Why are so many adults acting like children nowadays?
Why are so many adults acting like children nowadays?
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The Left can't me-
I think it's more of a pervert trying to capitalize on his sickness.
Why tho
This shit happened during the Bush era too, we just see more of it these days due to a more concerted media effort to rile up liberals and social media making it easier to see liberals tarding out.
I will never not love that gif.
bornald gloomp
I don't know because thumbnails aren't memes.
>Why are so many adults acting like children nowadays?
You're seeing the result of the constant degradation of:
(a) family values [because globalists wish to destroy the family-unit; as nations are weak/strong based on individuals, and it is the family that makes weak/strong individuals];
(b) Human Resources mentality [the absurd idea that people are just as (easily) replaceable as cogs];
(c) The abuse of the creative [look at how IP is treated; then consider this: a corporation CANNOT be an inventor or author];
(d) The Social Security mindset [which thinks that they'll be taken care of regardless of their own decisions].
Because we are living in a mass culture that glorifies perpetual adolescence.
The dub doubler speaks truth
>Con-Ald Grump does a treason at barf a lago
Well this is it, it looks like Trump has been eternally BTFO and im #Withher now.
Do lefties just use one word of Spanish here and there to try and show spics they appreciate their culture?
Surely this will convince people that the left is sane and Drumpf is a bad/wrong (badong) homophobic gay misogonist cheetoh-colored racist anti-gay stupid evil master mind
Wow! How can fugging drumpf ever recover!?!
>i think this guy behaves badly
>so i am going to get naked in public
Fucking what?
Where's that imagine of women naked and shrieking when you need it. Sums it up nicely.
It's all about the money and I can't even be mad. These people are making so much fucking money right now from dumb libs. Mostly 50 and older white women with a lot of expendable income.
One of my favorite twitter accounts used to be solely about espionage and Cold War history but since the election has created a locked account that requires payments for access to his tweets. And he has tens of thousands of followers! It's fucking incredible when you look through the follower list or replies because they are ALL older white women or retired boomers.
FUCKING IDIOTS. But to answer your question these guys are making moneys. Just like televangelists.
They need to be special in some way or their lives feel ruined, that's why they're called snowflakes. They don't understand this and use the term back at any critics.
kek, sadly its italian and a shorter form of a novel if i still remember my german from school correctly
Pretty much the reason I stopped playing video games or reading comics or watching really any kind of animation.
I used to love video games, but then I got older and I realised that being a grown man getting excited about video games was one step away from riding around on a razor scooter and smoking weed.
I just felt like a fucking onions boy. Now everything about this shit disgusts me.
They still can’t
Why are so many children acting like adults nowadays?
Which one of those guys in the background will be the next Fuhrer?
It's like a bunch of kids on a playground
>"You're just a libtard"
>"Whatever, you Racist transphobic nazi"
>saving thumbnails
I don't even need to look anymore I just know
These are a sick people stricken by the decadence of modernity. I pity them, but that does not mean they don't need to be purged.
Raised by and around single mothers.
>that manlet at 0:36
His fingers look aids ridden my god
Omg. Just imagine if someone wrote about kang Obama. Liberals would be conducting self-immolation protests at the mention of how the kang took us from two to seven wars, increased the spying powers of every agency, and the countless authorizations of drone strikes.
Every time
To be fair you have to have a high IQ to save thumbnails to save space on your computer.
who is this cody johnston guy?
So he's going to get arrested for indecent exposure right?
How dare you? How dare you, sir? That young man is an Eagle Scout! Say your prayers and take your vitamins. How absolutely dare you, sir?!
>whomp whomp
HG Wells was right in the future there will be two races of man. The childlike Eloi who spend all the day in luxury and frivolities and the Morlock who spend most of their time caring for the Eloi only to harvest them when the time is right.
Because fathers dump their sons of a public school and then get drunk and watch niggerball
Did you just say whomp whomp? I'm talking about the tragedy of adults acting like children and you say whomp whomp?! How dare you! You know, if it weren't for the 5 grams of meth I boiled down and pumped into my asshole a few minutes ago, I wouldn't be so upset. How absolutely dare you!
have a (you), faggot.
>ALL older white women
it's progressive sweetie.
No body shaming here you nazi.
A guy that made Cracked's website funny, then hard turned into a shithole for liberals to wallow in over McDonald's Trump℠.
I was thinking that today while listening to an old Brit radio show from 2003. They were talking about a news article expressing there was going to be an all-nude bike ride to combat oil dependence. And I'm thinking "What has nudity got to do with oil dependence"? And are they not aware that you are combating one issue by creating a new issue. I'm so alienated from this thinking.
Literally Voldemort.
They're actually afraid to even say his name.
They never had a childhood.
Came here to post that. Every. Fucking. Time.
Do these Krassenstein faggots have a life at all that doesn't involve obsessing over the greatest president in US history?
That's a magnificent GIF my friend.
Isn’t this kike and his brother literal scam artists?
Is this clip from that Murdoch Murdoch video?
Well at least they didn't vote in a Russian puppet Drumph Blump a bloo bloo treason hackers omglbtbbq
mfw I voted for Bernie and I am watching other liberals melt down in disbelief that Queen Hillary lost
>live nude reading
By a grown man?
He should use a small boy
He'd get all of Hollywood there
The media has been systematically brainwashing people into rejecting their national identity and, more recently and specifically, hating Trump for no rational reason.