at all costs. Mostly they are located in my province, Buenos Aires.
Nothing more to add, ¡Viva Argentina!
Greeks are ok in my book. Just pay denbts, kek. Godspeed my hellenic bro.
8th August will be the votation day for decriminalization of abortion. My vote is a big no, since (((they))) are behind this. Abortion may be good for some epochs but this isn't the right time to be legalized.
If it gets legalized, undoubtly, they will go after more things to submit us to their agenda.
Someone should make an /argg/ (Argentina General) thread, since there are lot of argentinian posters and lurkers in this board.
Oh, I forgot, we are naturally shitposters like aussies.
This. I don't care for mestizo babies but I do care for the poor white bastards who will die. I see mostly white women wearing the green thingy, little girls as young as 10 as well, the jew brainwashing is terrible.
I did it but it died, we are very scarce
>caring for white children
The absolute state of colonized argies. Well, I respect that you defend your own people, as I do with mine. About the green thingy, my gosh.. I see it as a big neon poster that says: "I'm very easy to brainwash and have no respect to my principles, please guide me to hell". It's a temporary fashion (I hope) that will vanish in some months. At first I hated them, but then I grew up and understood who's behind all these things and now I have the feel to help these people. Free the slaves.
Dios mio. El granero del mundo.
no joke lad
at some point we gonna jump over industrialization and just become a service economy, at that point we gonna realize we always were destined to be one
>caring for white children
why is this wrong? If you are a mestizo you can keep the land, I just want all the true whites to not mix and either have no offspring or just leave for Europe or a white country...
I think the american continent is cursed, too much bloodshed, too many jews
y acá también desafortunadamente somos 3 gatos locos
Sí, Argentina tiene el potencial de dar un paso grande a la industrialización y generar buenos avances tecnológicos. Aunque, en mi caso particular, que consumí la pastilla de Kaczynski (lean su manifesto), cuestiono bastante lo que denominamos como "avance tecnológico", que es el principal actor de la autodestrucción si no es bien controlado. Me re fui de tema.
Estamos de acuerdo en que no es agradable el mestizaje. Y bueno, los blancos empezaron.
Me tomo el palo, creo que cualquier user que ve este thread lo pasa de largo nomás.
Me fui a rendir un final papus.
lo que quise decir es que hay que dejarse de joder con querer empezar a producir acero en el 2020, estamos tardisimo para esas industrias
pero hay cosas que podemos que son los servicios, la tecnologia (en especial software), y los alimentos de calidad, podriamos estar primeros en esas areas si dejaramos de querer empezar a exportar ferrocarriles cada vez que agarra un peronista
Love argentina.My dad has a very nice cardigan from there
Great literary tradition. Borges changed my life.
Argentina is SHIT
trust me
In 1895 and 1896, Argentina was the wealthiest country in the world per capita. It was also 95+% white. Its whites were mostly of Italian and Spanish descent. It was a beautiful, well-developed Catholic country with a thriving culture and low crime.
What else?
thats a lie, Argentina was more mixed then than in the decades that followed when it all collapsed
I heard Argentina had a big and growing evangelical population
(((THEY))) will decriminalize it for whites but make it illegal for indios. Oy vey, goy, think of the brown people. You racist or something?
Evangelicals get the stake too.
Soon my brother.
I don’t
Argentines aren't white but claim to be. Argentina is like 35% mestizo and indio, and the white is southern euro.
Best son with chile.
but patagonia is sparsely populated and well defendable, easy to set up a white ethnostate there.
You guys have been saying this since Perón first took power
Once there was a white ethnostate in Argentina.
blame indios invading from neighboring countries. and socialism.
Why blame socialism? The Indios caused that too.
It went downhill after Perón and it went WAY downhill after Kirchners. Also, a terrible Pope.
That is, it's like blaming "niggers and crime" for ruining American cities.
USD to Arg peso in 2003 when i visit - 2.8 something
today- 26.5
>home of Che
not surprised
Tell me about Peronism please
We are the best inventors
Las malvinas argentinas
Clama el viento y ruge el mar
malvinas, le dijo al britanico
please restrain yourselves from answering bait threads and memeflag users.
>inventing new ways to fail