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OP from last thread here.

Heil Hitler.

Gotcha. Can you prove you're the same person? Set up a tripcode and post in both threads, please.

do you know about terraforming thats going on? tell me your knowledge about reptiles. do you battle on the astral plane

Finngoloids will have to be gassed, especially this guy.


I can't this k of any questions, I'm glad your great grandfather did what he did. I hate that the Jews sacrificed so many of their own just to make the world what it is today.
watch this swedebro, take back your mind, reclaim your divinity. its what uncle adolf wouldve wanted.

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is this your dad?

How do you do your laundry? Washing machine, or by hand?

It is what it is. I get very limited cable reception down here, as only some of my houses we've gotten around to fixing up. From what I've seen, some people are waking up. Time will tell.

Sieg Heil

I started reading the thread, and it looks like a poser. Father's no monarchist.

Much obliged, Hitlersohn.
Continuing from 2dC8jjcd.

Why have you decided to talk to us? Why today?

Please tell me you're Dyson-haterbro.

The movie Boys from Brazil about Mengele making clones in hopes to raise the next Führer, was there any truth to it as far as him actually succeeding with mononuclear reproduction?

Anglo-American here. Saw you have a little sister. I'm gonna put a beady eyed baby in her belly so he can harvest her blood directly, then I will raise that child to firebomb German cities.

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Dysons are an example of everything wrong in the world today. Overpriced unreliable shit.

haven't addressed any of my questions but its ok. apparently a high level esotericsist told me your great grandpops incarnation currently is crispin glover. thought u should know

Why is your german slightly broken? Is it cuz you never really learned it properly? Wie sprichst du mit deiner Familie? Deutsch, Landessprache oder ganz was anderes?

With the control the Jews have over the most powerful army in the world it won't matter. They can do what they want, whenever they want. Because everyone on earth feels sorry for what happened to their people. Their scheme was really clever and now they control the world.

About that; where and how did you learn German?

Can you please send any proof? I want to believe.

Because I figured now's the best time. Things seem to be about to go off the deep end and I've sat idle-by my entire life.

If you speak of my sister like that again I'm putting you in a hospital.

My fault, a lot of them were drowned out in the almost 400 replies. What can I answer for you? Also, Crispin Glover?

Also if you don't not exist why don't you simply just go to US over the south border and pose as someone else. You probably can do what all the Mexicans do and get an ID and from their a passport. Congrats your American and can travel to the West easily or why not just get SA credentials your far enough away from the source to not look a lot like him.

I am native german xD. Living near Paderborn

why is he so mad all the time lads?

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How old are you?

I figured, your German is perfect. Question was addressed to OP.

>still no proofs whatsoever

Never really learned properly. Grew up speaking a mixed-up mesh of Spanish and German, picked up English later and eventually became better at it than either language...

Kind of unfortunate.

greek nationalist from last thread here

>Denmark and Finland sees the current state of Sweden.jpg

Learn it properly. Beautiful language

Quick rundown for those unwilling to read the last thread;
OP has proven his house is filthy and he has a Dyson.
OP kept the Fuhrer's old lightbulbs but not his vacuum cleaner/brush.
OP has not proven he is blood of the fuhrer.
OP has not confirmed his laundry routine.

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Stop it with this reddit tier ama and let's get onto some proof.

Winnipeg is a frozen hell.

thats ok, no worries. yes, apparently crispin glover (actor) has the same energy signature as Adolf did. crispin also exposed spielberg as a pedo many years ago, though didn't gain attention. one of my questions was, what do you and your family think of the Balts? can we into honorary aryan? lithuanian is the oldest european language and both latvian and lithuanian are highly related to sanskrit, which would make us more aryan then germans


German Frauleins love the BEADY BRITISH COCK.

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The guy dressed as Santa is Crispin Glover. Also same question from before

>Things seem to be about to go off the deep end

How so?

>OP has not proven he is blood of the fuhrer.
Guess your ID and I'll do an DNA test.

>OP has not confirmed his laundry routine.
Old fashioned, handwashed and hung to dry.

I asked him in the last thread for some books or publications relevant to the time period.

he should feel like at home then

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cuando regresaras a alemania? es esta la primera vez que vienes a pol?

This you, brother?

Oh yes, you probably have an original artifact like papers from Germany at the time. Do you have such documents?

Does Finland have indians?


