Jow Forums is just jealous of stay at home dads because their chances of marrying a 10/10 who will bear their children, make good money, and still suck them off daily are 0
Face it, this is the best thing to come out of feminism and we should all take advantage of it.
Here's my average day:
7:30 AM: wake up, take a shit
7:40 AM: make breakfast
8:00 AM: read the news and/or Jow Forums
8:30 AM: wife is off to work, kids are off to school
9:00 AM: take a shower
9:15 AM: beat off
9:20 AM: take a nap
11:00 AM: whatever the fuck I want
12:30 PM: order delivery for lunch
3:50 PM: kids are home, play with them and/or whatever else I feel like doing
6:00 PM: make dinner
6:30 PM: wife is home, eat dinner
7:00 PM: help kids with homework
8:00 PM: shower, kids go to bed
8:15 PM: get a blowjob and/or bang
9:00 PM: wife goes to bed
9:15 PM: whatever the fuck I want
2:30 AM: go to sleep
Being a stay-at-home dad is the best
Kill niggers
No one respects you OP
I agree that being a stay at home dad is important since you're still providing and part of the family dynamic. Mainly the point of being a father is to be the leader so if youre still able to do that then being a stay at home dad wouldnt be bad. Its not for me though since i'm a workaholic.
Go to bed earlier user
Your wife will bang tyrone in an instant
>5 minutes to beat off
What a chump
I'm gay
absolutely this.
stay at home dad with a work-from-home job is the ultimate red pill. While your wife gets to work for some kike slaving away at a shitty company for shit pay with people she hates, by 12pm you've already made 5 grand from home, cleaned the house, walked the dog and are prepping for dinner while playing with the kids.
You'll probably even have time to watch a movie or make some PRs in your home gym. A well organized stay-at-home dad is the ultimate lifestyle.