Feminism. Also Trayvon Martin who from what I understand tried to shoot a cop and he was shot for it and now he's suddenly a hero?

It's difficult to say. I think Mengele probably was close but couldn't get far due to being in hiding. He was a long ways away from us.

Traditionalist values, do it by hand because work sets you free, or too broke for a washing machine?

Latvian buddy this is just for you

A very rare map i have written by the altantians to a cavern system where they might live

The aryans are not atlantians however, only proto europeans, Berbers, Nordics, Some austrians, Hellenics and Illyrians etc

My blonde berber friend told me it looked like old berber language

Have a look
//Swede on vpn from last thread i posted about black sun satanism

P.S to any high profilers
Il send the location to this cave for 100 bitcoins and high res map

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Do you know of any lost or undiscovered nazi locations? I heard of a old Train that is in a bunker in the Rothaargebirge close to Siegen. Can you confirm any of that or know any sites?

Do sami people count?

OP do you have anything stored that has Adolf's signature on it?

Gotcha. Can Führersohn provide such documents?

No but there was a NSDAP Underground in Germany. It's even got a wikipedia article.

Are they drunken criminals?

tell me more

I don't know. Probably not.

apparently the last of the atlanteans are the native americans, no wonder why (((anglos))) wanted to kill em all. now that is some high quality map, amazing!!! they say all the pyramids all over the earth are on major nrg grids and that they hold entrances into inner earth.. damn i would like to decipher this map, did you channel it?

yes that's exactly what they are

Wew lad your about 3 years behind the curve.

No those are the Neo-Siberians that moved in after the YD event.

what about this

Attached: hitleronislam.png (509x274, 118K)

tell something that only a close relative of hitler could know. Also, how old are you ? Are you older than 50 ?


Alright so I don't have any Hitler/NSDAP documents in my collection that are government.

I do however have some things of the Fuhrer's ownership (some that are around 100 years old) that no one knows he owned.

discord link - yZggtX
join my discord m8, would love to chat with you

Are any of them related to housework?

thank mr. baguette

Baseball card collection?

And more specifically, Dyson's ties to the Jewish state?

Answer this
How Blonde was Hitler, how many children were blonde of his?

Did hitler grow up Blonde then hair darkened?

Was Hitler spiritual man?

Any good whisky that you like?

Also These questions

Hitler was nordic not aryan (Proto european instead of Indo european)
Hitler preached anti christ doctrine

Also finally

Any last weird occult stuff your relatives perform?

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No but in hand I have an edition of The Daily Graphic, a British newspaper, that he owned because it's dated his birthday, 4/20/1912

Ok larper if you want us to believe you, tell us a secret. Tell us something only Hitler and his close associates would know...

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Just know you have millions of silent supporters worldwide. Your great grandfather started something beautiful and it will continue. The day you can come public safely, you will be exalted.

Tripfag off

Not in our lifetime. The Jews control the one army that can destroy the whole planet if they wanted.

virgin h*tler
>gay infertile jew with one testicle
>lost war and had his country raped by making stupid military decisions
>killed himself like a coward
>now all he has left in his name are a bunch of subhuman skinheads and some guy larping as his grandson

>gaze alone strikes fear into the hearts of racial mongrels
>got locked up fighting for his race, endured torture heroically
>multiple children and grandchildren of pure racial stock
>revitalized the culture and identity of his people with his works, his thinking still influences his nation of 80 million and beyond

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That's somewhat compelling.
Can we see?

Don't forget the timestamp.

>still no proofs whatsoever

This would transform your LARP into "semi-possible" territory.

Would be 100% more believable if you post this

It'd even stop me asking about domestic appliances.

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>April 20, 1912
No timestamp though.


We've been able to keep it preserved pretty well.

Seig heil. Hope to see us win some day

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Maybe I believe now... Do we have any chance of pushing back the night and restoring the light mein Fuhrer? I am ready to die for this struggle

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Thank you. Your courage to acknowledge the existence of his lineage is inspiring, and above all, confirmation that his existence on this earth was divine.

Just realised you wrote that in an American mm/dd/yyyy format. You said you’ve never been to America?

Have you seen TSGNT? If so, how much truth is there to it?

Correct, but I learned English through the internet. I'd been confused on whether it was proper to do mm/dd or dd/mm, always have been. I see both.

might as wel be saved by some britbong that was interested in the titanic
at leat privde a timestamp.

I think you mean The Greatest Story Never Told